
Serialization of Mr. Yao Fuxing's novel "The Road of Life in the Wind and Rain": Chapter 6 Exploration (1)

author:China's Yinshan Writers Propaganda Platform
Serialization of Mr. Yao Fuxing's novel "The Road of Life in the Wind and Rain": Chapter 6 Exploration (1)

The lightning and thunder in mid-air woke up Yao Yimin, who was asleep. He got up from the bed, opened the corner of the curtain and looked out, the dark night sky was so white that he couldn't see anything. He opened a window, and the storm rushed in, and the bean-sized raindrops hit the glass and hit him in the face. I closed the window, picked up the watch resting on the bedside and looked at it, the hands were pointing at four o'clock. He thought to himself, at one o'clock in the night, after he checked the landfill at the garbage dump, he had just returned home for three hours, why did such a heavy rain come. God's face really changes. He hurriedly put on his clothes and walked to the desk, picked up the phone and dialed the bureau's flood control office.

After the phone was connected, the voice of the attendant came from the microphone: "Hey, who is it?" When Yao Yimin said his name, the crisp voice of the attendant on the other end of the phone immediately came: "It's the director, you haven't slept yet?" What's the matter? ”

Yao Yimin instructed him to immediately send a duty bus to pick him up at his home, and settled him so that the driver could drive the car directly to the mouth of the alley and wait for him. He was about to go out and wait for the bus. After making the phone call, he put on a raincoat and rain boots, quietly opened the door, and was about to walk out, but the voice of his wife and son came from behind him: "What a heavy rain, are you going out again?" ”

Yao Yimin said: "I'll go to the street right away. With such a heavy rain, I am afraid that the water on the street will not be small. You sleep. ”

Yao's wife said, "I don't think you can come back tonight, right?" I locked the door from the inside. ”

Yao Yimin said: "Okay, remember that tomorrow you send the children to school and bring all the rain gear." ”

After that, Yao Yimin left the house and walked straight to the alley.

In the white rain curtain, the water on the road is already more than half a foot high, and from time to time small waves are turned up to meet the raindrops the size of beans falling from the sky. The bright lights of the flood control duty truck shone on the ground, and I saw the water on the street drifting through melon skins, plastic bags and other debris from time to time.

Yao Yimin got into the car and instructed the driver to drive in the direction of Gongye North Road. When the car drove to the intersection of Dongmen Street and Gongye North Road, I saw a group of dark shadows gathered together under the eaves of a shop. Yao Yimin ordered the car to stop. He got out of the car and walked towards the group. A young woman in the crowd shouted, "The chief is here." Why did you come out in such a heavy rain? ”

When Yao Yimin looked at it, it turned out to be Dafeng, the street sweeper in this section. I saw that her whole body was soaked, and the rain was still dripping down her face.

Dafeng said: "I just swept here, and the rain is coming when I finish sweeping." No way, the rain was too heavy. When I came out of the team, the weather was fine, no one brought rain gear, and our clothes were soaked. Now I'm arranging for them, quickly separate the road section and check the drainage outlets on the road section to see if there is any debris. If the rain stops, you will have to leave work early tomorrow morning and shovel the sand while it is wet. ”

When Yao Yimin heard him say this, his heart suddenly relaxed. She arranged everything she wanted to say. Seeing that they all looked like they had just climbed out of the sea, they were not only soaked, but also thinly dressed and shivering. I was moved in my heart, and I didn't say anything anymore. After just mentioning everyone's hard work, they drove straight to the cleaning team.

It has been three years since Yao Yimin came to work in this bureau. He is well aware of the complexity of the environmental sanitation work he manages, and also the precious spirit of the sanitation workers he manages.

When the car drove into the gate of the cleaning station, the conference room of the cleaning station was brightly lit. The moment he stepped into the conference room, he saw the drivers and stevedores of the convoy, their clothes soaked and their hair wet. Some of them were drinking water, some were smoking. The difference is that the big shovel in the hands of the stevedores is still standing beside each stevedore, as if waiting for something?

After a while, the sturdy captain and dispatcher Chen Yugang came in, and when they saw Yao Yimin sitting on a chair in the conference room, they were immediately stunned, knowing that the director had just returned from the road and wanted to hear about their arrangements for shoveling "rain and sand" tomorrow. The captain of the whole team is from Shanxi, and his predecessors are also farmers who came to Luyuan "through the west exit", and his accent has not changed at all with his parents over the years. He briefed Yao Yimin on the contents of the emergency meeting.

