
China's top yang conspiracy made foreigners find out that they had been deceived: the most dangerous place in China turned out to be the night market

author:Cheerful lake

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China's top yang conspiracy made foreigners find out that they had been deceived: the most dangerous place in China turned out to be the night market

Text / Cheerful Lake 4Atwrr

Edit / Cheerful Lake 4Atwrr

China's top yang conspiracy made foreigners find out that they had been deceived: the most dangerous place in China turned out to be the night market

An ingenious conspiracy has completely awakened foreign tourists who have been blinded by Western public opinion that they are the real "deceived".

China's top yang conspiracy made foreigners find out that they had been deceived: the most dangerous place in China turned out to be the night market

What is ironic is that in this conspiracy, the suspicion of being regarded by foreigners as "a disaster for the country and the people" actually fell on the world-famous night market. However, it was only when they were there and saw all of this that foreign tourists had an epiphany: the most dangerous place in China was the night market.

China's top yang conspiracy made foreigners find out that they had been deceived: the most dangerous place in China turned out to be the night market

The visa exemption is good for igniting the fire of suspicion in the West

As the beginning of a quiet "conspiracy", China has promulgated a series of opening-up policies such as "72/144-hour transit visa-free", which further expands the entry rights of foreign tourists and creates new opportunities for China to achieve positive interaction with the world. However, the suspicion and distrust of China in Western countries have never been eliminated.

China's top yang conspiracy made foreigners find out that they had been deceived: the most dangerous place in China turned out to be the night market

"Safe? Isn't it the Chinese secretly having evil intentions? In its place, there is a new wave of Western public opinion frenzy stemming from prejudice. Under the prying eyes of Western countries, China's efforts to embrace the world have been given a new color of collusion with the breeding of "yang conspiracy".

Unexpectedly, this is just the beginning. It was only when the noise reached its climax that the real conspiracy gradually surfaced. The influx of foreigners is surging in waves, and they not only have the intention of staying for a long time, but also directly integrate into all aspects of local life.

China's top yang conspiracy made foreigners find out that they had been deceived: the most dangerous place in China turned out to be the night market

Driven by this group of foreigners, the whole of China seems to have really "gone its own way". Quietly, China, which is peaceful and stable in the country, has inadvertently created a "fish disaster water source" for external public opinion. After all, this development is very different from their stereotype, and what are China's insidious intentions? Presumably, these doubts have been brewing in the minds of some people in the West for a long time.

China's top yang conspiracy made foreigners find out that they had been deceived: the most dangerous place in China turned out to be the night market

Belief shaken triggers "three views of super-burning"

Once upon a time, China was nothing more than an "unattainable" illusory city in the minds of Western countries. There, the scene of disorder, chaos, poverty and backwardness, and rampant police and bandits has become an indispensable theme in their imagination.

China's top yang conspiracy made foreigners find out that they had been deceived: the most dangerous place in China turned out to be the night market

Pity those foreign tourists, who are eager to create a new environment before entering the country, only to be completely swept away by the negative effects of wolf smoke everywhere. Faced with the lingering thoughts of a strange country, they will inevitably rise up with a wave of disgust and contempt. Even when they come to the hot land of China, there are still many barriers that prevent them from separating the current situation and existing perceptions of China.

China's top yang conspiracy made foreigners find out that they had been deceived: the most dangerous place in China turned out to be the night market

To my ecstasy, all of this was dramatically reversed when I visited China! Whether it is in the high-speed train or the bustle of a traditional Chinese night market, the details that have exceeded expectations are tearing apart people's deep-rooted prejudices.

China's top yang conspiracy made foreigners find out that they had been deceived: the most dangerous place in China turned out to be the night market

It is undeniable that foreigners who are overly sensitive to some of the details of life will indeed complain about it. However, some of the more far-sighted and thoughtful details unleash the true charm of China's potential in Lang Lang's gibberish.

China's top yang conspiracy made foreigners find out that they had been deceived: the most dangerous place in China turned out to be the night market

Here, the height of science and technology and the cultural heritage are integrated, imprinted with the perfect combination of modernity and tradition; Here, it is not poverty, but a well-off life is everywhere, bringing together a unique taste of development and development; Here, it is not chaos and disorder, but the rule of law and civilization can be followed everywhere. The new sense of excitement is like a slap in the face, and foreign tourists are shocked and shocked, which is really a process of "three views super-burning"!

China's top yang conspiracy made foreigners find out that they had been deceived: the most dangerous place in China turned out to be the night market

No one expected that the outside world's new perception of China would target the "most dangerous" spearhead at the traditional night market with unique ancient charm and full of life.

