
30 scientific facts, strange and crazy, but true, the human body actually contains gold!

author:Interesting and wonderful world

The world of science is sometimes more bizarre than fiction, and from milky platypuses to cheese- and wine-powered cars, we've scoured the farthest corners of the internet to blow your mind.

1. When you think of autism, you might think it's a disease that is unique to humans. But interestingly, some animals, such as pit bulls, also exhibit autism-like social habits, proving that autistic traits are not unique to humans.

30 scientific facts, strange and crazy, but true, the human body actually contains gold!

2. Did you know? There are also rainbows on Venus, but they are called "brilliance", and these rainbows are formed because light rays are refracted near water droplets through a phenomenon called "wave tunnels", which is different from the rainbows on Earth.

30 scientific facts, strange and crazy, but true, the human body actually contains gold!

3. Imagine how weird it would be if you sweated not water but milk! Platypus is one such mammal, and like humans, they feed their young with milk, which is incredible.

30 scientific facts, strange and crazy, but true, the human body actually contains gold!

4. Is it true that comets smell like rotten eggs? That's right! Comets are made up of a large number of toxic substances, which contain ammonia and hydrogen sulfide, which are responsible for the unpleasant odor.

30 scientific facts, strange and crazy, but true, the human body actually contains gold!

5. What are the chances of being struck by lightning? It's about 1 in a million for humans, but if you're a giraffe, the odds are much higher, 30 times higher, to be exact!

30 scientific facts, strange and crazy, but true, the human body actually contains gold!

6. Speaking of lightning, violent thunderstorms also produce a phenomenon called "sprites", which do not fly from the clouds to the ground, but from the opposite direction, emitting a stunning red flash.

30 scientific facts, strange and crazy, but true, the human body actually contains gold!

7. There's a river that has an average temperature of 186 degrees Fahrenheit, enough to cook you alive before you even have time to react. This hot river is called Shanay-Timpishka, and it is unique in that it is located at a great distance from the volcano, but it can still be heated to extremely high temperatures.

30 scientific facts, strange and crazy, but true, the human body actually contains gold!

8. Diamonds are not as indestructible as you might think. Although it can be used to cut hard substances, it also has weaknesses because diamonds are made of carbon, so there is some way to ensure that diamonds don't last forever.

30 scientific facts, strange and crazy, but true, the human body actually contains gold!

9. Hippopotamus sweat is red, which is strange because it is not red at first, but after it reaches the surface of the skin, the hippopotamus sweat will slowly turn red and then brown.

30 scientific facts, strange and crazy, but true, the human body actually contains gold!

10. Did You Know? You have about 0.2 milligrams of gold in your body, and while that's not worth a few bucks from a jeweler, it's worth much more in your body because it's essential for transmitting electrical signals.

30 scientific facts, strange and crazy, but true, the human body actually contains gold!

11. Your mouth hides a thriving ecosystem of more than 700 species of bacteria, totaling about 6 billion species, which is more than the population on Earth!

30 scientific facts, strange and crazy, but true, the human body actually contains gold!

12. Cancer is one of the most feared words in the medical world, but scientists can learn from the humble naked mole rats, which have extraordinary anti-cancer abilities, and a certain sugar-related substance in their body helps fight tumors.

30 scientific facts, strange and crazy, but true, the human body actually contains gold!

13. In Australia's Great Barrier Reef, a species of fish that may be the smallest in the world has been discovered. This fish is known as the "coarse floating fish" and is only 6 to 8 mm long, even smaller than a pea! And it's also transparent.

30 scientific facts, strange and crazy, but true, the human body actually contains gold!

14. Although they may not seem very similar at first glance, the "okapi" is the animal most closely related to giraffes in existence. Its black-and-white striped body looks more like a zebra than a giraffe and is only 5 feet tall, but they are the only two remaining members of the giraffe family known to them.

30 scientific facts, strange and crazy, but true, the human body actually contains gold!

15. What do you have in common with a 3,000-pound rhinoceros? Probably you won't think too much about it. But their horns are mainly made up of a protein called keratin, which also makes up our hair and nails.

