
The Chinese men's basketball team has participated in the NBA draft in recent years! It's a pity for 2 people!

author:Chasing the ball girl

The Chinese men's basketball team is currently in a low period, and there is no way to cultivate a lot of excellent and reasonable players, so now there are some players who are constantly challenging themselves and stepping out of the big country of the CBA, and some players go to the NBA for trial and want to draft NBA games, so now I will share with you that it is a pity that there are several players who have failed to try out for the NBA in recent years!

The Chinese men's basketball team has participated in the NBA draft in recent years! It's a pity for 2 people!

Regretful! Seven Chinese players who have failed to participate in the NBA draft in recent years

1, Zeng Fanbo

Zeng Fanbo came back from special training in the United States at the beginning, and his physical condition is also relatively advantageous in all aspects, but his strength is still not enough, and his body is relatively thin, and it may be difficult to play at a high technical level in the international arena, and he is currently a player in the Chinese men's basketball team, and he is unfortunately unselected in the NBA draft. At present, he is playing in the CBA and playing against the national team, and has not gone to the United States for special training. It means that he will not run for the NBA draft in the future.

2, Yu Jiahao

Yu Jiahao's physical condition is very good, but because of the rough technique, there is no way to play a good technical level on the court, and it is difficult for him to move, compared with Yi Jianlian, his gap is still very large, and he also went to the NBA draft that year, but unfortunately he was defeated, and he still has to continue to improve his skills and skills.

The Chinese men's basketball team has participated in the NBA draft in recent years! It's a pity for 2 people!

3, Guo Haowen

Guo Haowen is personally relatively low-key. On the pitch. A player who plays in a very low-key manner also has a lot of physical talent, but it is difficult to play it, and if it is an NBA game, it is difficult to be selected by some teams, because some players in the NBA have a great advantage in terms of strength and physical condition. Guo Haowen is a relatively low-key player in the CBA, and he is constantly working hard and improving himself.

4, Zhang Zhenlin

Zhang Zhenlin has continued to learn basketball in the American system since he was a child, and his physical conditions are also very good, but his technical level is still not up to a water fight in the NBA, and he also went to the NBA for a trial that year, but in the end it was not successful, and now he is playing in the CBA and the national team, and he did not participate in some other special training, which is a pity. In fact, his physical conditions in all aspects are relatively good, and his jumping ability is very good!

5, Zou Yuchen

Zou Yuchen's strength has declined very obviously in the past few years, and he also went to the NBA to draft that year, but in the end he was not selected, because he has great shortcomings in all aspects, and he is constantly working hard and improving himself, and there is no way to make a name for himself in the CBA, let alone go to the NBA to play!

6, Tang Jie

Tang Jie has a small body and a lot of energy, and he also went to the NBA draft at the beginning, but unfortunately failed. Tan Jie, in fact, he is a player who plays very fast, but his physical conditions are not good enough. So in the end, there is still no way to play in the NBA, and I don't play in the CBA at the moment.

The Chinese men's basketball team has participated in the NBA draft in recent years! It's a pity for 2 people!

7, Choi Yong-hee

Choi Yong-hee lost the NBA draft today, but he is personally very sunny and positive, and he also said in the interview that he wants to continue to improve his strength through the NBA's summer league, and will continue to participate in the NBA draft next year. In fact, some teams have taken a fancy to Choi Yong-hee, but they still can't reach it. A level in the NBA, you still have to work hard!

The above seven players are players who have not been selected in the NBA draft in recent years, and have not been selected in the NBA draft. After Wang Zhizhi, Yao Ming, Yi Jianlian, Zhou Qi, Sun Yue and other players, many players of the Chinese men's basketball team also went to the NBA to be drafted, but they were still not selected. Through this squad, we feel that it is a pity that Cui Yongxi and Zhang Zhenlin have a greater physical advantage because of his two players, but the technology still does not reach a level in the NBA, and he still needs to continue to work hard, like now, Zhang Zhenlin should give up a qualification to play in the NBA, but Cui Yongxi is still working hard, he is very young, and the future is promising! #NBA选秀大会##头条创作挑战赛##我要上热门##崔永熙有希望被NBA选上吗#

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