Originally, according to the general law of the "three clean-ups" work, the garbage was pulled out of the car at one point at the cleaning station, and after the garbage in the whole area of nearly 2,500 garbage points in the whole area, especially in the Beiliang area, was basically pulled, the cleaning team began to clean the roads of the 18 main roads in the whole city at half past two. In this way, the garbage thrown on the road by the garbage truck is also swept away. In addition to the operation of mechanical fecal suction trucks during the day, the dry toilets of general residential buildings, especially more than 1,000 large and small dry toilets in the Beiliang area, should also be cleaned before the workers go to work in the early morning.

Today, before the rainstorm, the garbage on the garbage point has just been removed. When the team leaders saw this ferocious rainstorm, they were bound to wash away a large amount of "rain and sand" accumulated on the road. After studying, the team leaders decided to let all the drivers and stevedores who had completed the task of hauling that night not go home, but to stay in the conference room and arrange the task of shoveling "rain and sand" tomorrow.

After listening to the brief report of the captain, Yao Yimin said: "Your will be as short as possible to let the workers rest for a while." Tomorrow as soon as the rain stops, we will dispatch immediately. You arrange it. ”

Yao Yimin came out of the conference room and saw Director Sun of the repair workshop shouting loudly, beckoning the repairman to change the water tank and repair the tires of several cars. Workers in the repair shop sweat and nervously do maintenance and overhaul of the large and small loaders and forklifts that will be started tomorrow. When Director Sun saw Yao Yimin coming, he hurriedly said, "No problem, tomorrow the vehicles of each team will not be able to delay the task of shoveling and transporting 'rain and sand'."

I am afraid that very few people who are engaged in sanitation work in the country know this term, because of the topography of the old town of Luyuan. Boto City is an old town in Luyuan, N Autonomous Region. There is a saying here: the roots of the deer plateau are in Boto, and the roots of Boto are in Beiliang. The so-called beam is the place where the people of the deer hill call two low-lying places and a high convex place. The topography of the old town of Boto is high in the north and low in the south. The people of Beiliang call the slope of four ditches and seven beams (i.e., Houshui ditch, Wayao ditch, Yushu ditch, West Brain Bao Hougou, Sidian Erliang, Dong, Xiyingpan Liang, Daxian Temple Liang, Temple Liang, Zhaoliang, Guanjing Liang, Loess Canal). Looking down from the air, look at the north beam area: the ravines are staggered, and the ditch beams are displayed in the southwest direction, and they are scattered and interspersed. It's just that the loess canal slopes from north to south, which is quite a bit of the taste of the Loess Plateau. The houses that live here are built on beams or on slopes. Taking the Siliangdong Hui Nationality Settlement Area as an example, this was the earliest "household registration land" of the Mongolian Ba family, and people who "walked to the west exit" from Shanxi lived here and rented the "household registration land" of the Ba Mongolian nationality for a living. Therefore, some old people said that the earliest inhabitants of Luyuan were Mongolians. After having a family, starting from Qingkang and Qian, Hui people from Ningxia, Gansu, Hebei and other places gradually settled together, forming a residential area with the mosque as the core. Subsequently, Mongolian, Han, Hui, Manchu and other ethnic groups of different rich and poor people or merchants came here, or settled down in the "west exit", and gradually built residences with their own ethnic characteristics. Among them, most of them are Shanxi-style houses. For example, the businessmen Qiao, Cao, and Chang Zhujia who made a fortune and started a business in the "West Exit", as well as the "Gongqi Prince" and the official family compound in the neighborhood, are generally high-walled and deep houses. This kind of house brick and tile structure, full of doors and windows, carved beams and painted buildings. There are brick carvings above the door opening, such as "scholarly fragrance and haze" or "full of longevity", which means that this house is a rich and noble family for reading. Some door openings on both sides or courtyard porch columns, as well as brick carvings or wood carvings. When this residence was built, it also adapted to the characteristics of many bandits, large wind and sand, and cold, and added the functions of windproof, cold, waterproof, and bandit-proof. However, most of the houses of poor families in Beiliang are mud houses built on the slope, which are densely packed, and the roof is wiped every year after mixing with mud and grass oranges. In particular, there are ancestral households who live here by raising livestock, and in addition to housing, there is also a large area of enclosure land, in which camels, cattle, horses, and sheep are all available.

