
Wang Fulin: "She is very beautiful, but she has no culture in her belly", why do you comment on Le Yun so much?

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Wang Fulin: "She is very beautiful, but she has no culture in her belly", why do you comment on Le Yun so much?

What are you waiting for? Wealth and good fortune are hidden in attention! Hurry up and join us for the arrival of luck and fortune!

Fate makes people: At the age of 16, she was selected to play Lin Daiyu, but she died because of the evaluation of "a belly of straw bales".

In 1995, a spring that should have been full of hope, but was overshadowed by the passing of a young life, 28-year-old Le Yun, the girl who was once known as "the most beautiful Lin Daiyu", chose to end her short and dramatic life by jumping off the building, what made her from a star in the limelight, to a tragic figure who finally chose to cut herself off? Perhaps we can find the answer from her ups and downs in life

Wang Fulin: "She is very beautiful, but she has no culture in her belly", why do you comment on Le Yun so much?

Back in 1984, Le Yun, who was only 16 years old, stood out from many competitors with her amazing beauty, and was selected to play the role of Lin Daiyu in the TV series "Dream of Red Mansions".

Mother-daughter estrangement: On the one hand, there is the temptation of the entertainment industry, and on the other hand, the worry of family affection

Le Yun's mother is resolutely opposed to her daughter's entry into the showbiz, she is well aware of the fame and fortune temptation and complex relationship in this circle, worried that her daughter is not deeply involved in the world and is vulnerable, in the face of the sudden opportunity to become famous, the young Le Yun did not take her mother's worries to heart, she longed for the stage, longed for applause, eager to realize her dream of stardom, and in the end, she chose to go against her mother's wishes and resolutely embarked on the road of acting

Wang Fulin: "She is very beautiful, but she has no culture in her belly", why do you comment on Le Yun so much?

In a rehearsal, the famous director Wang Fulin in front of everyone, mercilessly criticized Le Yun for "having no culture in a belly of straw", this sentence deeply hurt Le Yun's self-esteem, and also made her realize that relying only on beauty can not gain a foothold in this highly competitive industry

Love-hate: from being attracted to talent to being ruthlessly abandoned

Wang Fulin appreciates the beauty of Le Yun, but also clearly sees her lack of cultural literacy, he tries to guide Le Yun and help her improve herself, but the relationship between the two gradually transcends the boundary between master and apprentice, and evolves into a controversial emotional entanglement

Wang Fulin: "She is very beautiful, but she has no culture in her belly", why do you comment on Le Yun so much?

For Le Yun, Wang Fulin is a talented director, a mature and stable man, and the object she wants to rely on and look up to, this relationship did not bring Le Yun a sense of security and happiness, but made her more inferior and sensitive, and in the end, the relationship between the two ended with Wang Fulin's ruthless departure, leaving only the scarred Le Yun to lick the wound alone

Trick of fate: the double blow of career and love, the once dream is now only a chicken feather

Losing Wang Fulin's support, Le Yun's acting career plummeted, she tried to seek solace through new feelings, but in the end they all failed, one blow after another, so that Le Yun was disheartened, she began to doubt her life choices, once dreams and passions, now only debris is left everywhere

Wang Fulin: "She is very beautiful, but she has no culture in her belly", why do you comment on Le Yun so much?

At the age of 64, she unfortunately suffered from a serious illness, high medical costs and the plight of losing financial resources, which overwhelmed her, and what made her even more unacceptable was that she also suffered a well-planned fraud, and her savings for many years were deceived to the core, and the continuous blows completely broke down Le Yun's psychological defense, making her lose the last glimmer of hope for life

Mother-daughter affection: Feel the warmth from family affection in the darkest moments of life

When Le Yun was most desperate and helpless, it was her mother who once opposed her entry into the showbiz, and resolutely stood up, the old man took on the responsibility of taking care of her daughter with her thin shoulders despite her old age and frailty, she not only gave Le Yun meticulous care, but also tried her best to raise medical expenses for her, and interpreted what is the greatness of maternal love with practical actions

Wang Fulin: "She is very beautiful, but she has no culture in her belly", why do you comment on Le Yun so much?

Le Yun did not feel relieved and relieved by her mother's dedication, on the contrary, she blamed herself and suffered more, she realized how willful she had been, how she didn't understand her mother's painstaking efforts, but time could not be turned back, everything was too late

Life Choice: When the flame of hope is completely extinguished, all that awaits her is endless darkness

After experiencing the trough of her career, the betrayal of love, the blow to her health and the embarrassment of the economy, Le Yun has completely lost confidence in life, she closed herself off, refused to communicate with the outside world, and rejected her mother's love, and in that cold morning, she chose to jump from a tall building, ending all the pain and suffering

Wang Fulin: "She is very beautiful, but she has no culture in her belly", why do you comment on Le Yun so much?

Her story tells us that beauty is only a temporary capital, inner cultivation and firm will are the key to success, and it also makes us realize that the love and support of family members is the most valuable wealth on the road of life

The tragedy of the times: Behind the fall of a beautiful girl are countless thought-provoking social issues

The story of Le Yun is not only the tragedy of a beautiful girl, but also the epitome of countless similar fates in the context of that era, which reflects people's one-sided perception of women's value, the glitz and cruelty of the entertainment industry, the lack of social security system, and the sadness of lack of communication and understanding between people

Wang Fulin: "She is very beautiful, but she has no culture in her belly", why do you comment on Le Yun so much?

The departure of Le Yun has sounded the alarm for us, and it has also left many questions worth pondering, how can we avoid similar tragedies from happening again? How can everyone be able to bravely chase their dreams and create their own life value in an environment full of hope and warmth? These are questions that each of us needs to think about seriously and work hard for

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