
The quadruplets became popular in the college entrance examination, but they were picked up with black material, and their parents favored sons and daughters, and their sister could only sleep in the kitchen

author:History of Yew Wah

«——【Preamble】】 ——»

The college entrance examination has ended, and with the announcement of the results of various provinces, the quadruplets in Changsha directly exploded on the Internet, because the four of them scored 659,608,599,661 respectively.

The quadruplets became popular in the college entrance examination, but they were picked up with black material, and their parents favored sons and daughters, and their sister could only sleep in the kitchen

I thought that with the report that their quadruplets would be praised by netizens, but I didn't expect it to be scolded, and even refused to allow their quadruplets to pass the political trial, what is going on?

«——【Shenzhen's first case of quadruplets·】——»

With the announcement of the results of the college entrance examination, the Changsha quadruplets exploded on the Internet with a good score of 659,608,599,661.

The quadruplets became popular in the college entrance examination, but they were picked up with black material, and their parents favored sons and daughters, and their sister could only sleep in the kitchen

In fact, this is not the first time they have appeared in everyone's field of vision, in 2006, the parents of quadruplets Jiang Shoulian and Tan Chaoyun have appeared in major media.

The quadruplets became popular in the college entrance examination, but they were picked up with black material, and their parents favored sons and daughters, and their sister could only sleep in the kitchen

Because they were the first couple in Shenzhen to conceive naturally and give birth to quadruplets, they received media attention at the time.

The quadruplets became popular in the college entrance examination, but they were picked up with black material, and their parents favored sons and daughters, and their sister could only sleep in the kitchen

However, their family is particularly poor, especially with the arrival of quadruplets, and the family can't open the pot.

The quadruplets became popular in the college entrance examination, but they were picked up with black material, and their parents favored sons and daughters, and their sister could only sleep in the kitchen

However, because their deeds were spread, they met a lot of well-wishers, and in this way, with the help of those well-wishers, their family's life was on the right track.

The quadruplets became popular in the college entrance examination, but they were picked up with black material, and their parents favored sons and daughters, and their sister could only sleep in the kitchen

What's more, with the help of the media, their quadruplets went to school in a private kindergarten in Shenzhen, after all, the husband and wife are not local to Shenzhen, so they can't go to school on their own.

I have to say that with the help of everyone, they not only have a school, but also learn a lot of talents, such as Allegro, Latin dance, Peking Opera and so on.

The quadruplets became popular in the college entrance examination, but they were picked up with black material, and their parents favored sons and daughters, and their sister could only sleep in the kitchen

At that time, the quadruplets also relied on their popularity to participate in many variety shows, and even stepped onto the stage of CCTV, so their quadruplets also won the title of "grassroots star children".

«——【·College Entrance Examination Results Cause Sensation Again·】——»

Now, with the end of the college entrance examination in 2024, their quadruplets have detonated the Internet again, and the college entrance examination results from all over the country have come out on June 25, and the quadruplets in Changsha, Hunan Province have directly become popular on the Internet with their excellent results.

The quadruplets became popular in the college entrance examination, but they were picked up with black material, and their parents favored sons and daughters, and their sister could only sleep in the kitchen

I saw that the quadruplets in the video looked exactly the same and spoke very gently, the eldest Jiang Yunlong scored 659 points in the college entrance examination, the second Jiang Yunxiao scored 608 points, the third Jiang Yunhan scored 599 points, and the fourth Jiang Yunlin scored 661 points.

And the boss has been admitted to Tsinghua University, and I have to say that their scores are really worthy of their name "Long Xiao Hanlin".

The quadruplets became popular in the college entrance examination, but they were picked up with black material, and their parents favored sons and daughters, and their sister could only sleep in the kitchen

The most important thing is that the goal of the four of them is very clear, the eldest and third are teachers, and they want to spread more knowledge to more children.

The quadruplets became popular in the college entrance examination, but they were picked up with black material, and their parents favored sons and daughters, and their sister could only sleep in the kitchen

The goal of the second and fourth children is scientific research, one wants to be engaged in science and the other wants to be engaged in artificial intelligence.