With the increasing rise of industry and commerce in Luyuan, especially after 1925, the prosperity and influence of the Qiao family, the Cao family, the Yin family, and the Yao family in Luyuan business, coupled with the increasing development of Feng Yuxiang's new culture and education, introduced large investments from merchants in Tianjin, Beijing, Hebei, Henan, Shanghai and other places such as Duan Shenwu, bringing a modern civilized business atmosphere and business philosophy, so that the economy and culture of Luyuan entered a period of rapid development, with famous commercial blocks such as Fu Sanyuan, Chuanxingdian, and Dongxiqian Street.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Luyuan, an important commercial town in the north, ushered in a new life, built the east and west ring roads, the west Naobao Street, and the south and widened the South Gate Outer Street and the north and south industrial roads, so that the traffic in Botuo District formed a two-vertical and four-horizontal traffic network. However, drainage in urban areas is still a "bottleneck" for the construction and development of the entire city. "Rain and sand" is one of the most important problems in the environmental sanitation work of previous governments.

Because the drainage of the north beam is close to the ditch, if it is a light rain and the ground is wet, it is not a big problem, but if it encounters a storm and the water rises from the ground, it will be bad. This is why in the beginning, whether it was a businessman, a farmer, or a doctor who came to the deer plateau to do business, farm, or practice medicine and beg, the houses had to be built on the slope beams according to the characteristics of the deer plateau's topography in the north and low in the south. Heavy rain, garbage on the beams, mud and grass on the roof, livestock feces, human feces in the toilets... From Qiliang and Sigou poured down, from Taipingguan Lane, Wayaogou, Guanjingliang Street, Jiuchangcheng Lane, and Xinaobao Back Street, several streets and alleys gushed out, and gathered to form a torrent through Jiefang Road, Shengli Road, and Ximen Street, and rushed to Industrial Road, Heping Road, Huancheng Road, and Xinaobao Street. Where the water passes, all kinds of debris such as fruit peels, plants and trees are left on the road, which is unbearable to see. In particular, the water flow gradually decreases on the main roads in the urban area, and the sediment that flows down is left on both sides of the road, forming a layer of "water washing sand" from mound to mound.

When Yao Yimin returned to the bureau, he saw Zhang Liang, the director on duty at the Flood Control Office, making a phone call to the reservoir. From their conversations, Yao Yimin knew that the reservoir's capacity was still below the safety line. He instructed Director Zhang to personally go to the reservoir to grasp the first-hand materials of the flood situation. After Director Zhang and the others drove to the reservoir, Yao Yimin returned to his office and lay down in his clothes.

The torrential rain finally stopped in the early morning. Yao Yimin came out of the office and saw Director Wang from the office carrying a shovel and pickaxe and other tools from the warehouse. In front of the garage door, Secretary Zhen of the party committee was assigning tasks to the cadres of the organs according to the location provided by the urban management department where the "water flushes the sand" and concentrated it. He looked at his watch, and it was not yet time to go to work. However, in accordance with the requirements of the post responsibility system, the comrades of the organs must go to the work units in advance and participate in the work according to the units and localities with which they are in contact with each other in accordance with the requirements of the post responsibility system, and must supervise and urge the responsible units to complete the task of clearing up the "rain and sand" and the snow accumulation.

Secretary Zhen is a capable lesbian. When Yao Yimin came out of the office, he said to him: "I saw that you were sleeping very deeply in the office just now, and I guess you also slept late, so I didn't call you." I discussed with Director Wang and prepared to ask the cadres to come to their contact point immediately. What else do you think there is to say? ”

Yao Yimin said: "It's good, it's good. I'm going to go out on the street and see how big it takes to get a few days of the 'rain and sand' task, so I know what to expect. ”

In the early morning in the Boto district, the streets are already in shambles after heavy rains. In addition to large and small sand piles on the main road, garbage can be seen everywhere, and the smell is stinking. When he arrived at the door of the hardware company on Dongmen Avenue and turned into Industrial Road, he saw that the loader of the cleaning team had begun to load the "rain and sand" at the intersection onto the cleaning vehicle. In the roar of the loader, the stevedores and the workers of the sweeping team next to them piled the sand shovel in front of the shovel head with shovels from all sides along the direction of the shovel head, forming a large pile and piling it up, which is convenient for the loader to shovel and transport away. When Yao Yimin saw the driver, Xiao He, he instructed the loader to pour sand and debris into the removal vehicle with a tired face.

