
A new round of layoffs is coming, and these three major industries will become the hardest hit areas of unemployment, are you among them?

author:Liu Sanshui chatted about things
A new round of layoffs is coming, and these three major industries will become the hardest hit areas of unemployment, are you among them?

Science and technology are the primary productive forces, and to this day, the production value created by China alone in one year alone exceeds the total value of the ancient 5,000 years.

Science and technology are blooming in many places, all walks of life are replacing manual labor, and the efficient standardization of intelligent robots is something that human beings cannot catch up with no matter what.

As a result, in some industries with high repeatability, machines have increasingly replaced labor, and labor has changed from the main body of production to a supporting role next to the assembly line.

A new round of layoffs is coming, and these three major industries will become the hardest hit areas of unemployment, are you among them?

In the past, technology mainly stayed in the mechanical aspect, and the flexibility was too far from humans, and at this stage, machines were man's best friends, constituting an important supplement to the social industry.

Some people call 2019 the first year of the fourth industrial revolution, and the new generation of technological revolution represented by AI is frantically penetrating the social field.

When machines have thoughts, they can transcend the heights of the past.

So, not long after the AI era began, in three important industries, human beings have been reduced to pawns, so in these three industries, do you include your industry?

A new round of layoffs is coming, and these three major industries will become the hardest hit areas of unemployment, are you among them?

1. Driver

After China's various industries entered the new century, the value created by China ushered in a blowout growth, and the country's demand for transportation is very strong.

So in the past time, the total mileage of China's highways has increased by more than 1.1 million km, the total mileage has exceeded 5.3 million km, and the total operating mileage of railways has increased by 58%. At the same time, the number of drivers from all walks of life in China has ushered in a spurt of growth.

In addition, the scale of the city is also constantly expanding, and the vast majority of cities have ushered in major development, that is, in the past ten years, and the transportation within the city has also ushered in an explosive rise.

These countless driver jobs have given many ordinary workers the opportunity to work, and even earlier, this was a high-paying position that everyone coveted.

A new round of layoffs is coming, and these three major industries will become the hardest hit areas of unemployment, are you among them?

But many people have found that, especially after 2019, the salary level of drivers and drivers is no longer so unattainable.

The reason for this is of course the epidemic era, the situation that all walks of life are not happy, the situation of oversaturation of personnel, and the main reason is the replacement of labor by technology.

At present, China is rapidly developing in the field of new energy, and under the extreme involution of high-quality enterprises, a new generation of technology is pouring out like an exploding volcano.

Let's just say that in the field of intelligent driving, it was gratifying to have a fixed speed cruise at the earliest, but now the head companies of the new forces can make the vehicle get rid of personnel control and drive on the road autonomously.

A new round of layoffs is coming, and these three major industries will become the hardest hit areas of unemployment, are you among them?

Moreover, the accident rate of new energy driving vehicles is much lower than that of the manned driving industry.

Nowadays, the high-speed rail system has applied intelligent driving, and the demand for personnel has been greatly reduced, while the taxi field is a ruin, and unmanned taxis can be ordered through mobile phone APP in many cities in the south.

This kind of taxi is very convenient, and there will be no detours and overcharges that are common in manned taxis.

What's more, the car improves driving safety and does not cause taxi drivers to injure customers.

Through superb technology, smart taxis give customers a level of service that traditional taxis cannot give, and all of the above can kill traditional taxis in seconds.

A new round of layoffs is coming, and these three major industries will become the hardest hit areas of unemployment, are you among them?

Nowadays, freight vehicles with intelligent driving systems have begun to enter the stage of history, and it is foreseeable that most of the new generation of freight drivers will choose this kind of car to reduce the burden of transportation.

At that time, the field of freight drivers will also usher in a round of involution, and a large number of old, weak, sick and disabled people will have to withdraw from familiar jobs.

According to reports, SF Express is still sparing no effort to develop drones, hoping to achieve thousands of kilometers of delivery through drones.

If the project is completed, freight drivers will retire from the main role of transportation, and the entire industry will shrink to a very small extent.

A new round of layoffs is coming, and these three major industries will become the hardest hit areas of unemployment, are you among them?

2. Express delivery

Couriers and takeaways have risen in China in the past thirteen or fourteen years, and have been widely sought after in all walks of life across the country earlier by virtue of their characteristics of five insurances and one housing fund, and superb income.

It's just that this kind of work style comes and goes, so that many office workers who sit in the office for a long time can't save face.

As a result, many people have the idea that when they don't have a job, they will deliver couriers and takeaways, and society also regards this industry as a reservoir.

But in recent years, the unemployment rate has gradually climbed, and many people have turned around and prepared to enter the industry, only to find that the industry is saturated.

A new round of layoffs is coming, and these three major industries will become the hardest hit areas of unemployment, are you among them?

A few years ago, some experts and scholars said that if you don't have a job, you should go to deliver food first, and many people scoffed at this, but now they find that a food delivery job actually needs to give gifts.

The delivery cost is decreasing year by year, and the delivery time is also decreasing year by year, in desperation, the takeaway brother has to run the red light and ride quickly to squeeze the time as much as possible, but even so, a bad review can make the delivery staff's efforts go to waste.

At the beginning of June 2024, it was reported in the news that Shenzhen has opened four drone delivery routes, and residents can enjoy air express delivery at home.

