
Introduction of Liu Lantao


Comrade Liu Lantao was born in November 1910 in a poor family in Mizhi County, Shaanxi Province. As a teenager, he embraced progressive ideas and pursued revolutionary truth. After the outbreak of the May Day Movement in 1925, he actively participated in the anti-imperialist patriotic movement with the idea of saving the country and the people. In 1926, he joined the Chinese Communist Youth League and served as a member of the Youth League Committee and the head of the Propaganda Department of Mizhi County. In May 1928, he participated in the organization and led the Mizhi Student Movement to protest against the "May Third Massacre" caused by the Japanese invaders in Jinan, and set off a mass movement against the local tyrants and gentry. Later, he served as secretary of the Youth League Committee of Jingbian County and a trilateral commissioner. In September 1928, he became a member of the Communist Party of China, served as secretary general of the Special Committee of Northern Shaanxi and director of the Propaganda Department, and carried out the revolutionary struggle in northern Shaanxi together with Liu Zhidan, Xie Zichang and other comrades. In August 1930, while working in Suide, he was arrested and imprisoned by the enemy. He adhered to the party's secrets and strengthened the party's beliefs, and was later rescued from prison by party organizations and non-party democrats. In February 1931, he was transferred to the Hebei Provincial Party Committee. Soon after being betrayed by a traitor, he was arrested again and imprisoned in the "Beiping Military Introspection Institute" (i.e., Caolanzi Prison). Together with Yin Keng, Bo Yibo, An Ziwen and other comrades, he established a party branch committee in prison and served as a member of the branch to resolutely fight against the enemy. The enemy proposes to "review it every six months, three times without reflection, shoot!" They put forward the slogan "It is easy to die generously, and it is difficult to be righteous with calmness" in a-for-tat confrontation against the enemy's "policy of introspection." Comrade Liu Lantao took part in the hunger strike and lasted for seven days, forcing the enemy to make great concessions. They also turned the prison into a school for studying Marxist-Leninist writings and Chinese and foreign scientific classics such as Darwin's Theory of Evolution and Huxley's Theory of Heavenly Evolution. On the special battlefield of the struggle against the enemy, Comrade Liu Lantao maintained his revolutionary integrity and indomitable will to struggle. In September 1936, Comrade Liu Lantao and 53 others were rescued from prison by the party organization.

In October 1936, Comrade Liu Lantao was appointed by the Northern Bureau to go to the anti-Japanese front in Suidong to establish anti-Japanese publications and carry out united front work. Because he was wanted by the Kuomintang reactionaries, he was transferred to the post of deputy secretary of the Tianjin Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China. In July 1937, the Northern Bureau decided that he would study at the Central Party School in Yan'an. After arriving in Yan'an, the Central Committee informed him not to study at the party school, and transferred him to be a member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningbo Border Region Party Committee and director of the Propaganda Department, and later secretary of the Suide Special Committee and head of the United Front Work Department, and secretary general of the Suide Garrison Command of the Eighth Route Army. After the Sixth Plenary Session of the Sixth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, in December 1938, he went to the Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Anti-Japanese Base Area and served as the Secretary of the Party Committee of the Beiyue District of the Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Border Region. He attached importance to the building of the party's grassroots organizations and the training of cadres, was concerned about the growth of young cadres, and stressed the need to step up the study of Marxism-Leninism on the one hand, and to go deep into the grassroots units on the other hand to temper and grow up in the course of practical struggle. He set an example, took the lead in studying, often went down to the grassroots level, and established close relations with the peasants and the comrades of the rural party branches. He and the district party committee have always regarded the building of grassroots party branches as the central link in party building, directly trained secretaries and members of rural party branches, directly listened to the reports of rural party branches, and directly investigated and studied in rural party branches. Therefore, the party organizations in Beiyue District have indestructible combat effectiveness, and the vast number of rural party branches have become real fighting fortresses. He was an exemplary party worker. In January 1941, the Northern Branch was changed to the Jinchaji Branch, and he served as the deputy secretary of the branch and the deputy political commissar of the military region. He assisted Comrades Peng Zhen and Nie Rongzhen in mobilizing the masses, organizing the masses, arming the masses, persisting in the War of Resistance behind enemy lines, adhering to the anti-Japanese national united front, persisting in protracted warfare, smashing the "sweeps" of the Japanese army many times, and gradually forming a consolidated base area behind enemy lines in Shanxi, Chacha, Hebei, Re, and Liao with a population of 40 million. He made important contributions to the construction of the Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Border Region, which was praised by Comrade Mao Zedong as a "model base area for resistance against Japan". In 1945, he went to Yan'an and participated in the rectification movement. After arriving in Yan'an, he reported to Comrade Mao Zedong on the work of Jinchaji, which was appreciated by Comrade Mao Zedong. Subsequently, he participated in the Seventh National Congress and was elected as an alternate member of the Central Committee.