Yao Yimin knew that Xiaohe and Dafeng were newlyweds, and they were both members of the Youth League Committee of the Bureau. Because of his outstanding performance in his work, Xiao He honorably joined the Communist Party of China last month and was named the winner of the "May Fourth Medal." Both of them are outstanding young people on the sanitation front. They met at work and loved each other in labor.

There is also a story circulating among the workers. Xiao He is the driver of the cleaning team, and he returns home in the early morning every day to remove garbage. Often Xiaohe comes back, Dafeng just went out to clean the road. Dafeng is also the squad leader, and he comes out early and returns late, so sometimes he comes back and Xiaohe is sleeping soundly. Dafeng is also a person with a fiery personality and a lively nature, and often jokes about Xiaohe. One day, Dafeng came back to see Xiaohe sleeping soundly, and he wanted to wake him up with something, but he couldn't wake him up. Dafeng shouted: "The whole captain's phone!" Xiao He sat up suddenly, opened his confused eyes and said, "Are you out of the car?" As a result, Dafeng laughed backwards and backwards. As soon as Xiao He saw that Dafeng was joking, he fell asleep again. When Dafeng finished laughing and looked at Xiaohe again, he was already snoring, and he couldn't scream.

Yao Yimin called Dafeng and said, "I can't recognize you when I say it, looking from the back, it looks like you." It turned out that these female cleaners were covered with veils today, and they couldn't tell who they were from on the outside. Following Dafeng's instructions, Yao Yimin saw that some of the sweepers were shoveling sand with shovels, some were pushing carts to clean up the debris on the peel boxes and roads, and some were cleaning the contents of the drain. Originally, these drains had iron grates, but there were always some guys who pried the grates off and sold them for money. When the rain comes, because there is no iron grate, debris and so on enter the sedimentation well along the drain. I saw a female cleaner wearing a veil putting her hand into the drain hole and pulling out the branches one by one... Yao Yimin's eyes moistened.

As soon as he looked up, he saw Captain Meng of the cleaning team carrying a dead chicken that had just been pulled out of the drain and throwing it on the garbage truck, and hurriedly beckoned him to come over.

Yao Yimin said: "Captain Meng, you should quickly call the stationmaster of the cleaning station, and ask her to quickly pull out a fecal suction truck and pump all the drains of the 18 main roads without iron grates." If the debris is not clean and the drainage is blocked, it will be troublesome to break the road in the future. Seeing Xiao Meng walking away, Yao Yimin immediately went to the place where the "rain and sand" on Xibayan Avenue were more concentrated to see the clean-up situation.

The middle section of West Bayan is a section where the rainwater from West Ring Road washes down from West 5th Street and Park Road. Because this street may not be smoothed or unknown for reasons when the road is being repaired, a large area of water will be formed when it rains, and the amount of "rain and sand" formed is relatively large. And Xibayan is the main arterial road from Luyuan to Qingcheng City in N Autonomous Region, with a large traffic flow, and if the "rain washes the sand" is not shoveled up and transported away in time, it will be crushed by vehicles many times and form a hard block.

At the labor site, Yao Yimin saw Secretary Zhen, who was over half a hundred years old, although he was a female comrade, but with the pickaxe in his hand waving up and down, white hair was already hidden in the black hair raised. Full of energy, sweat constantly flowing on the thin face.

Yao Yimin walked over and asked her to take a break, but she didn't seem to hear it, and said as she did it: "No, hurry up and get rid of the sand here, there is still a lot of sand over there." Yao Yimin snatched her pickaxe and took it upon himself.

Three days have passed, and the large area of "rain and sand" on the main road caused by this torrential rain has been completely cleaned up by the sanitation workers in the day and night struggle.

