
The United States has played a "double label" again: China's accumulation is a threat in the eyes of the United States?

author:Speaker: Plath

Today, China has shown the world what it means to accumulate and develop!

On June 26, U.S. official Mulenard bluntly stated that China is trying to control key technologies and areas of future conflicts. Especially in the three fields of chips, shipbuilding and drones, China is completely at the forefront of the United States, and the United States must take action!

The United States has played a "double label" again: China's accumulation is a threat in the eyes of the United States?

What do U.S. officials mean by this?

How did we get stuck in their necks?

Since 2019, from Huawei to SMIC, from YMTC to DJI...... Behind the continuous rise of Chinese enterprises is because of the blockade and sanctions of the United States, forcing China to embark on the road of independent research and development.

Then we achieved a breakthrough, had our own industrial chain, and began to make products at the price of cabbage and then export them overseas.

A very simple example is the automotive sector.

At that time, the United States and Western countries relied on fuel vehicles to reap global industrial profits lying down.

And even mocked us: even if you give the Chinese drawings, you can't imitate the engine.

And today? China is running wild on the electric vehicle track, and even if the technical performance exceeds that of the United States and the West, the price will be rolled to the extreme.

This is equivalent to us directly overturning the table where the United States and the West are eating, and they can only be incompetent and furious, and can only smear.

The United States has played a "double label" again: China's accumulation is a threat in the eyes of the United States?

In 2024, China will add more traditional semiconductor production capacity than the rest of the world combined.

China's semiconductor production capacity is expected to increase by another 13% this year alone, with another $47.5 billion in subsidies announced in May alone.

This is the face of the bandits of the United States and the West! When the robber can't beat you, he will start playing the scoundrel!

Obviously, you are unwilling to provide me with technology and equipment, and it is obvious that you are breaking the global trade by yourself, so we can only embark on the road of independent research and development.

When we achieve a breakthrough and create a high-quality and inexpensive product, you will say that I am "threatening" your livelihood!

If there is a "time machine" in the world, I am afraid that all Americans will go back to 2019 and tell him according to Trump: "China cannot be blocked, China cannot be forced to embark on the road of independent research and development, and China must be immersed in the process of making it better to buy and buy than to rent!" ”

Of course, the chip semiconductor industry is just the beginning.

Because after Huawei, we have completely embarked on the road of independent research and development, and we are out of control!

From automobiles to shipbuilding, from aerospace to military ...... We are constantly creating the impossible in the mouth of the Western media!

The United States has played a "double label" again: China's accumulation is a threat in the eyes of the United States?

In 2023, China will become the world's largest exporter of automobiles in one fell swoop, and it will crush the world in new energy vehicles.

In 2023, China has become the world's largest shipbuilding country, accounting for 61%, 49.5% and 47.6% of the world's total in terms of new orders, hand-held orders and shipbuilding completions in terms of tonnage, respectively. In the Azi LNG market, China has also gained 35% of the global market share by virtue of its own industrial chain advantages.

In 2023, China's aerospace development can even be described as "soaring into the sky", whether it is the assembly of space stations, lunar exploration missions, or the development of various types of satellites, we are at the forefront of the United States and the West.

In the last year alone, we have presented something that the United States and the West have not been able to achieve in the past few decades, can they not panic!

Of course, in the face of China's rapid rise, the United States has also tried, but it turns out that the tide is gone, or it is too late.

Just the slogan of "high-end manufacturing reshoring", the United States from the time of the Trump administration to the period of the Biden administration, there is still no effect, is it necessary to continue to shout back to the Trump period today, in order to realize this "American dream"?

The United States has played a "double label" again: China's accumulation is a threat in the eyes of the United States?

In fact, no matter how much the United States shouts, the American industry will not be able to return to its former peak.

Because the hollowing out of the manufacturing industry in the United States today has become an inescapable reality, which is also the fundamental reason why the United States cannot contain our development.

For example, in the shipbuilding and military industry, the United States has been very eager to return to the top in recent years.

In 2022, the Pentagon released a report that the size of China's fleet is expected to reach 440 ships, and the United States has set up a special department to designate us as a "systemic challenge", and at the same time, the US Navy must achieve 355 ships by 2042 to meet the situation of crushing China.

The United States has played a "double label" again: China's accumulation is a threat in the eyes of the United States?

As a result, it didn't take long for the US media to break the news that it was impossible for the US Coast Guard to achieve the goal of 355 ships by 2042, because it would be impossible to achieve it financially, unless the US industrial base could receive "a large amount of additional investment not reflected in the budget", it would be possible, and finally the foreign media concluded: This is an almost impossible task.

So don't look at the fact that the United States spends a lot of money every year, but it really doesn't have much.

In 2023, the U.S. Congress allocated $380 million to build ships, and $541 million for nuclear submarine manufacturing.

This adds up to less than $1 billion, and you want to make the shipbuilding and military industry of the United States reach its peak?

Some U.S. congressmen directly angrily denounced the U.S. Congress: If you want to make up your mind to revive the U.S. shipbuilding and military industry, you must invest more than $25 billion in infrastructure to improve U.S. industrial capacity!

The United States has played a "double label" again: China's accumulation is a threat in the eyes of the United States?

In fact, what is causing headaches for the United States is not the lack of infrastructure capacity, but the lack of engineers!

The fact that the U.S. military industry may have developed over the past few decades does not mean that it will continue today.

Because the biggest drawback of the United States is the lack of "inheritance" of talents, to put it bluntly, it is a talent cut-off.

I wrote an article about aerospace the day before yesterday, and what the United States fears most is not that our aerospace development is so fast, but that our aerospace scientific research team is generally younger!

If you think about it, if we take a random aerospace research team, the average age is in their thirties.

But what about the United States? Most of them are in their fifties and sixties.

Because young people in the United States simply do not want to develop in the manufacturing industry, either to the financial industry or to engage in virtual ,......

The United States has played a "double label" again: China's accumulation is a threat in the eyes of the United States?

This has led to an extreme shortage of manufacturing talent in the United States, and over time the manufacturing industry will come to an end.

Looking back, isn't the "Huawei play" that US officials are talking about today forcing us to play like this? They don't want to work hard themselves, and they don't let others work hard?

Is this a typical "double-standard behavior of the United States"?

At the beginning, they relied on the dividends of the times, monopolized the global industrial chain, and reaped the global market.

Now that we have achieved a breakthrough by relying on our own efforts, the Americans have begun to demand that we cannot engage in independent research and development, what is the reason? This is banditry!

Of course, many people wonder why we are vigorously developing electric vehicles, shipbuilding and large aircraft.

Because what we want is to completely break the monopoly of the United States and the West on the three major tracks of industry, energy, and transportation.

From then on, we will be able to firmly occupy the throne of "global industrial hegemon".


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