The quadruplets became popular in the college entrance examination, but they were picked up with black material, and their parents favored sons and daughters, and their sister could only sleep in the kitchen

Through their goals, it can be seen that all three of them want to contribute their modest strength to society.

As the video exploded on the Internet, many netizens expressed their envy, since these quadruplets are so good, their parents should not be bad.

The quadruplets became popular in the college entrance examination, but they were picked up with black material, and their parents favored sons and daughters, and their sister could only sleep in the kitchen

Sure enough, when interviewing their parents, the father of the quadruplets made a statement that he wanted them to continue their education after graduating from college.

If you can get a master's degree and a doctorate, that's great, after all, it means that they are the real elite.

The quadruplets became popular in the college entrance examination, but they were picked up with black material, and their parents favored sons and daughters, and their sister could only sleep in the kitchen

Through these few words, it can be seen that the father's teaching of these quadruplets can be said to be very strict, otherwise it would not be possible to cultivate such an excellent child.

The quadruplets became popular in the college entrance examination, but they were picked up with black material, and their parents favored sons and daughters, and their sister could only sleep in the kitchen

If there is a strict father, there must be a loving mother, and their mother said that no matter how well they do in the exam, she is happy, as long as they are happy, and hopes that they will work hard to serve the people in the future.

The quadruplets became popular in the college entrance examination, but they were picked up with black material, and their parents favored sons and daughters, and their sister could only sleep in the kitchen

It can be said that the remarks of the quadruplets mother have resonated with many people, and once again made their family a topic of conversation.

«——【Black material flying all over the sky·】——»

It's a pity that although the explosion brought popularity to their family, the Internet is a double-edged sword, and soon the black history of their family was excavated.

The quadruplets became popular in the college entrance examination, but they were picked up with black material, and their parents favored sons and daughters, and their sister could only sleep in the kitchen

In 2016's "Warm New Home", the Jiang family and his wife appeared here, and the Jiang family and his wife still lived in a house of more than 60 square meters in Shenzhen.

However, because of the quadruplets, they wanted to change the three-bedroom apartment to the two-bedroom apartment, just during the renovation of the house.

The quadruplets became popular in the college entrance examination, but they were picked up with black material, and their parents favored sons and daughters, and their sister could only sleep in the kitchen

suddenly broke in a girl, this girl was the sister of the quadruplets Jiang Na, but the program team called the girl an "uninvited guest".

The quadruplets became popular in the college entrance examination, but they were picked up with black material, and their parents favored sons and daughters, and their sister could only sleep in the kitchen

The Jiang family and his wife can be described as very patriarchal, they gave all their love to the quadruplets, and Jiang Na, who was only 12 years old, went to earn money to support herself.

The quadruplets became popular in the college entrance examination, but they were picked up with black material, and their parents favored sons and daughters, and their sister could only sleep in the kitchen

The most important thing is that Jiang Na not only supports herself, but also has to earn money for her own education, and she has to take care of her younger brothers in her spare time.

The quadruplets became popular in the college entrance examination, but they were picked up with black material, and their parents favored sons and daughters, and their sister could only sleep in the kitchen

Moreover, whenever Jiang Na comes home, she doesn't even have a place to live, she can only live in the utility room, so Jiang Na's wish is to be able to have her own room.

The quadruplets became popular in the college entrance examination, but they were picked up with black material, and their parents favored sons and daughters, and their sister could only sleep in the kitchen

Therefore, when the program team renovated the house, Jiang Na would appear, wanting to see if there was a house of her own.

The quadruplets became popular in the college entrance examination, but they were picked up with black material, and their parents favored sons and daughters, and their sister could only sleep in the kitchen

However, the Jiang family's request is to change the three-bedroom apartment to a two-bedroom apartment, so the designer must have followed their parents' request.

So, they expanded the living room and the quadruplets' vacation, and not only could they dance in their room, but the decoration was also very luxurious, but unfortunately there was no place for the sister here.