It is difficult to hide the truth after the wind

China's top yang conspiracy made foreigners find out that they had been deceived: the most dangerous place in China turned out to be the night market

The trick of "crossing the river and demolishing the bridge" is too cliché, who would have thought that this old drama that has been dusty for decades can be re-staged today?

Not so long ago, many Western countries did their best to portray China as a formidable "evil spirit of Asia." In the blink of an eye, the situation is turned upside down in trivial life. Bound by these shadows, foreigners invariably blame China's most dangerous places on the unique night market culture.

China's top yang conspiracy made foreigners find out that they had been deceived: the most dangerous place in China turned out to be the night market

Belch! What is ironic is that those past chasing after the wind and shadows have actually been exposed by their own people. Could it be that the night markets in their own country have never suffered such hardships? Violent robbery, murder, and criminal syndication...... In the homeland of Westerners, such a tortuous past is really unbearable.

China's top yang conspiracy made foreigners find out that they had been deceived: the most dangerous place in China turned out to be the night market

However, the most embarrassing thing at the moment is that China's unparalleled social security and governance performance has become what they call a new "major hidden danger". This undoubtedly further exposes the helplessness and powerlessness of certain Western forces in governing the motherland under their long-term rule.

China's top yang conspiracy made foreigners find out that they had been deceived: the most dangerous place in China turned out to be the night market

Looking at the causes of this tragedy from another perspective, the fact that Western countries are trying to deny China is already clear. They stubbornly blinded their eyes, and finally created such an ugly dilemma of public opinion. And when foreign tourists see it and are there, all kinds of prejudices have become a dead letter.

Insight shows the power of great powers

China's top yang conspiracy made foreigners find out that they had been deceived: the most dangerous place in China turned out to be the night market

What emboldens the West to hide a conspiracy against China? This is due to a proper recognition of the demeanor of a great power. As a "victim" who has been ravaged by Western public opinion for a long time, China has never been in a hurry to join the crowd or follow suit. Instead, China has chosen the path of being straightforward and sincere, inviting people from all over the world to come to every corner of Chinese life and experience the country for themselves.

China's top yang conspiracy made foreigners find out that they had been deceived: the most dangerous place in China turned out to be the night market

After all, China, with its insightful nature, has no fear of being thrown by outsiders. All kinds of cognacy and gossip will eventually bring humiliation upon themselves under the mirror of facts.

Therefore, on various social platforms, complaints and ridicule about the "Chinese night market crisis" are also becoming more and more frequent. However, looking at the actual situation, China is still moving forward steadily, treating the noise and right and wrong as a foreign thing. Regardless of the hustle and bustle in the sky, the image of the dignity of a great country is still manifested in an immovable posture.

China's top yang conspiracy made foreigners find out that they had been deceived: the most dangerous place in China turned out to be the night market

Even those opinion-makers who have worked hard to impose Western perceptions on China are now struggling to recover. They have tried to crack down on platforms such as TikTok Tok, but they still can't stop those overseas influencers who are sharing the trendy face of China's daily life.

China's top yang conspiracy made foreigners find out that they had been deceived: the most dangerous place in China turned out to be the night market

Even the ruthless approach to obstructing Chinese students from coming to the United States to engage in scientific research proves the West's barbaric backwardness and short-sightedness. But how did those foreigners who have opened up a new understanding through personal experience and comprehensively rethink the authoritative arguments of the West have ever been able to get their wish?

Avenue to Jane Datong Fangxing

China's top yang conspiracy made foreigners find out that they had been deceived: the most dangerous place in China turned out to be the night market

China's Yangmou has undoubtedly achieved phased success, but it will continue to continue on the world stage. After all, sincere and friendly treatment will eventually dissolve all the barriers and suspicions that have existed.

It is believed that with the continuation of the policy of opening up to the outside world, more foreign tourists will be attracted to come and see the true style of the "Oriental Miracle". This will certainly inject new and inexhaustible impetus into the promotion of world peace and the promotion of exchanges among civilizations.

China's top yang conspiracy made foreigners find out that they had been deceived: the most dangerous place in China turned out to be the night market

Who would think that the most dangerous place in China would really be the night market filled with songs and laughter? Is there anything more dangerous in the world than good food, family and friends?

Who would regard the eternal beauty of nature as a "threat and hidden danger"? How can the foundation of civilization be easily tarnished by those who speak it?

China's top yang conspiracy made foreigners find out that they had been deceived: the most dangerous place in China turned out to be the night market

One day, the people of the whole world will realize that after all, it is only the self-pride of people who do not distinguish between right and wrong, but it cannot hide the truth of simplicity. And only by adhering to the concept of being friendly to others and achieving mutual benefit and win-win results like the Chinese people can we truly reach a bright way back.

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