
The woman fished up 40 catties of big fish by the river, ready to enjoy the chopped pepper fish head, expert: Flood fish and shrimp should be eaten with caution

author:Tenacious Beach 4

Recently, the Chibi area of Hubei Province has been rainy for days, the river is overflowing, and the water level has risen rapidly. However, just as the flood was surging, a woman accidentally caught a big fish weighing about 40 catties by the river. She excitedly scooped it up and took it home, intending to share it with her family – chopped pepper fish head. However, this seemingly ordinary fishing incident has attracted widespread attention and heated discussions on social media.

The woman fished up 40 catties of big fish by the river, ready to enjoy the chopped pepper fish head, expert: Flood fish and shrimp should be eaten with caution

**Giant fish appear by the Chibi River, the risk behind the deliciousness cannot be ignored**

It is reported that the lucky lady found the giant fish by a river in Chibi City. Due to the continuous rainfall, the river is turbulent and the water level is rising, and many fish are forced to swim to shallow waters. The lady took the opportunity to catch the big fish and bring it home to cook. The deputy director of the Kexin Food and Health Information Exchange Center warns that fish and shrimp picked up from the flood are not recommended to be eaten, because these organisms may carry viruses or bacteria in their bodies, and once eaten, they can easily cause food poisoning, diarrhea and even malaria.

The woman fished up 40 catties of big fish by the river, ready to enjoy the chopped pepper fish head, expert: Flood fish and shrimp should be eaten with caution

**Expert interpretation: Why should flood fish and shrimp not be eaten? **

In an interview, the deputy director of the Kexin Food and Health Information Exchange Center said that the main reasons why fish and shrimp and other aquatic products in the flood are not suitable for consumption are as follows:

1. **Water pollution**: Floods are often menacing and can be mixed with various harmful substances, such as sewage from sewage plants or septic tanks. These pollutants will directly affect the growth environment of fish and shrimp, causing a large amount of harmful substances to accumulate in their bodies.

2. Virus and bacteria breeding**: In a flooded environment, microorganisms such as viruses and bacteria are easy to breed and multiply. These microorganisms can attach to the surface and body of fish and shrimp and other aquatic products, and once consumed, they may cause food poisoning, diarrhea and other diseases.

3. **Parasitic infection**: Aquatic products such as fish and shrimp in floods may also carry various parasites. After these parasites are parasitized in the human body, they can pose a great threat to human health.

The woman fished up 40 catties of big fish by the river, ready to enjoy the chopped pepper fish head, expert: Flood fish and shrimp should be eaten with caution

**Expert advice: Residents should be vigilant about food safety after flooding**

In response to the problem of flood fish and shrimp in Chibi City, the deputy director of Kexin Food and Health Information Exchange Center put forward the following suggestions:

1. **Avoid food that has been exposed to floodwater**: After a rainstorm, food that has been in contact with flood water should be avoided. In particular, aquatic products such as fish and shrimp should be treated with more caution.

2. **Do a good job of domestic water protection measures**: Residents should take protective measures for domestic water after the flood, and avoid using the flood water for daily activities such as washing dishes, washing vegetables or washing. At the same time, tableware should be disinfected before use.

3. **Pay attention to environmental hygiene**: After the flood, residents should pay attention to the hygiene of the home environment and clean up pollutants such as stagnant water and garbage in time. At the same time, try to avoid the accumulation of pests such as insects and rats.

Netizens are hotly discussed: Food safety is no trivial matter, and flood fish and shrimp need to be cautious

The incident sparked heated discussions among netizens on social media. Many netizens said that food safety is no trivial matter, and aquatic products such as fish and shrimp picked up from the flood must be treated with caution. At the same time, some netizens also called on relevant departments to strengthen food safety supervision to ensure the health and life safety of the people.

The flood is merciless, but there is love in the world. In the face of natural disasters, we should not only pay attention to our own safety issues, but also pay attention to food safety issues. Only by strengthening food safety awareness can we effectively prevent the occurrence of foodborne diseases. It is hoped that the residents of Chibi City will follow the advice of experts and be cautious about aquatic products such as fish and shrimp in the flood to ensure the health of themselves and their families.

Tags: #赤壁洪水# #洪水鱼虾慎食用# #食品安全警示# #专家解读# #网友热议#

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