
When you see phlegm, you will get rid of phlegm, no wonder the phlegm can't be cleared! Doctor: These are the root causes of phlegm and dampness!

author:Traditional Chinese medicine Wang Yaofeng

Recently, many people have asked why they are not sick, but there is always phlegm in their throats, is it okay to use some phlegm medicine? Today, Dr. Wang is here to answer, don't just look at the phlegm and think about phlegm, so that the symptoms are not cured, when is the expectorant the end?

When you see phlegm, you will get rid of phlegm, no wonder the phlegm can't be cleared! Doctor: These are the root causes of phlegm and dampness!

If you want to dig out the "root" of phlegm dampness, you must know where this "root" is.

When you see phlegm, you will get rid of phlegm, no wonder the phlegm can't be cleared! Doctor: These are the root causes of phlegm and dampness!

The first thing to talk about is the spleen. As the old saying goes, the spleen is the source of phlegm, which actually means that the spleen and stomach can transport the subtleties of water valley and nourish the whole body. However, when the function of the spleen and stomach is impaired, there will be a situation where water cannot be metabolized, and phlegm accumulates in the spleen and stomach.

When you see phlegm, you will get rid of phlegm, no wonder the phlegm can't be cleared! Doctor: These are the root causes of phlegm and dampness!

This kind of person is mostly dizzy and weak, heavy limbs, don't want to eat all day, there is always endless phlegm in the throat, the stool is sticky and unformed, the tongue sticks out to see, the color is light, the tongue is fat and has tooth marks, this time to phlegm dampness is not enough, but also need to strengthen the spleen and stomach, the spleen and stomach are properly transported, and the phlegm and dampness will not accumulate.

When you see phlegm, you will get rid of phlegm, no wonder the phlegm can't be cleared! Doctor: These are the root causes of phlegm and dampness!

The second viscera to talk about is the kidneys. The main water of the kidneys can be responsible for the metabolism of water in the body, and the water is vaporized by the transpiration of the kidney yang, spreading and moisturizing the whole body, and the rest is excreted through urine. If the kidney yang is insufficient, the water and fluid metabolism cannot be released, and it is easy to have heavy phlegm and dampness.

When you see phlegm, you will get rid of phlegm, no wonder the phlegm can't be cleared! Doctor: These are the root causes of phlegm and dampness!

If you are deficient in kidney yang, it is mostly manifested as fear of cold, listlessness, lack of interest in anything, frequent urination and urgency, frequent nocturia at night, and some people can not discharge phlegm and dampness, and there may be unfavorable urination and edema of the lower legs. Observe the tongue image, the tongue coating is white and greasy, and at the same time as the water is good, it also has to warm the yang, the yang qi rises, and the phlegm is moistened.

When you see phlegm, you will get rid of phlegm, no wonder the phlegm can't be cleared! Doctor: These are the root causes of phlegm and dampness!

The above only shares two ideas for phlegm dampness, there are other reasons that can also cause phlegm dampness, specific problems need to be analyzed, such as physical discomfort, please find a professional doctor to guide the syndrome differentiation, do not blindly use medicine, so as not to delay the condition.