
The 2024 mid-year inventory of the four major operators in the government and enterprise open market is the list of China's radio and television provinces

author:The number says 123

Data description: The data in this article comes from the public bidding website and the official website of state-owned enterprises and institutions, and the statistical date is from January 1, 2024 to June 12, 2024. China Unicom includes headquarters, provincial, municipal and county-level main companies, China Unicom Digital Technology, and provincial industry and mutual companies; Mobile companies include headquarters, provincial, municipal and county-level main companies, China Mobile System Integration, China Mobile Construction, China Mobile Tietong, China Mobile Online, Jiangsu and Zhejiang Mobile Information System Integration Companies; Telecom includes headquarters, provincial, municipal and county-level main companies, China Telecom Digital Intelligence, China Power Wanwei, China Power Hongxin, China Power Fufu, Tianyi Cloud, Guangdong Yixun, and provincial public information and information industry companies (excluding China Communications Service System); Radio and television includes a total of 23 keyword companies such as China Radio and Television, Jishi Media, Jiangsu Cable, Huashu, Gehua, etc., which are provincial companies.

The 2024 mid-year inventory of the four major operators in the government and enterprise open market is the list of China's radio and television provinces

The 2024 mid-year inventory of the four major operators in the government and enterprise open market is the list of China's radio and television provinces

China Radio and Television adheres to its functional positioning in government and enterprise affairs, gives full play to its unique advantages, strengthens provincial, regional and inter-provincial coordination, and accelerates the formation of a government and enterprise development situation of "headquarters on stage, provincial network singing", "headquarters as a model, and provincial network to expand the market", and promotes the high-quality and sustainable development of radio and television network government and enterprise affairs. But on the whole, the share of radio and television in the government and enterprise market is not great, with a share of 7.79% close to 8% at the end of 2023, but the proportion as of the statistical date in 2024 is 5%, a decrease of nearly 3 percentage points, which shows the fierce competition in the government and enterprise market.

According to the weighted average of the revenue of the provincial companies in China Radio and Television in the open market of government and enterprises to the total open income of the four major operators in the province and the ratio of the open income of the government and enterprises in the system, the list of public income of government and enterprises in China Radio and Television in the middle of 2024 is obtained:

The 2024 mid-year inventory of the four major operators in the government and enterprise open market is the list of China's radio and television provinces

China's Ministry of Radio and Television is divided into dragon and tiger lists

Fujian Radio and Television has reached 16.51 with its share in the local market, and the display ratio in this system is also close to 10%, and the companies in Guizhou and Zhejiang provinces are close to the list and Tanhua; Yunnan, Jiangsu, Hebei, Jilin, Sichuan, Shaanxi, and Tibet entered the top ten; Shanxi, Shanghai, and Hainan are at the bottom.

In order to better help operators gain insight into the market, understand the industry, analyze competitors, and benchmark heads, so that the frontline can quickly lock in customers, explore business opportunities, and respond quickly to customer needs, we have launched four major business opportunity services: pre-bid business opportunities, special debt business opportunities, policy interpretation and analysis business opportunities, and standard communication business opportunities. At the same time, the research and development of the "government and enterprise big data" platform for the national open market full government and enterprise informatization projects according to 24 fields, 7 types of labels, 5 types of data extraction, 4 types of keyword database cleaning, perspective analysis, at the same time to collect national ministries and commissions, provincial departments and bureaus, municipal and county party committee offices policy documents, leadership speeches, sensitive public opinion, special bonds, government budgets, development and reform approval projects, industrial and commercial information, financial report data, enterprise official website and other information, aggregate analysis and judgment, accurate lock business opportunities. At the same time, there is a policy document library, a solution library, a procurement unit map, a bid-winning unit map, an industry map, and a product map.

The 2024 mid-year inventory of the four major operators in the government and enterprise open market is the list of China's radio and television provinces

Number says 123 matrix

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