
Luocheng Town, Gaotai County, held the "50 Years of Glory in the Party" commemorative medal awarding ceremony and the "Two Excellence and One First" commendation meeting

author:Gaotai County Rong Media Center

In order to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, relive the glorious history of the party, eulogize the great achievements of the party, and further encourage the majority of party members in Luocheng to strive for the first and make contributions. Recently, Luocheng Town held the "50 years of glory in the party" medal awarding ceremony and "two excellent and one first" commendation meeting, all leaders and cadres of the town organs, heads of various units of the town organs, secretaries and deputy secretaries of the village party (general) branches, directors and deputy directors of the village committee, village clerks, chairman of the village women's federation, "50 years of glory in the party" old party members, commended outstanding communist party members and outstanding party workers, a total of more than 100 people attended the meeting.

Luocheng Town, Gaotai County, held the "50 Years of Glory in the Party" commemorative medal awarding ceremony and the "Two Excellence and One First" commendation meeting

At the meeting, commemorative medals were awarded to the representatives of party members who won the commemorative medal of "50 years of glory in the party", and honorary certificates were awarded to the commended "advanced grass-roots party organizations", "outstanding communist party members" and "outstanding party workers".

Luocheng Town, Gaotai County, held the "50 Years of Glory in the Party" commemorative medal awarding ceremony and the "Two Excellence and One First" commendation meeting
Luocheng Town, Gaotai County, held the "50 Years of Glory in the Party" commemorative medal awarding ceremony and the "Two Excellence and One First" commendation meeting

The meeting pointed out that the old party members have been with the party for 50 years, and they are the witnesses, participants, leaders and witnesses of the economic and social development of Luocheng Town, and they have practiced the oath of joining the party and interpreted the original mission with practical actions. It is hoped that the veteran party members who have been awarded the commemorative medal will cherish the honor, always keep their original intentions, carry forward the fine traditions, and continue to give full play to their residual heat. At the same time, the majority of party organizations and party members and cadres are called on to take the old party members and the commended advanced collectives and individuals as examples, temper and strengthen the party spirit, keep in mind the original mission, perform their duties loyally, and constantly open up a new situation in party building work with more enthusiasm, higher morale, and more pragmatic style.

Luocheng Town, Gaotai County, held the "50 Years of Glory in the Party" commemorative medal awarding ceremony and the "Two Excellence and One First" commendation meeting

The meeting emphasized that the majority of party members in the town should keep the original intention and mission in mind and practice it, and effectively unify their thoughts and actions into the decision-making and deployment of the central and provincial, municipal and county party committees, and consciously accept the tempering of the party's political life with a firmer belief, a more inspiring spirit, and a more pragmatic style, and take the initiative to shoulder the responsibility and mission of strengthening the foundation of governance, creating a development industry, and doing things for the benefit of the people; It is necessary to pay close attention to the key tasks of the town's party building, continuously deepen the star-rated party branch's striving for innovation, vigorously implement the "five major projects", and promote the town's grassroots party building work to make comprehensive progress and be comprehensively excellent; It is necessary to give full play to the vanguard and exemplary role of party members, constantly broaden their horizons, seek innovation, dare to take the lead in planning, rush ahead, and make actual achievements, and constantly explore the "optimal solution" of various tasks and the "maximum value" of target results; It is necessary to keep a close eye on the people's urgency, hardship and hope, focus on the "top priority" and "key small things" of people's livelihood, make every effort to solve the most direct and realistic interests of the masses, and win the trust and support of the masses with practical actions. (Zheng Lingfang, Li Zhiyan)

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