
Zheng Yixin's substitution caused controversy, the three post-00s players were abandoned, and Cai Bin had problems with his selection

Zheng Yixin's substitution caused controversy, the three post-00s players were abandoned, and Cai Bin had problems with his selection

A teenager at the Temple of Horseback Riding

2024-06-28 21:15Creators in the field of sports

Recently, Zheng Yixin became a substitute for the women's volleyball team, which caused controversy among fans. This substitute response is not only a dozen in the World League and team training, Zheng Yixin is also likely to go to Paris to represent the Chinese women's volleyball team to play as an Olympic substitute. In the World League finals, Zheng Yixin's dismal data of 14 deductions, 2 mistakes and 2 mistakes against Japan proved that she was completely unqualified in her reception, and as early as the Langping period, Xiaoxin's transformation ended in failure. Cai Bin's selection and employment of people is indeed incomprehensible.

Zheng Yixin's substitution caused controversy, the three post-00s players were abandoned, and Cai Bin had problems with his selection

In the past three years, the main attack and training have all failed, and only Zheng Yixin has been circled as a substitute.

In February 2022, since Cai Bin took over the Chinese women's volleyball team, he has made many mistakes in selecting and employing people. In the position of free man, Cai Bin chose Wang Weiyi, the best free man in the domestic league, and as a result, Wang Weiyi was exposed in the World League, and a pass was flying all over the sky, and the defensive loopholes were not small. In the end, Cai Bin had to recall Wang Mengjie, the best libero in the World Cup, before the World Championships. Facts have proved that with Wang Mengjie's back-row guarantee, the offensive and defensive conversion of the Chinese women's volleyball team is much smoother.

Zheng Yixin's substitution caused controversy, the three post-00s players were abandoned, and Cai Bin had problems with his selection

In the main offensive position, Cai Bin adopted a quick approach, no longer cultivating young players, but choosing Mesozoic players with certain game experience, Wang Yunrui, Jin Ye, Zhong Hui, Du Qingqing, these people have been reused by Cai Bin. However, through the actual test of international competitions, these Mesozoic people do not have a high ceiling, either they can't attack the ball, or they can't withstand a pass. Approaching the Olympics, all these main attacks cultivated by Cai Bin in the past three years have been eliminated. In response to the position, Cai Bin also used Chen Peiyan, and after a short trial, Chen Peiyan was not suitable for the speed of light to play.

Zheng Yixin's substitution caused controversy, the three post-00s players were abandoned, and Cai Bin had problems with his selection

Then, Cai Bin circled Zheng Yixin to play as a substitute. In the setter position, Cai Bin mainly played Diao Linyu, and personally used the stopwatch to speed up Diao Linyu, which resulted in Yuan Xinyue not being able to catch up with Diao Linyu's pass for a year, and Gong Xiangyu is still chasing the ball and can't exert his strength. Xu Xiaoting, who was substituted for three years, was also replaced by Ding Xia. Judging from Cai Bin's selection of free man, main attack, reception, and setter, his choice is basically to eliminate Lang Ping and repeat the training.

Zheng Yixin's substitution caused controversy, the three post-00s players were abandoned, and Cai Bin had problems with his selection

Miao Yiwen, Zhou Yetong, and Wang Yindi, the three post-00s, did not give a chance, and Wang Yizhu had just left the team.

Zheng Yixin is 29 years old, 1 year older than Wang Yunrui, players of this age group are all in a downward trend, and there is no training value at all, Cai Bin actually used Zheng Yixin for three years to play as a substitute. Many fans also believe that Wu Mengjie was trained late, and if it is the same 3 years, Wu Mengjie will definitely improve more than Wang Yunrui in the national team. In fact, the three post-00s rising stars in China: Miao Yiwen, Zhou Yetong, Wang Yindi, and Cai Bin did not give a chance.

Zheng Yixin's substitution caused controversy, the three post-00s players were abandoned, and Cai Bin had problems with his selection

Miao Yiwen can play the main attack and response, and she has also trained in the national team, Cai Bin sent her to play and was replaced after only 2 minutes, and this kind of opportunity is the same as not giving it. Zhou Yetong's fixed-point offensive ability is definitely stronger than Zheng Yixin, as two points for three points, Zhou Yetong has to play the ball better than Zheng Yixin. Wang Yindi responded as the Shanghai women's volleyball team, and Cai Bin also did not give any chance. There are Gong Xiangyu, Li Yingying, and Yuan Xinyue trained by Lang Ping as the team, and Cai Bin just wants to use the Mesozoic Era to play international competitions, and has no intention of cultivating young players at all.

Zheng Yixin's substitution caused controversy, the three post-00s players were abandoned, and Cai Bin had problems with his selection

The final result is: Zheng Yixin can only be used as a substitute, and other post-00 young responders have never run in or tried out in the national team. Zhou Yetong and Wang Yindi are indeed lacking in the next three support skills, but if you don't cultivate, how can they have a chance to improve? When it comes to the Olympics, there is no one to choose from, no one is available, and young players are not called to the national team for improvement and training, so Zheng Yixin has to be used to play as a substitute, which is also the result of Cai Bin's own cause. What do you think about this?

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  • Zheng Yixin's substitution caused controversy, the three post-00s players were abandoned, and Cai Bin had problems with his selection
  • Zheng Yixin's substitution caused controversy, the three post-00s players were abandoned, and Cai Bin had problems with his selection
  • Zheng Yixin's substitution caused controversy, the three post-00s players were abandoned, and Cai Bin had problems with his selection
  • Zheng Yixin's substitution caused controversy, the three post-00s players were abandoned, and Cai Bin had problems with his selection
  • Zheng Yixin's substitution caused controversy, the three post-00s players were abandoned, and Cai Bin had problems with his selection
  • Zheng Yixin's substitution caused controversy, the three post-00s players were abandoned, and Cai Bin had problems with his selection

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