After the surrender of the Japanese invaders in September 1945, Comrade Liu Lantao returned to Jinchaji from Yan'an and served as deputy secretary of the Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Central Bureau, deputy political commissar of the military region, and later secretary of the Zhangjiakou Municipal Party Committee. In April 1947, the Central "Working Committee" led by Comrades Liu Shaoqi and Zhu De, and in April 1948, the Central "Front Committee" led by Comrade Mao Zedong were successively transferred from northern Shaanxi to the Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Liberated Area to direct the national liberation war. Entrusted by the Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Central Bureau, Comrade Liu Lantao meticulously organized and carefully arranged this important action, making important contributions to the safe transfer of the Party Central Committee. During this period, Comrade Liu Lantao lived in the same hospital as Commander-in-Chief Zhu De. Under the leadership of Commander-in-Chief Zhu De, he and Nie Rongzhen and other comrades discussed a plan for capturing Shijiazhuang, and with the approval of Comrade Mao Zedong, he conquered Shijiazhuang, which became a "pioneering example for our army to seize a big city." In accordance with the arrangements of the central authorities, he, together with Nie Rongzhen and other comrades, led the people in the base areas to carry out land reform, constantly strengthen the people's strength, mobilize the masses to support the liberation war, and smash the military offensive of the Kuomintang reactionaries. In May 1948, the Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Central Bureau and the Shanxi-Hebei-Luyu Central Bureau were merged into the North China Bureau of the Communist Party of China. He successively served as a member of the Standing Committee of the North China Bureau, head of the Organization Department, president of the Party School, deputy secretary and third secretary of the North China Bureau, and deputy political commissar of the North China Military Region. He assisted Bo Yibo and other comrades in leading the military and civilians in North China to effectively support the national liberation war, and won the victory in the Tianjin Campaign, the peaceful takeover of Beiping, and the peaceful liberation of Suiyuan. In 1948 he attended the September Politburo meeting of the Central Committee, and in 1949 he attended the Second Plenary Session of the Seventh Central Committee of the Communist Party of China.

On the eve of the founding of the People's Republic of China, the North China Bureau established the North China People's Revolutionary University, with Comrade Liu Lantao as the president, and the first batch of 12,000 students graduated in August 1949, which played a great role in enriching the cadre team at that time. Comrade Mao Zedong fully affirmed the practice and experience of the "Great Revolution" in North China. Later, the Institute of Political Studies attached to the North China People's Revolutionary University was set up for democrats from all walks of life to come here to study, and its experience was also affirmed by Comrade Mao Zedong. In September 1949, he attended the first meeting of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, which discussed important matters related to the establishment of New China, and Comrade Liu Lantao made outstanding contributions to the cause of the liberation of the Chinese people and the establishment of New China.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Comrade Liu Lantao served as the third secretary of the North China Bureau, chairman of the North China Administrative Committee, and deputy political commissar of the North China Military Region. In November 1951, Liu Lantao and other comrades reported the facts of Liu Qingshan's and Zhang Zishan's serious crimes to the Party Central Committee, and with the approval of the Party Central Committee, they were severely punished in accordance with the law.

In 1954, the Central Committee decided to abolish the regions, and Comrade Liu Lantao was transferred to the post of Deputy Secretary-General of the CPC Central Committee, Director of the North China Regional Work Department of the CPC Central Committee, and Director of the Fourth Office of the Secretariat of the CPC Central Committee to assist Secretary-General Deng Xiaoping in his work. In 1955, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China established the Supervision Commission, with Comrade Liu Lantao as the deputy secretary, assisting Secretary Dong Biwu in presiding over the daily work and making contributions to the construction of the party's supervision system. In 1956, he attended the Eighth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, was elected a member of the Central Committee, and served as an alternate secretary of the Secretariat of the Central Committee. During this period, as a member of the delegation of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, he accompanied Comrade Zhu De, the head of the delegation, to visit the Soviet Union and many countries in Eastern Europe. Represented the Communist Party of China at the 20th Congress of the Communist Party of Denmark; Later, he led a delegation of the Chinese working people to Moscow to participate in the activities of the Soviet Union to commemorate the October Revolution Day, and did a great deal of work to enhance the friendship between the Chinese people and the peoples of other countries.