The quadruplets became popular in the college entrance examination, but they were picked up with black material, and their parents favored sons and daughters, and their sister could only sleep in the kitchen

When the program team finished decorating the house, the parents and the four treasures were very happy to visit their house, and only the sister was looking for her own room.

The quadruplets became popular in the college entrance examination, but they were picked up with black material, and their parents favored sons and daughters, and their sister could only sleep in the kitchen

It's a pity that there is no extra room in the whole house, and just when my sister was puzzled, the program team took my sister to the kitchen.

The quadruplets became popular in the college entrance examination, but they were picked up with black material, and their parents favored sons and daughters, and their sister could only sleep in the kitchen

I saw that the designer pulled down the kitchen cabinet and instantly became a bed, and at the same time, in order to protect my sister's privacy, a partition door was added to the kitchen.

The quadruplets became popular in the college entrance examination, but they were picked up with black material, and their parents favored sons and daughters, and their sister could only sleep in the kitchen

In this way, when my sister sleeps at night, she can close the partition door, and when she is not sleeping, this space can be vacated, and the kitchen will be larger.

The quadruplets became popular in the college entrance examination, but they were picked up with black material, and their parents favored sons and daughters, and their sister could only sleep in the kitchen

Seeing this design, the Jiang family and his wife were very happy, and praised the design of the program team for being very good, really taking into account the mood of their daughter Jiang Na.

The quadruplets became popular in the college entrance examination, but they were picked up with black material, and their parents favored sons and daughters, and their sister could only sleep in the kitchen

At the beginning, after this show was broadcast, the Jiang family and his wife were criticized by netizens, and they were all unhappy for their sister Jiang Na.

The quadruplets became popular in the college entrance examination, but they were picked up with black material, and their parents favored sons and daughters, and their sister could only sleep in the kitchen

Now that the quadruplets are popular on the Internet again, netizens have also exposed this black history again, and they have been attacked by netizens again.

The quadruplets became popular in the college entrance examination, but they were picked up with black material, and their parents favored sons and daughters, and their sister could only sleep in the kitchen

thought that the Jiang family and his wife only had the idea of preferring sons over daughters, but as a result, some netizens also exposed the inappropriate remarks of the quadruplets' father, and the netizens' good impression of their family instantly dropped to the minimum.

The quadruplets became popular in the college entrance examination, but they were picked up with black material, and their parents favored sons and daughters, and their sister could only sleep in the kitchen

In addition, netizens even broke the news that the Jiang family has more than one daughter, Jiang Na, and it is reported that the quadruplets should have three children.

«——【Disappeared "Sisters"·]——»

In addition to Jiang Na, the Jiang family also has a second daughter named Jiang Zhen, who appeared in a Hong Kong newspaper in 2007.

The quadruplets became popular in the college entrance examination, but they were picked up with black material, and their parents favored sons and daughters, and their sister could only sleep in the kitchen

At that time, the reporter was interviewing the Jiang family, and it happened that the second daughter Jiang Zhen was also there, but we have no way of knowing where the second daughter has gone now.

The quadruplets became popular in the college entrance examination, but they were picked up with black material, and their parents favored sons and daughters, and their sister could only sleep in the kitchen

Moreover, in the 2012 show "Luyu has a date", Tan Chaoyun also revealed that before she was pregnant with four children, she was also pregnant with a pair of twins.

The quadruplets became popular in the college entrance examination, but they were picked up with black material, and their parents favored sons and daughters, and their sister could only sleep in the kitchen

However, at that time, she was too old and afraid of risks due to family reasons, so she had to beat the child off, but netizens questioned her words.

The quadruplets became popular in the college entrance examination, but they were picked up with black material, and their parents favored sons and daughters, and their sister could only sleep in the kitchen

Since you are older, why didn't you choose to get rid of the quadruplets when you were pregnant? chose to give birth, so many people speculated that it might have been killed because it was a girl.

