
In the Chang'e-6 lunar soil study, the United States complained that China had given the green light to other countries, but the United States was not invited to participate

author:Sun Xuwen

When China's "Chang'e-6" successfully returned to Earth with the soil on the back of the moon, the global space community was excited and there was an endless stream of applications to participate in the study of soil samples on the back of the moon. According to the news released by the American "Politico" news network on the 28th of this month, a spokesman for NASA admitted frankly in response to the media that China cooperated with Italy, France, Pakistan and the European Space Agency to carry out the lunar back sampling mission, but China did not seek NASA's participation, and China did not directly invite NASA to participate in the research samples, even though China welcomes global scientists to participate.

It is not difficult to see from NASA's resentful response that the United States is not only anxious about not being able to participate in the study of soil samples on the back of the moon, but also extremely embarrassed by its cocoon at the beginning, which means that the "Wolf Act" passed by the United States in the past has become a complete joke. However, what really made the United States "break its defenses" in public came from our side's categorical refusal. Just one day before NASA publicly admitted that it had not received an invitation from the Chinese side, the China National Space Administration (CNSA) held a press conference to respond to questions from the media on the Chang'e-6 mission.

In the Chang'e-6 lunar soil study, the United States complained that China had given the green light to other countries, but the United States was not invited to participate

During the meeting, an AFP reporter asked Bian Zhigang, deputy director of the China National Space Administration, what he thinks about the US law prohibiting Sino-US cooperation in the field of space, and whether American scientists have the opportunity to participate in the study of lunar samples. In the face of the "sending off question" given by foreign media reporters, Deputy Director Bian Zhigang calmly responded that China has always maintained an open attitude towards Sino-US space cooperation, and the two sides have also had a good record of cooperation. However, at present, the obstacles to cooperation between the two countries in the field of space are still concentrated in the "Wolf Act" promulgated and implemented by the United States. Bian Zhigang stressed that US scientists definitely want to join in the research of lunar samples, but this requires the US side to take concrete actions to clear the obstacles.

In just a few words of understatement, we have clearly explained the current situation of Sino-US space cooperation and the obstacles it is facing, and the facts have been clearly enumerated, and no matter how much the United States tries to argue for itself, it is difficult to justify itself, and this is the main reason why NASA is angry. However, being poked at in front of global public opinion by the mainland is not enough to make the United States change its ways. On the contrary, the United States has taken a more conservative approach to Sino-US space cooperation, because in the eyes of the United States, which pursues hegemony, space exploration is equivalent to "dominating space."

In the Chang'e-6 lunar soil study, the United States complained that China had given the green light to other countries, but the United States was not invited to participate

This has made the United States, which has fallen into the Cold War mentality and is unable to extricate itself, to be extremely enthusiastic about engaging in "face engineering" in the space field, such as completing a manned lunar landing ahead of China. Ironically, the United States has not learned the lessons of the old Cold War when it engaged in a space race with the Soviet Union, and has landed on the moon for the sake of landing on the moon, as if as long as the footsteps of American astronauts can set foot on the moon again, all China's space achievements will be wiped out in an instant.

It can be said that today's United States relies on ideological confrontation to drive its space engineering. From a negative point of view, the United States will adopt more radical tactics in the future to slander the mainland's space achievements, such as the so-called "weaponization of space", which can not only give the United States a reason to promote the real "weaponization of space", but also smear the image of the mainland, which can be regarded as killing two birds with one stone. From a positive point of view, when the United States, as a superpower, uses ideology to take command in the space project, it will inevitably achieve great success.

In the Chang'e-6 lunar soil study, the United States complained that China had given the green light to other countries, but the United States was not invited to participate

In addition, the hollowing out of the U.S. manufacturing industry has been difficult to return, and the launch of a "starliner" similar to Boeing's has been postponed many times due to technical problems before going to space, and there will be more and more accidents that make it difficult to return to Earth due to quality failures after going to space. And when the whole world begins to question the identity of the United States as a space power, the attempt of the extreme anti-China forces in Washington to isolate China's space will be defeated.

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