
Only by re-brushing "Ink Rain and Clouds" can I understand why Su Guogong doesn't mind whether Xue Fangfei is innocent

author:Perfume lily window
Only by re-brushing "Ink Rain and Clouds" can I understand why Su Guogong doesn't mind whether Xue Fangfei is innocent

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A smart woman is caught in an emotional whirlpool, where will she return her love in the face of three suitors?

Xue Fangfei, a well-known talented woman in Huaixiang County, she not only has an enviable talent, but also was the wife of her ex-husband Shen Yurong, such a charming woman naturally attracted the attention of many suitors, among these suitors, only two men really entered her heart, one is the noble Su Guogong Xiao Yu, and the other is the gentle cousin Ye Shijie

Only by re-brushing "Ink Rain and Clouds" can I understand why Su Guogong doesn't mind whether Xue Fangfei is innocent

Su Guogong Xiao Yu, with a prominent identity and extraordinary martial arts, he was deeply attracted by Xue Fangfei's talent, and did not hide his admiration for her, he was like a towering mountain, bringing Xue Fangfei a full sense of security, and his cousin Ye Shijie was as gentle and considerate as the warm spring sun, he silently guarded Xue Fangfei, and was always the first to appear when she needed it, in the face of the pursuit of these two excellent men, Xue Fangfei fell into a dilemma

Rekindling old love? The appearance of Zhou Yanbang broke the calm

Just as Xue Fangfei was vacillating between the two suitors, the arrival of an uninvited guest broke the peace, he was Xue Fangfei's old acquaintance - Zhou Yanbang, Zhou Yanbang is well versed in the world, good at calculation, he pursues power, is eager to succeed, for feelings, he is more possessive, for Xue Fangfei, he is always unwilling, and wants to continue the front edge

Only by re-brushing "Ink Rain and Clouds" can I understand why Su Guogong doesn't mind whether Xue Fangfei is innocent

Zhou Yanbang's appearance undoubtedly brought waves to Xue Fangfei's peaceful life, he appeared in front of Xue Fangfei many times, telling his admiration, hoping to save Xue Fangfei's heart, Xue Fangfei knew Zhou Yanbang's personality, she knew that Zhou Yanbang was not a good match, so she rejected his overtures again and again

The appearance of the talented and beautiful woman Jiang Ruoyao aroused Xue Fangfei's sympathy and thinking

In Xue Fangfei's emotional world, there is another woman who has to be mentioned, she is Zhou Yanbang's wife - Jiang Ruoyao, Jiang Ruoyao is also talented, proficient in piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, but she has an unhappy marriage, Zhou Yanbang's indifference and ruthlessness broke her heart

Only by re-brushing "Ink Rain and Clouds" can I understand why Su Guogong doesn't mind whether Xue Fangfei is innocent

Xue Fangfei is full of sympathy for Jiang Ruoyao's experience, she often thinks of this woman with both talent and beauty when the students play Jiang Ruoyao's songs, Jiang Ruoyao's experience also makes Xue Fangfei start to think about what kind of feelings are real happiness, and how she should choose her own life path

How should a second-married woman choose under social pressure?

In that era, second-married women often had to bear huge social pressure, and their choices were not only related to personal happiness, but also related to family reputation, Xue Fangfei was no exception, and every choice she made would attract discussion from the people around her

Only by re-brushing "Ink Rain and Clouds" can I understand why Su Guogong doesn't mind whether Xue Fangfei is innocent

Faced with the choice of love, Xue Fangfei fell into deep thinking, she longed for true love, but she was also afraid of being hurt; She wants to pursue happiness, but she is worried about carrying the shackles of the world, under the double blow of emotional and social pressure, how will Xue Fangfei choose to find her own happiness?

There is only one truth, and Xue Fangfei is determined to find out her father's unjust case

In the story of "Ink Rain and Clouds", Xue Fangfei's father Xue Huaiyuan was unjustly imprisoned, which became a lingering shadow in Xue Fangfei's heart

Only by re-brushing "Ink Rain and Clouds" can I understand why Su Guogong doesn't mind whether Xue Fangfei is innocent

This is destined to be a road full of thorns, Xue Fangfei has to face not only the intricacies of the case, but also the obstruction and pressure from all sides, but she did not retreat, but with amazing perseverance and wisdom, step by step to get closer to the truth

We are in the same boat through thick and thin, and Su Guogong is always guarding the side

In the process of Xue Fangfei's investigation of the truth, Su Guogong Xiao Yu always accompanied her, giving her meticulous care and support, and he used his own strength to help Xue Fangfei collect evidence, solve problems, and become her strongest backing

Only by re-brushing "Ink Rain and Clouds" can I understand why Su Guogong doesn't mind whether Xue Fangfei is innocent

Whenever Xue Fangfei felt tired and confused, Xiao Yu always patiently enlightened her and encouraged her not to give up hope, his affectionate eyes and firm and powerful arms gave Xue Fangfei the courage and strength to overcome all difficulties

Clearing the fog, the truth is revealed

After a long and arduous investigation, Xue Fangfei finally found key evidence and revealed the truth hidden behind the case

The truth was revealed to the world, Xue Huaiyuan was wronged, and those who had framed him were also punished as they deserved, justice was served, the haze in Xue Fangfei's heart was swept away, and she could finally comfort her father's spirit in the sky

Crossing the boundaries of identity, true love conquers all

The love story of Xue Fangfei and Xiao Yu is one of the most moving chapters in "Ink Rain and Clouds", they cross the gap of identity, break through the prejudices of the world, and finally come together, Their love story tells us that true love can overcome all obstacles, as long as they truly love each other, no difficulty can separate them

Xue Fangfei finally chose Xiao Yu, not only because of his identity and status, but also because of his true love and understanding of her, in front of Xiao Yu, Xue Fangfei can take off all disguises and be her true self, and Xiao Yu also deeply loves Xue Fangfei's kindness and bravery, and he is willing to spend his life to protect her and give her happiness

Everyone is welcome to leave a message in the comment area to share your views on Xue Fangfei's emotional journey and your understanding of love and marriage

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