
The Ministry of Natural Resources held a ceremony to award the commemorative medal of "50 years of glory in the party".

author:iNatural omnimedia

On June 27, on the occasion of the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, the Ministry of Natural Resources held a grand ceremony in Beijing to award the commemorative medal of "50 years of glory in the party". Wang Guanghua, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Minister of the Ministry of Natural Resources, attended and delivered a speech. Xu Dachun, member of the party group and vice minister of the ministry, presided over the meeting. The old leaders of the ministry Wang Shouxiang, Meng Xianlai and Xie Xinyi attended the event.

Wang Guanghua presented the commemorative medal of "50 years of glory in the party" to the representatives of the veteran party members, and expressed warm congratulations and high respect to the veteran party members who received the commemorative medals on behalf of the party group of the ministry, and also extended sincere greetings to the veteran comrades of the ministry system. Wang Guanghua said that retired party members are witnesses, witnesses and participants in the glorious history of our party and country, as well as strugglers, practitioners and contributors to the reform and development of natural resources. This year, 24 veteran party members of the ministry were awarded commemorative medals, and a total of 171 veteran party members of the ministry system were awarded this honor. Since the first award of the "50 Years of Glory in the Party" commemorative medal in 2021, 2,465 veteran party members have been awarded the medal in the ministry system, which is not only the glory of the veteran party members, but also the glory of the Ministry of Natural Resources.

The Ministry of Natural Resources held a ceremony to award the commemorative medal of "50 years of glory in the party".

Wang Guanghua pointed out that in the new era, under the leadership of the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core, the people of the whole country have embarked on a new journey of comprehensively promoting the construction of a strong country and national rejuvenation with Chinese-style modernization, and the Ministry of Natural Resources bears important responsibilities and glorious missions. It is hoped that the majority of veteran party members in the ministry system will tell the story of the party and natural resources in combination with their own experience, carry forward the glorious tradition and fine style of the party, and do a good job of passing on the help; It is hoped that the veteran party members will give full play to their own advantages, offer suggestions and suggestions, and make achievements and shine in the cause of natural resources. The majority of party members and cadres in the ministry system, especially the younger generation, should learn from the old party members who have won the commemorative medal of "50 years of glory in the party", always adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, firmly support the "two establishments", and resolutely achieve the "two maintenances". Contribute wisdom and strength to the high-quality development of natural resources.

At the ceremony, the video clip "Silver Hair Initial Heart - The Style of Old Party Members of the Ministry of Natural Resources "Glory in the Party for 50 Years" was played. After the ceremony, a theatrical performance of "Red Heart to the Party" was held for retired cadres and workers of the ministry.

Leaders of the Ministry in Beijing, representatives of various departments and bureaus of the ministry, and heads of units directly under the Ministry attended the event.

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Reporter: Yang Xuan

Photo: Chen Yandi

New Media Editor: Qu Bingjie

The Ministry of Natural Resources held a ceremony to award the commemorative medal of "50 years of glory in the party".
The Ministry of Natural Resources held a ceremony to award the commemorative medal of "50 years of glory in the party".
The Ministry of Natural Resources held a ceremony to award the commemorative medal of "50 years of glory in the party".

iNatural omnimedia

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