
A new battle came, the Israeli army attacked Lebanon overnight, Iran issued an ultimatum, and the armed forces of the seven countries entered the war at any time

author:Wisdom Focus Circle

The situation in the Middle East has escalated abruptly: Israeli air strikes on Lebanon overnight, multinational armed warfare, and the risk of conflict continues to expand

As the conflict between Russia and Ukraine continues to ferment, the world's attention is once again focused on the Middle East.

In recent days, the Israeli army launched a fierce and unannounced attack on Lebanon at night, an action that undoubtedly marked a further escalation of tensions and the beginning of new instability in the region.

A new battle came, the Israeli army attacked Lebanon overnight, Iran issued an ultimatum, and the armed forces of the seven countries entered the war at any time

According to the Israeli side, from the night of the 27th to the early morning of the 28th, Israeli warplanes carried out precise air strikes on a number of buildings in Khiam and Odesse in southern Lebanon.

The airstrikes were seen as direct retaliation for Allah Lebanon's previous rockets fired into Israel.

It is worth noting that on the 26th, the day before the rocket fire by Allah in Lebanon, Israeli Defense Minister Gallant made tough and threatening statements.

Claims that the Israeli military is fully capable of "sending Lebanon back to the Stone Age" in any war with Allah militants.

Such extreme rhetoric has undoubtedly increased tensions between the two sides.

Prior to this, the Israeli army had already carried out air strikes on a number of military infrastructure in southern Lebanon affiliated with Allah forces, further demonstrating Israel's tough stance against Allah Lebanon.

In response to Israel's military action, Prime Minister Mikati of the Lebanese caretaker government issued an official statement on the 29th.

He said that Lebanon is facing a serious threat from Israel, which manifests itself more as a form of psychological warfare.

Mikati stressed that at present this psychological warfare is escalating, but Lebanon will resolutely overcome the current difficult stage and maintain the security and stability of the country.

So what exactly prompted Israel to suddenly launch such a drastic military action against Lebanon?

Public opinion generally believes that this is closely related to a drone video previously released by Allah in Lebanon.

The video, which is 9 minutes and 21 seconds long, shows in detail a number of important military installations of the Israeli army, including sensitive areas such as the "David Arrest Cable" and "Iron Dome" air defense positions, radar systems, military factories, ammunition and fuel depots.

Israel believes that the video has a strong threatening connotation, not only exposing Israel's military secrets, but also highlighting the huge challenges Israel faces in dealing with the threat of Allah drones.

A new battle came, the Israeli army attacked Lebanon overnight, Iran issued an ultimatum, and the armed forces of the seven countries entered the war at any time

In order to exert a strong military deterrent against Allah in Lebanon and to demonstrate its resolve and strength, Israel has approved plans for military operations in Lebanon.

Targeted air strikes were carried out overnight against Allah-related targets in Lebanon.

At present, the Palestinian-Israeli conflict has gone far beyond the traditional scope of the Israeli army and Hamas.

More armed forces in the Middle East are being drawn in, greatly increasing the scale and complexity of the conflict.

The risk of conflict spillover is gradually expanding, and the chaos in the Middle East is gradually escalating, threatening the peace and stability of the entire region.

At present, the armed forces of at least seven countries are ready to enter the war at any time, taking turns to exchange fire with Israeli troops.

In addition to the traditional players Hamas and Allah in Lebanon, there are Iran, Syria, Iraq, Yemen's Houthis and the Afghan Taliban.

The involvement of these countries will undoubtedly further exacerbate the intensity and complexity of the conflict.

In response to the current tensions, the Iranian Mission to the UN issued a clear ultimatum to Israel on the 28th.

Although Iran also sees Israel's recent claims of attacking Allah as part of a psychological warfare.

But Iran has made it resolute that if Israel launches a full-scale war, it will go all out and that all fronts will be engaged in a "devastating war" against Israel.

This statement undoubtedly further escalated tensions in the Middle East and made the risk of war even closer.

Against this backdrop, the United States, as Israel's "strong backing" and loyal ally, has a rather conflicting view of the current situation.

On the one hand, the United States has shown its support for Israel by indirectly warning Allah in Lebanon not to expect the United States to stop Israel's attack.

On the other hand, the United States warned Israel not to escalate the conflict with Allah in Lebanon to avoid the dilemma of fighting on two fronts.

A new battle came, the Israeli army attacked Lebanon overnight, Iran issued an ultimatum, and the armed forces of the seven countries entered the war at any time

At the same time, the United States has demonstrated its willingness to avoid an escalation of the war by calling for a diplomatic solution to the violence in Israel's southern and northern border areas.

However, the reason why the United States has shown such a contradictory attitude is also very simple: it does not want Israel to suffer losses in this Middle East melee and damage its interests and status in the Middle East region.

They don't want to be mired in a Middle East war again and bear tremendous economic and political pressure.

To sum up, the current situation in the Middle East is extremely tense and complex.

Israel's air strikes against Lebanon have undoubtedly exacerbated tensions between the two sides and drawn more Middle Eastern armed forces into the mix.

The risk of spillover is growing, and the fighting in the Middle East is escalating.

In the face of this grave situation, all countries should remain calm and exercise restraint and seek a peaceful solution through diplomatic means to avoid the outbreak of war and further escalation.

At the same time, the international community should also strengthen coordination and cooperation to jointly promote the process of peace and stability in the Middle East.

Only in this way can we ensure the long-term peace and stability and prosperity of the Middle East region.

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