
Lao Chai said what to tear, who tore whom, everyone's eyes are bright, do you need to tear it?

author:Believe in life

Lao Chai said what to tear, who tore whom, everyone's eyes are bright, do you need to tear it?

Lao Chai said what to tear, who tore whom, everyone's eyes are bright, do you need to tear it?

The old money is a good double standard, since he knows that there is no tearing, why did he hype up any desensitization plan at that time?

The relationship between mother and son is torn apart by outsiders and cannot be provoked. Do you have a good relationship with him, how can outsiders provoke it, what are you shouting Xu Yaotian's family, high-profile show of the family's pro-circle rice, the rice circle is over, this family's pro-drama is over, let's break away, now secretly poke and poke Tian Fangmadian and his wife are unjust, not iron-clad, dare to love Xu Yao's family is the most righteous, Xu Yao's family is the most iron-clad, those who don't support you are not unjust, and they are not iron-clad people.

Why are there so many untrue remarks, why have so many topics been hyped, and none of them have been fulfilled?

Lao Chai said what to tear, who tore whom, everyone's eyes are bright, do you need to tear it?

Justice is iron-clad, how can you state the facts when your uncle shouts, Xiong Cheng is like that, and all kinds of excuses are used to delay?

Iron-clad, when Lao Yao reported Liuliu, shouldn't it be better to show the image of iron-clad Zheng in front of netizens? Why are there only two backs?

Leaving two backs to pose for a photo is just to pave the way for the live broadcast on the 29th, the end of the truth is the live broadcast, and the end of the truth is to get rich one family after another.

Lao Chai said what to tear, who tore whom, everyone's eyes are bright, do you need to tear it?



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