Drone delivery is far better than manual delivery, and items can be delivered 2km away in 10 minutes, which directly improves the efficiency by 40 minutes.

A new round of layoffs is coming, and these three major industries will become the hardest hit areas of unemployment, are you among them?

Compared with traditional manual work, the method of drone delivery reduces the cost, can also avoid traffic accidents, and because there is no longer a need for small soldier stations, etc., it also saves the distribution and operating costs of logistics.

It can be said that from the perspective of merchants, drone delivery is simply a revolutionary appearance, and merchants can deduct a large part from the huge cost, but this is a catastrophe for practitioners in the intermediate link.

According to some data, the number of people engaged in courier work in the country has reached 84 million, which is the largest number of jobs in China.

Once the middleman is eliminated and the distributor is eliminated, a freight warehouse can complete the whole process, and then it may only need the leader of the current scale to complete the work of the entire industry.

When the time comes, what should the tens of millions of families behind them live on?

A new round of layoffs is coming, and these three major industries will become the hardest hit areas of unemployment, are you among them?

3. Physical retail

Nowadays, in addition to express delivery, the types of goods shipped in many regions are more for small commodities and daily necessities, and most of these items are delivered to the retail industry, such as supermarkets and shopping malls.

As early as a few years ago, unmanned payment has been working in major supermarkets across the country, and now it is also responsible for the main traffic of supermarket checkouts.

However, in consideration of the poor ability of the elderly to accept new things, the manual positions were retained supplementally, but the scale of the staff was far less than before.

Due to the squeeze of transportation costs in all walks of life, the supermarket can ensure that the goods are fresh, but the price remains high.

A new round of layoffs is coming, and these three major industries will become the hardest hit areas of unemployment, are you among them?

In contrast, the price of goods on the Internet is low, but there is no guarantee of freshness, and many people are repeatedly hovering between the two, and it would be better if there could be such a store that combines the advantages of the two.

As a result, unmanned stores came into being, which is still a new proposition for many small and medium-sized cities and counties, but it has been launched in many large cities.

This kind of store can not only be purchased at home, but also can be delivered by a special person to achieve online and offline double shopping, so that the traditional retail industry is beaten and abandoned.

According to news reports, tens of thousands of people lost their jobs in the U.S. retail industry as early as 2019.

A new round of layoffs is coming, and these three major industries will become the hardest hit areas of unemployment, are you among them?

As an unmanned store, what are its advantages compared with traditional supermarkets?

Many stores are now products of large Internet manufacturers, backed by large factories, these stores can easily complete the allocation and replenishment of materials, in terms of the number of items, more abundant than supermarkets.

In addition, traditional large factories rely on network statistics, and the overall planning of various departments is only a matter of procedure, and the cost can be controlled within a limited range, while supermarkets cannot do it.

What's more, due to the supervision of the new retail stores, the public is not satisfied with the feedback, the whole measure will be rectified at a very fast speed, but this is never seen in the traditional retail industry.

A new round of layoffs is coming, and these three major industries will become the hardest hit areas of unemployment, are you among them?

Nowadays, many supermarkets and shopping malls are seeking to transform, and have gradually connected to the Internet model, including Meituan grocery shopping, self-checkout, etc., but the traditional attributes in their bones cannot be easily erased.

The sci-fi feel of the new shops makes it easier to attract young people, and today's supermarkets are like the wet markets of the past, which makes people feel old.

Just as supermarkets in the past eliminated department stores, many excellent employees lost their jobs overnight, and today's supermarkets will also usher in the final stage of their lives.

A new round of layoffs is coming, and these three major industries will become the hardest hit areas of unemployment, are you among them?

The social changes brought about by new technologies have made many people unable to adapt to this rapidly developing society, and if they are not living in first-tier cities, most people face the embarrassing situation of falling behind as soon as they graduate.

After observation, it can be found that most people need a lot of energy and a long time to achieve transformation after a long period of work, and this old and young age is simply not a price to pay.

As a result, many people on the Internet began to call for the country to do something, whether it is to retain certain traditional positions or collective emerging industry training, they all hope that they can have a bite to eat in the future.

A new round of layoffs is coming, and these three major industries will become the hardest hit areas of unemployment, are you among them?

The fourth revolution is caused by AI, in the future, the intelligence of AI is paired with new robots, which is likely to penetrate into all walks of life.


In the past four years, the unemployment rate of all walks of life in China has become a sensitive word, and many people have heard of it, and the employment pressure is unprecedentedly great.

This is not only the reason for the hindrance of economic development, but also the inevitable pain of the era of technological transformation, presumably when the situation becomes clear, many people will continue to work on their future in new industries and new jobs.

Finally, I hope that in the new era, all workers can get satisfactory jobs and salaries, and I also hope that the AI field can penetrate into supervision to prevent enterprises from continuing to squeeze employees and deductible wages.

Is a new wave of layoffs coming? The three major industries may become the hardest hit areas of unemployment, will there be you?

Starting 2024-01-02 18:34

Is a new wave of layoffs coming? The three major industries may become the hardest hit areas of unemployment, will there be you?

Original2024-01-14 07:04Xiao Jiu said finance

A new wave of layoffs is coming, and these five major industries will become the hardest hit areas of unemployment, are you among them?

2024-06-20 12:45:11 Source: Flowing History

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