
Medium! The defense minister claims to be able to bring Lebanon "back to the Stone Age" but does not seek war with Allah

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Recently, the Lebanese border region has once again become the focus of international public opinion. In the midst of a series of tense border clashes, Israeli Defense Minister Gallant made a series of shocking remarks, according to the German Press TV website. He asserted that the Israeli army had the forces to return Lebanon to the Stone Age, but stressed that Israel preferred to resolve border conflicts through diplomacy rather than war.


This remark immediately caused widespread discussion and controversy. In an interview with reporters, Gallant insisted that Israel does not seek war with Allah in Lebanon and said the Israeli army is actively preparing for war in response to any eventuality.

However, Gallant also warned that if Allah dares to provoke war, Israel will cause great damage to Lebanon. The remarks sparked a lot of speculation and concern, and also highlighted tensions in the region.

Medium! The defense minister claims to be able to bring Lebanon "back to the Stone Age" but does not seek war with Allah

The Israeli military had previously used medieval trebuchets to drop Molotov cocktails at Lebanon, an act that was widely condemned by the international community. However, Gallant's comments appear to have further escalated the situation, raising greater concerns about the potential risk of conflict.

Medium! The defense minister claims to be able to bring Lebanon "back to the Stone Age" but does not seek war with Allah

In the face of this tension, the border issue between Lebanon and Israel has become more complicated. Tensions between the two sides have been going on for years, and no substantive progress seems to have been made towards a diplomatic solution.

At present, the international community has generally called on Lebanon and Israel to resolve their differences through dialogue and diplomatic channels. However, due to the tensions between the two sides and the existence of historical legacies, it will not be easy to reach a lasting peaceful solution.

Medium! The defense minister claims to be able to bring Lebanon "back to the Stone Age" but does not seek war with Allah

Although Gallant expressed Israel's intention not to seek war, the high force he mentioned about the Israeli army raising concerns about the risk of war. At this time of uncertainty, the international community needs to work together to promote the two sides to resolve their differences through dialogue and avoid the escalation of the conflict.

Medium! The defense minister claims to be able to bring Lebanon "back to the Stone Age" but does not seek war with Allah

In conclusion, the tensions in the Lebanese-Israeli border area cannot be ignored. While Israeli Defense Minister Gallant stressed Israel's preference for a diplomatic solution to the conflict, his remarks still sparked widespread controversy. The international community should pay close attention to the developments in the region, urge the two sides to reach a peaceful settlement through dialogue and diplomatic channels, and maintain regional stability and security.

The above content is a personal opinion only.

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