
The 42nd issue丨Economic development: Carry out fire safety inspections in key units in the jurisdiction

author:Ma'anshan Fire Fighting
The 42nd issue丨Economic development: Carry out fire safety inspections in key units in the jurisdiction

In order to do a solid job in fire safety work in the jurisdiction and effectively improve the fire safety management ability of enterprises, recently, the Economic Development Brigade went deep into the key units of the jurisdiction to carry out fire safety inspections.

The 42nd issue丨Economic development: Carry out fire safety inspections in key units in the jurisdiction

During the inspection, the inspectors will focus on whether the safety exits and evacuation channels of the unit are unblocked, whether the fire hydrants and fire extinguishers are kept intact and effective, and whether the safety exit signs, evacuation indication signs, and emergency lighting settings meet the requirements, and randomly check the on-site employees' mastery of fire safety knowledge and the operation of fire-fighting equipment.

The 42nd issue丨Economic development: Carry out fire safety inspections in key units in the jurisdiction

In response to the problems found in the inspection, on-site feedback is required, and the person in charge of the unit is required to tighten the safety chord at all times, attach great importance to fire safety work, earnestly assume the main responsibility, strictly implement various fire safety measures and fire safety responsibility system, strengthen fire safety training for employees, strengthen the daily maintenance of fire-fighting equipment, do a good job in daily fire hazard self-inspection and self-correction, and eliminate the occurrence of fire accidents from the source.

The 42nd issue丨Economic development: Carry out fire safety inspections in key units in the jurisdiction

Through this inspection, a number of potential safety hazards have been effectively eliminated and rectified, the fire safety awareness of the staff of key units has been enhanced, and a solid foundation has been laid for ensuring fire safety in the jurisdiction.

Edit: Dacheng

Review: Yang Jingjing

Source: Ma'anshan Fire All-Media Center

The 42nd issue丨Economic development: Carry out fire safety inspections in key units in the jurisdiction

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