Yao Yimin made a rough calculation, and this rain alone cleared out nearly 1,000 tons of "rain and sand" and garbage and debris. After the shoveling and transportation of the "rain and sand" was not counted, the cadres of the organ also helped the female workers of the cleaning team to sweep the road for three days at night, and only then did they clean up the thin layer of sand left behind after the shoveling of the main road after the "rain washed away the sand," so that the 18 main roads in the old town of Boto were no longer dusty and the roads were restored to their original appearance.

Yao Yimin was relieved to see the clean and tidy streets, and what moved Yao Yimin even more was that although the sanitation workers did not have great skills, that is, a broom and a shovel, holding a stinking fecal suction pipe, and driving a garbage truck or fecal suction truck that everyone had to walk with their noses covered when they passed by, it was a very ordinary thing, and in the eyes of some people, it was also a work that was looked down upon, but they (they) should be the most worthy of our respect. No matter spring, summer, autumn and winter, cold and heat, or under the scorching sun, or in the northwest wind of winter, they are never absent every day. Behind their lonely figures, what is left to us is the civilization, neatness and cleanliness of the city. Some people say that sanitation workers are the beauticians of the city, and Yao Yimin wants to say that they are not only beauticians, but also an indispensable "little bean sprout" in the urban symphony, playing the music of urban civilization in the score of urban development, bringing us joy, bringing us joy, bringing us comfort.

Yao Yimin recalled that when he was about to take up his post in the urban construction and sanitation department, an old leader who was familiar with the joys and hardships of urban construction and sanitation work once summed up his image in this work as follows: "Repair bridges, repair roads, sweep and dig, flood and earthquake prevention, and plant flowers and plants." The monkeys in the park are loved, and you can't scold (1) if you don't say good. Let him be mentally prepared, not afraid of criticism, and be prepared to face difficulties.

I remember that when Yao Yimin first came to work in this bureau, he received many letters from the masses on the first day. said that the toilet in such and such a place was full and no one took it, and the was frozen more than a foot high in winter, and people couldn't squat; The garbage in such and such a place is not pulled, and it is piled up; The tap water runs out of water in a certain place, people walk on the ice when it is cold, and the bicycle can't move at all and affects the traffic to work, etc. There is a letter of complaint. The letter reflected that when the letter went to the toilet, he did not notice that the tip of the squatting pit of the aqua toilet froze higher and higher in winter, and even rose nearly two feet above the squatting pit. The person who came didn't pay attention to squatting down, just squatting on the tip of the frozen, hitting the tail bone so painful that he couldn't sit down, and he was upset during the New Year, so he had to go to the hospital for treatment. Letter requesting compensation. Yao Yimin looked at the letters from the common people, and felt very uncomfortable. The letters from the masses reflect the real situation, but there are too many arrears in the municipal sanitation facilities. In the case of Beiliang, the management of sanitation has made great progress compared with before the founding of New China, but the actual situation is too far from the basic needs of the masses.

To find out what's next, listen to the next breakdown

Serialization of Mr. Yao Fuxing's novel "The Road of Life in the Wind and Rain": Chapter 6 Exploration (1)

The author is Yao Fuxing, whose pen name is Fuxing Gaozhao. Manchu. I graduated from Baotou No. 1 Middle School in Inner Mongolia in 1966. In September l968, he went to the countryside to cut the team and settled in the Wuyuan Fuxing Commune and the Shengwu team in Houtao (now Bayannur City).

In 1972, he returned to Baotou City, Inner Mongolia. He has worked in the municipal and district political and legal systems and urban construction and sanitation systems for many years. During this period, he was admitted to the Department of Political Science and Education of Baotou Normal University (now the School of Political Science and Law of Baotou Normal University), where he studied literary theory and writing professional knowledge. Upon completion of the academic period, the undergraduate certificate will be obtained. He has participated in the collection and compilation of historical records of Baotou by the District CPPCC. After his retirement, he devoted himself to amateur writing. He has published articles such as "Music Achieves Dad's Brilliant Life" and "The Famous Origin and Historical Evolution of Nambi Cave" and other articles published in newspapers and publications. He is the author of a long popular science literary work "A Word of the Day".

He used to be the people's representative of the 11th People's Congress of Baotou City, Inner Mongolia.

Serialization of Mr. Yao Fuxing's novel "The Road of Life in the Wind and Rain": Chapter 6 Exploration (1)

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