As the black material of the husband and wife exploded more and more, netizens condemned their family of three, and it even affected the quadruplets, and netizens left messages to refuse the quadruplets to pass the political trial.

The quadruplets became popular in the college entrance examination, but they were picked up with black material, and their parents favored sons and daughters, and their sister could only sleep in the kitchen

To be honest, the excellent results of the quadruplets in the college entrance examination undoubtedly laid a solid foundation for their life path, however, behind this brilliance, is the family's preference for boys and neglect of girls.

The quadruplets became popular in the college entrance examination, but they were picked up with black material, and their parents favored sons and daughters, and their sister could only sleep in the kitchen

A case in point is the family of quadruplets in which boys are seen as the hope of succession and enjoy the family's endless love and resources, while girls suffer from injustice.

In this family environment, the older sister has to take on housework and take care of her four younger brothers when she grows up.

The quadruplets became popular in the college entrance examination, but they were picked up with black material, and their parents favored sons and daughters, and their sister could only sleep in the kitchen

With limited educational resources, she had to give more opportunities to her younger brothers, and her parents' expectations for her were just to reduce the burden on the family, and the operation of her parents was really disgusting.

I don't know, after so many years, how are the two sisters of the quadruplets doing, and are they living happily?


Of course, we can't blame all four of them for all the fault because of their parents.

The quadruplets became popular in the college entrance examination, but they were picked up with black material, and their parents favored sons and daughters, and their sister could only sleep in the kitchen

After all, as the saying goes, "bad bamboo shoots make good bamboo shoots," the quadruplets brother's academic success is also the result of their own efforts, although this does not cover up the lack and inadequacy of family education, but this has a lot to do with them.

The quadruplets became popular in the college entrance examination, but they were picked up with black material, and their parents favored sons and daughters, and their sister could only sleep in the kitchen

In short, the popularity of the quadruplets in the college entrance examination is behind the tragedy of the family's preference for sons, this story reminds us to pay attention to the impact of family education on the growth of children, and strive to abandon traditional concepts to create a fair and harmonious growth environment for children.

The quadruplets became popular in the college entrance examination, but they were picked up with black material, and their parents favored sons and daughters, and their sister could only sleep in the kitchen

At the same time, we must also maintain tenacity and hope, and strive to pursue our own life values, only in this way can we embrace a better future together.


This incident fully proves that the Internet has a memory, and will not forget everything they have done because of time, and I hope that the lives of the two sisters of the quadruplets are good.

The quadruplets became popular in the college entrance examination, but they were picked up with black material, and their parents favored sons and daughters, and their sister could only sleep in the kitchen

At the same time, I also hope that these quadruplets can be firm in their goals, use their own strength to give back to the society, and be a useful person.

Information sources:

  1. Huasheng Online "There are four children in other people's families!" "Hunan" Longxiao Hanlin "Quadruplets "Cloud" set for the college entrance examination2024-06-26
The quadruplets became popular in the college entrance examination, but they were picked up with black material, and their parents favored sons and daughters, and their sister could only sleep in the kitchen

Image News Realistic version of Fan Shengmei? The sister of the quadruplets slept in the kitchen and provoked public anger2017-04-25

The quadruplets became popular in the college entrance examination, but they were picked up with black material, and their parents favored sons and daughters, and their sister could only sleep in the kitchen
  1. Southern Metropolis Daily Quadruplets! The first case of natural conception of quadruplets in Shenzhen was born to a 41-year-old high-collar mother2006-06-20
The quadruplets became popular in the college entrance examination, but they were picked up with black material, and their parents favored sons and daughters, and their sister could only sleep in the kitchen
The quadruplets became popular in the college entrance examination, but they were picked up with black material, and their parents favored sons and daughters, and their sister could only sleep in the kitchen
The quadruplets became popular in the college entrance examination, but they were picked up with black material, and their parents favored sons and daughters, and their sister could only sleep in the kitchen
The quadruplets became popular in the college entrance examination, but they were picked up with black material, and their parents favored sons and daughters, and their sister could only sleep in the kitchen

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