
"Brothers during the day and husband and wife at night", college students chat on a blind date with spicy eyes, and they are all single by strength

author:Sweet Path

As the old saying goes: "The cave room spends candle nights, and the gold list is inscribed." However, the realities of contemporary college students require a corresponding adjustment in the order of these sentences. Students need to first achieve excellent results in the college entrance examination, and then find their dream job through unremitting efforts during their university years, and finally consider starting a family.

"Brothers during the day and husband and wife at night", college students chat on a blind date with spicy eyes, and they are all single by strength

For modern college students, starting a family no longer seems to be a priority. Both boys and girls face tremendous pressure in life. When you don't have a love partner, you may be able to live a chic life, but once you have a relationship, you may fall into the financial pressure of life, so that many college students are reluctant to rush into marriage after graduation.

Although parents have said that they will not interfere too much when they go to college, the actual situation has made students realize that distance can only change the way they communicate with parents, while parents' concern for their children has always been the same.

"Brothers during the day and husband and wife at night", college students chat on a blind date with spicy eyes, and they are all single by strength

Whether over the phone or face-to-face, parents are constantly telling their children to study hard, and some college students have even reduced the number of times they go home to avoid these pressures. In addition, even the matter of falling in love has become a red light in the minds of parents, because they believe that college is a critical time for learning and cannot be distracted.

Surprisingly, however, parents' stance has changed rapidly after their children graduate, from being cautious about their children's relationships to urging them to get married as soon as possible.

"Brothers during the day and husband and wife at night", college students chat on a blind date with spicy eyes, and they are all single by strength

However, considering the busy work and the limited time for love, parents may be anxious for their children, so they have asked around about the single young people of the appropriate age and started to introduce them.

Blind date conversations, although parents said in middle school that they would not interfere when they went to college, but in reality, this kind of promise is not very credible.

"Brothers during the day and husband and wife at night", college students chat on a blind date with spicy eyes, and they are all single by strength

Students found that distance only changed the way they communicated with their parents, but it did not change their parents' concerns about them. On the phone, parents still spare no effort to urge their children to study hard.

Even when they return home, this urge continues from the time they enter the door, so some college students simply reduce the number of times they go home. Not only academically, parents are also cautious about love, believing that they should concentrate on their studies and not be distracted from falling in love during college.

"Brothers during the day and husband and wife at night", college students chat on a blind date with spicy eyes, and they are all single by strength

For some male classmates, they may only know about Tuita when they are in school, and they are blank when it comes to love. This makes them prone to two extremes after a blind date, one is very direct and the other is full of greasy rhetoric.

In the process of blind date, some boys' words are very blunt, and even some earthy love words will leave a negative impression on the other party. In blind date chats, some boys will also be overconfident, and this way of chatting often causes disgust among girls.

"Brothers during the day and husband and wife at night", college students chat on a blind date with spicy eyes, and they are all single by strength

Many parents are proud of their children's admission to college, but some parents are dissatisfied because they think their children are delaying their marriage.

Some children were even arranged to go on a blind date before graduation, and even agreed to the engagement without the girl's knowledge. Some boys adopt a domineering approach when going on blind dates, hoping that the girls will agree with their claims. This domineering approach is usually off-putting to female students because they are all highly educated and will not be easily tied down.

"Brothers during the day and husband and wife at night", college students chat on a blind date with spicy eyes, and they are all single by strength

Some people utilitarianize blind dates in order to obtain more practical benefits. Some boys even unabashedly show their dependence on the woman's English proficiency in blind dates, hoping to take the opportunity to get some convenience. Other boys, despite their own mediocre conditions, set high demands on girls and make suggestions on how they should dress, which makes girls unhappy.

When going on a blind date, students need to get rid of age anxiety and don't choose to make do because they are in a hurry. To establish a correct view of love, not only pay attention to appearance, but also pay attention to the conduct of the other party and their family.

"Brothers during the day and husband and wife at night", college students chat on a blind date with spicy eyes, and they are all single by strength

It is very important to find a partner who has the same three views, and students must understand the truth that it is better to have less than to have more. Female students should be especially careful not to indulge in love fantasies and avoid being confused by some boys who can only talk big.

"Brothers during the day and husband and wife at night", college students chat on a blind date with spicy eyes, and they are all single by strength

When faced with marital problems, students need to make rational choices and not make hasty decisions due to external pressure. For parents, it is also necessary to stay calm, not to push their children too hard, and understand the pressures of their lives in order to achieve better communication.

"Brothers during the day and husband and wife at night", college students chat on a blind date with spicy eyes, and they are all single by strength

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