
The true love outside of marriage is just a well-made scam, specializing in deceiving a woman who is attracted to her heart

author:Muxue sunset

Extramarital affairs, is there true love? Maybe different people have different answers in their hearts.

However, what I want to say to you is this: there is usually no true love for extramarital affairs.

To put it simply, when a man looks for a woman outside of marriage, it is just lustful, not true love.

And women are the same, when they meet a man outside of marriage, they will willingly enter into an extramarital affair when they see that the man is profitable.

It can be seen that the relationship outside of marriage will not last long, especially for young and single women, once they are deeply involved, they will suffer an emotional catastrophe. Because, apart from saying a few sweet words to you, a man can't be really responsible for you at all.

Therefore, women must see through the truth of extramarital affairs:

The true love outside of marriage is just a well-made scam, specializing in deceiving a woman who is attracted to her heart.


Men outside of marriage flirting with women are all motivated by lust, and all other actions are appearances.

In extramarital relationships, men often flirt with women in various ways. They may seem mild-mannered, humorous or even generous.

But no matter what type of man he is, they have only one purpose - to see the color, because they have a family and a wife, so they only value the beauty and figure of the woman.

The true love outside of marriage is just a well-made scam, specializing in deceiving a woman who is attracted to her heart

As the old saying goes, "Men are animals who think with their lower bodies." Although this sentence is a bit biased, it also reflects the true thoughts of some men.

Therefore, when they flirt with women outside of marriage, all other actions are just appearances, and everything they do is just an illusion deliberately created to achieve their goals.


After getting you, I want to get rid of you as soon as possible, and I don't want to be responsible.

When men flirt with women outside of marriage, they often have a relaxed mentality. They enjoy the process of pursuit, and enjoy the ambiguity and excitement with women.

But as soon as they get a woman, they immediately become cold and heartless. They will no longer care about women's feelings and needs, and will even begin to dislike and find fault with women's shortcomings and shortcomings.

The reason why they want to get rid of women as soon as possible is because they don't want to take any responsibility. They are afraid that the entanglement and dependence of women will bring trouble and burden to themselves. They only want to enjoy short-term pleasures in their hearts, but they don't want to face long-term commitments and responsibilities.

In the movie "Fatal Temptation", the protagonist Mike's affair with Alice is a stark example.

Mike develops a passionate relationship with Alice outside of marriage, but when he realizes that the relationship could cause a huge crisis for his family and career, he chooses to end the relationship without hesitation.

The true love outside of marriage is just a well-made scam, specializing in deceiving a woman who is attracted to her heart


In extramarital relationships, the first person to get tired of is always the man, and when he is no longer interested in you, he will soon shift his target and leave you.

In extramarital relationships, a man's interests tend to come and go quickly. They may be enthusiastic and interested in you at first, but over time, their interest will fade or even disappear.

When they are not interested in you, they will start looking for new goals to fill their emptiness and loneliness.

During this time, they will not consider your feelings and needs, nor will they take into account your pain and struggles. They will only constantly seek new thrills and passions for their own pleasure and satisfaction.

Therefore, in extramarital relationships, the first to get tired of it is always the man, and they will easily leave you.


Extramarital affection, for men, is outside of marriage, looking for a place to take a breath and decompress, for relaxation, for comfort, not to make trouble for himself.

For men, extramarital affection is often just a pastime and a way to relax.

The reason why they talk about their feelings outside of marriage is to find a place for themselves to take a breath and relieve stress, in order to relax themselves and relieve stress.

The true love outside of marriage is just a well-made scam, specializing in deceiving a woman who is attracted to her heart

In fact, they don't want to turn this feeling into a responsibility and a burden, let alone bring trouble and trouble to themselves.

Therefore, in extramarital relationships, men often do not give too much sincerity and dedication. They just enjoy the excitement and passion that comes with this feeling, without thinking about future developments and results.

When the relationship becomes no longer fresh and interesting, they will not hesitate to leave you in search of a new purpose.


In short, true love outside of marriage is often just an elaborate scam. Women must remain sober and rational in the face of such feelings, and not be confused by men's sweet words.

You have to remember that if a person really loves you, he will definitely give you fame, give you a family, and give you a happy future.

If he can't give you anything, then it's fake love, please be sure to leave, and for unworthy feelings, you must stop losses in time.

Finally, I hope you will remember:

Extramarital affairs may seem beautiful, but they will lead you to a bumpy road of no return, lose a lifetime of happiness, and be vigilant!