30 scientific facts, strange and crazy, but true, the human body actually contains gold!

16. The "sundew" plant has a very effective way of catching food. They have long red tentacles that are difficult to dodge. For unsuspecting insects, they are attracted to this plant and can never escape.

30 scientific facts, strange and crazy, but true, the human body actually contains gold!

17. The fastest ant in the world can reach speeds of up to 855 millimeters per second, which is lightning fast for an ant.

30 scientific facts, strange and crazy, but true, the human body actually contains gold!

18. From an environmental point of view, it is clear that humans are geoengineering the planet. Therefore, there is no doubt that human beings are significant and not just a speck of dust in the universe. But in fact, we are just one of the 8.7 million species on Earth that coexist with each other.

30 scientific facts, strange and crazy, but true, the human body actually contains gold!

19. Some jellyfish are immortal creatures. Lighthouse jellyfish are able to respond to potentially dangerous situations by returning to their early form and starting to grow again. So, in a sense, they are immortal.

30 scientific facts, strange and crazy, but true, the human body actually contains gold!

20. King Charles owns a car powered by cheese and wine. In an interview about climate change and efforts to reduce his carbon footprint, he admitted that his gorgeous vintage DB6 uses bioethanol fuel made from wine and cheese.

30 scientific facts, strange and crazy, but true, the human body actually contains gold!

21. A healthy adult has about 3 grams of iron in his body, which, if extracted and melted, can be made into a 3-inch long nail. Iron is an essential nutrient for the human body and is essential for energy production.

30 scientific facts, strange and crazy, but true, the human body actually contains gold!

22. Bed bugs are almost impossible to get rid of and spread quickly. Scientists have determined that these bed bugs have been around since the time of the dinosaurs, first appearing about 115 million years ago.

30 scientific facts, strange and crazy, but true, the human body actually contains gold!

23. The tongue of a snail is like a ribbon, and the lower jaw is called a toothed tongue, which has thousands of tiny teeth on the toothed tongue that allow them to tear their food into smaller, more manageable pieces.

30 scientific facts, strange and crazy, but true, the human body actually contains gold!

24. At the time of the construction of the pyramids, mammoths were still alive in Russia. The last mammoth reportedly disappeared from Wrangel Island, a territory in the Russian Arctic Ocean, just 4,000 years ago.

30 scientific facts, strange and crazy, but true, the human body actually contains gold!

25. Lack of water and low pressure at high altitudes can reduce the sensitivity of one's taste buds to sweet and savory foods by about 30% during the flight. In addition, dry cabin air weakens our sense of smell and further decreases our sense of taste.

30 scientific facts, strange and crazy, but true, the human body actually contains gold!

26. Ladybugs are ferocious cannibals. An adult ladybug eats about 50 aphids per day. However, when food is insufficient, they eat ladybug larvae and even other juvenile ladybugs.

30 scientific facts, strange and crazy, but true, the human body actually contains gold!

27. Actually, you can't taste it with your feet. But if you put garlic under your feet, the molecules of the garlic scent can penetrate the skin, enter your bloodstream, and then enter your mouth and nose, and you'll soon begin to discern the taste of garlic.

30 scientific facts, strange and crazy, but true, the human body actually contains gold!

28. Mordor is a dark and mysterious area on Charon, one of Pluto's moons, that looks like an old or dried red stain of blood.

30 scientific facts, strange and crazy, but true, the human body actually contains gold!

29. We all know that the Moon revolves around the Earth, but not everyone knows that the distance between the Earth and the Moon is increasing. As the Moon continues to rotate planets, it will move 1.48 inches farther from Earth each year.

30 scientific facts, strange and crazy, but true, the human body actually contains gold!

30. Some people are "mind-blind," which can be summed up as the inability to produce visual memories when imaginary things disappear. People with heart blindness are unable to imagine what a character looks like or what it looks like when they are reading a book, and may also have difficulty remembering the faces of deceased loved ones.

30 scientific facts, strange and crazy, but true, the human body actually contains gold!

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