
Wang Feng's dream wife, Forest Beibai cooks without an apron, is it a show or a real kung fu?

author:Bingbing Entertainment
Wang Feng's dream wife, Forest Beibai cooks without an apron, is it a show or a real kung fu?


In the entertainment industry, which is full of gossip and topics, the love lives of celebrities always attract much attention.

As a well-known figure in the music world, Mr. Wang Feng's emotional dynamics are the focus of public attention.

This time, Wang Feng's love affair with Forest North once again made waves.

Wang Feng's dream wife, Forest Beibai cooks without an apron, is it a show or a real kung fu?

Forest North, a celebrity who is not honest and do not disturb, has entered the public eye in a unique way.

The photo of her cooking in white sparked heated discussions, and netizens commented wonderfully.

Is this a show or a portrayal of real life?

Wang Feng's dream wife, Forest Beibai cooks without an apron, is it a show or a real kung fu?


On the colorful and ever-changing stage of the entertainment industry, new stories are being staged every day, and the plot is full of ups and downs, which is exciting.

And this time, the focus of many eyes was Wang Feng and his girlfriend Lin Bei.

Speaking of Forest North, formerly known as Li Qiao, that is not an ordinary and simple character.

At the beginning, she shined on the stage of "If You Are Honest, Do Not Disturb" and became the focus of attention of many audiences.

Wang Feng's dream wife, Forest Beibai cooks without an apron, is it a show or a real kung fu?

At that time, with her unique charm and personality, she stood out among the many guests.

And now, her identity has undergone a remarkable change again, and she has become Wang Feng's fifth girlfriend.

This series of changes really makes people sigh at the wonder and elusiveness of fate.

Just recently, Forest North posted a set of photos of himself cooking on social platforms, which instantly threw a boulder into a calm lake, stirring up thousands of waves and igniting the incomparably high enthusiasm of netizens.

Wang Feng's dream wife, Forest Beibai cooks without an apron, is it a show or a real kung fu?

In the photo, Lin Bei is dressed in white clothes like snow, like a pure lotus flower, slim and elegant.

What is remarkable is that she did not put on an apron and was so unscrupulously busy in the kitchen.

She looked calm and confident, as if the small kitchen was her exclusive stage, and she was performing a wonderful one-man show of her own.

As soon as this scene appeared, the comment area instantly exploded, and it was very lively.

Wang Feng's dream wife, Forest Beibai cooks without an apron, is it a show or a real kung fu?

Netizens are like eight immortals crossing the sea, each showing their magical powers, and they have turned into talented jokers, giving full play to their humor and ridicule talents.

Someone couldn't help but be surprised and said: "This girl's heart is really big enough, she cooks in white clothes, isn't she worried about getting dirty at all?" There was a lot of incredulity in the tone.

Some people also wrote with a somewhat ridiculous smile: "Maybe this is people's unique style, informal, free and easy, this is the real life of yourself!" ”

Wang Feng's dream wife, Forest Beibai cooks without an apron, is it a show or a real kung fu?

There are also people with a hint of envy, jealousy and hatred: "Look at people, even cooking can be so beautiful, we can only look at the dust!" ”

However, don't patronize the beautiful figure of Forest North, as long as you take a closer look at this photo, those sharp-eyed friends will be pleasantly surprised to find that the kitchen behind Forest North is called clean and tidy.

You know, on weekdays, even if our own kitchen is carefully maintained every day, it takes a lot of effort to keep it clean and tidy all the time.

There was not a trace of dust in the corner of the kitchen, the dishes on the countertop were neatly arranged, and there was not a trace of oil around the stove.

Wang Feng's dream wife, Forest Beibai cooks without an apron, is it a show or a real kung fu?

From this point, it can be clearly seen that Lin Bei should also be a fairly organized and detail-oriented person in life.

She not only shows a beautiful and confident side in front of the camera, but also shows her pursuit of quality and love for life in the trivialities of life.

Having said that, in today's bizarre entertainment industry, celebrities always strive to create a flawless image in front of the public.

A star like Lin Bei who can bravely show the true state of his cooking on social platforms is really rare and extremely rare.

Wang Feng's dream wife, Forest Beibai cooks without an apron, is it a show or a real kung fu?

Most celebrities show off either impeccable makeup, dazzling costumes, or high-flying, luxurious event scenes.

And this sun in the north of the forest is like a fresh wind, blowing into people's hearts, making people feel particularly down-to-earth, real like the kind and lovely girl next door around us.

She did not deliberately create a sense of distance, but used the most unpretentious way to show the most real side of life, so that people can find a rare purity and warmth in this complex world.

Let's talk about Wang Feng again, his emotional world has always been a hot topic of conversation among the people who eat melons after dinner.

Wang Feng's dream wife, Forest Beibai cooks without an apron, is it a show or a real kung fu?

From the beginning, when his relationship with Forest North was exposed, the tide of public opinion was higher and higher.

Everyone is speculating, how far can this relationship go? Is it as gorgeous as fireworks but short-lived, or can it stand the test of time, walk through the wind and rain hand in hand, and usher in a better future?

During that time, all kinds of rumors and speculations flew around, some were optimistic, and some were down.

With the passage of time, the attitude of netizens has changed significantly.

Wang Feng's dream wife, Forest Beibai cooks without an apron, is it a show or a real kung fu?

The doubts and worries of the past gradually dissipated, and were replaced by a full blessing.

The changes in this are not accidental, but reflect everyone's expectations and tolerance for true love.

In this world full of temptations and uncertainties, people always yearn for that sincere and pure love in their hearts.

When they see the true feelings between Wang Feng and Forest North, everyone is willing to believe that the power of love can overcome all difficulties and challenges.

Perhaps, this is also the real and down-to-earth image of Forest North, which makes people have more trust and expectation for their feelings.

Wang Feng's dream wife, Forest Beibai cooks without an apron, is it a show or a real kung fu?

I believe that in the days to come, Wang Feng and Forest North can continue to move forward hand in hand, write a better chapter with their love, and bring more warmth and touch to everyone.

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