
Baotun Town, Fugou County, held the "50 Years of Glory in the Party" commemorative medal awarding and reviewing the oath of party members to join the party

author:Fugou Fusion Media

In order to inherit and carry forward the glorious tradition and fine style of the party, and thoroughly study and implement Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, on June 28, when the party's 103rd birthday is approaching, Baotun Town held a commemorative medal awarding of "50 years of glory in the party" and reviewing the oath of party members.

Baotun Town, Fugou County, held the "50 Years of Glory in the Party" commemorative medal awarding and reviewing the oath of party members to join the party

Glory in the party for 50 years, witnessing the original intention and faith. At the event, the main leaders of the party and government awarded the commemorative medal of "50 years of glory in the party" to the representatives of the old party members, expressed high respect and holiday greetings to the old party members, sent the care and good wishes of the party and the government, and further enhanced the sense of honor, belonging and mission of the old party members, and encouraged all party members to listen to the party, feel the party's grace and follow the party.

Baotun Town, Fugou County, held the "50 Years of Glory in the Party" commemorative medal awarding and reviewing the oath of party members to join the party

Review the oath of joining the party, and always keep the original intention to follow the party. Subsequently, Yao Yilin, secretary of the party committee, led all party members to review the oath of joining the party. "I volunteer to join the Communist Party of China, support the party's program, abide by the party's constitution, fulfill the obligations of party members, and implement the party's decisions...... We are ready to sacrifice everything for the party and the people at any time, and never betray the party. The oath of just 80 words to join the party is the "spiritual source" of every party member's struggle, the "original intention of joining the party" that everyone remains the same, and the infinite loyalty and high respect for the party.

Strictly abide by party discipline and party rules, and maintain a good work style. In the next party class to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party, Secretary Yao Yilin emphasized that all party members in Baotun Town should take this event as an opportunity to review the solemn commitment made when they joined the party, always keep in mind the original intention and mission of the Communist Party, always maintain the advanced nature of the Communist Party, and constantly improve the ideological style, work style, organizational style, life style and discipline style. In the next step of work, always keep in mind the oath of joining the party, consciously strengthen the party spirit training, strive to improve personal accomplishment, based on their own duties, do not forget the original intention, continue to move forward, with a new look, greater achievements to forge ahead on a new journey, take on a new mission.

Baotun Town, Fugou County, held the "50 Years of Glory in the Party" commemorative medal awarding and reviewing the oath of party members to join the party

Visited and condoled the old party members, and passed on the torch with the original intention. After the meeting, Secretary Yao Yilin visited the homes of the old party members in various villages, sent cordial greetings to the old party members, and asked them in detail about their physical condition, daily life and living conditions, so that the old party members could feel the care and love of the party organization.

This activity is not only a tribute to the old party members, but also an encouragement to encourage the majority of old party members to always maintain the political nature of the communists, enhance the party spirit, promote righteousness, encourage young party members to actively respond to the party's call, take over the torch of the old comrades of "50 years of glory in the party", let the red gene and fine tradition be passed on from generation to generation, do not forget the original intention, keep the mission in mind, emancipate the mind, and forge ahead.

Correspondents: Kong Lingnan Gao Jia

Editor in charge: Nie Hai

Editor: Li Guangfu

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