In 1960, Comrade Liu Lantao was appointed first secretary of the Northwest Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, first political commissar of the Lanzhou Military Region, and director of the Northwest Third Line Construction Committee. At that time, it was a difficult period for the national economy, and he conscientiously implemented the central authorities' eight-character principle of "readjusting, consolidating, enriching, and improving," and in accordance with the State Council's instructions on paying attention to agricultural issues, doing a good job in national unity, carrying forward the spirit of Yan'an, and showing concern for the people's weal and woe, he conducted in-depth investigations and studies, truthfully reported the situation to the central authorities, and urgently dispatched grain for disaster relief, thus stopping the occurrence of an even more serious situation. Under the direct leadership of the CPC Central Committee and Comrade Deng Xiaoping, the restoration and development of industrial and agricultural production in the northwest region was promoted. Comrade Liu Lantao has carried out fruitful work for the establishment of the socialist system and the development of socialist construction, as well as for summing up experience, adjusting policies, and overcoming difficulties. In January 1965, Comrade Liu Lantao was elected vice chairman of the Fourth National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference.

During the "Cultural Revolution," Comrade Liu Lantao persisted in safeguarding the party's leadership and the people's interests under extremely difficult conditions, resolutely resisted the perverse actions of Lin Biao, Jiang Qing, and Kang Sheng, and was brutally persecuted, thrown into prison for eight years, greatly devastated physically and mentally, and his family members were subjected to reinforcement.

After the Third Plenary Session of the 11 th CPC Central Committee, Comrade Liu Lantao's unjust case was completely rehabilitated. After 1979, he successively served as the first deputy director and adviser of the United Front Work Department of the CPC Central Committee. In July 1979, at the second session of the Fifth National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, he was elected vice chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, secretary general and secretary of the leading party group of the organ. In June 1983, he was elected vice chairman of the Sixth National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference. During this period, he conscientiously implemented the spirit of Comrade Deng Xiaoping's instructions on united front work in the new period, clearly defined the nature, tasks, scope, targets, and basic principles of the united front in the new period, shifted the focus of united front work to the track of serving the "four modernizations," and did a great deal of work to open up united front work in the new period. He took part in summing up the basic experience of the CPPCC work over the past 30 years and more, was responsible for revising the CPPCC Constitution, resolving the issue of adjusting the structure, structure, and personnel of the CPPCC National Committee, promoted the restoration and development of a number of democratic parties, mass organizations, and socialist academies, and made important contributions to opening up a new situation in the work of the CPPCC and consolidating and developing the system of multiparty cooperation and political consultation under the leadership of the CPC.

Comrade Liu Lantao was elected as a member of the Central Committee at the Fourth Plenary Session of the 11 th CPC Central Committee. At the 12th and 13th National Congresses of the Communist Party of China, he was elected as a member of the Standing Committee of the Central Advisory Committee. During his tenure as a member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Central Committee, he often went down to the grassroots level, kept in touch with the masses, conducted investigations and studies, showed concern for the weal and woe of the people in impoverished areas, and actively made suggestions to the party Central Committee; he worked hard to implement Comrade Deng Xiaoping's instructions, actively supported the work of front-line comrades, and made positive contributions to the abolition of the actual leadership posts for life.

First, he was once the deputy director of the United Front Work Department of the Central Committee, but he was imprisoned for 10 years during the special period, and his son was a colonel of the armed police

Liu Lantao, a name that may not be common in most people's memories, is an outstanding leader in the history of the Communist Party of China, a staunch revolutionary, and a model of unremitting struggle for the party's cause.

His life was full of ups and downs and hardships, but whether in the predicament or in the period of reform and opening up, Liu Lantao adhered to his original intention, did not change his true colors, and made outstanding contributions to the cause of China's revolution, party building and the development of the country.

Early firm original intention

In order to resist the warlords, Liu Lantao participated in the activities to support the May Day Movement in Shanghai and became a famous revolutionary in Mizhi County. This experience laid the foundation for his revolutionary aspirations.

The revolution persisted in the struggle against prison

In his youth, Liu Lantao led the student movement in Mizhi County as a hot-blooded revolutionary. Due to his outstanding performance in the movement, he was quickly promoted to party membership and served as the head of the Propaganda Department of Mizhi County, secretary of the Youth League Committee of Jingbian County, and secretary general of the Special Committee of Northern Shaanxi.

However, the road to the revolution was not smooth, and with the defeat of the Great Revolution, Liu Lantao was arrested several times and imprisoned in Caolanzi Prison.

The conditions in Caolanzi Prison were extremely harsh, but Liu Lantao's revolutionary conviction never wavered. In prison, he had close contact with other revolutionaries, fought the enemy through hunger strikes with his fellow inmates, and served as a member of the party branch in prison.

This experience in prison forged his tenacity and indomitable character, which made him more determined to defend the party's cause in the later revolutionary struggle.

Perseverance in the War of Resistance Against Japan

After the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, Liu Lantao was sent to the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningbo border area to do propaganda work. At that time, the Kuomintang imposed a blockade on the border areas, but Liu Lantao was not afraid of hardships and dangers, and while organizing the masses to reclaim production, he went to Suide and other places to fight back against the enemy's encirclement.

Thanks to his efforts, the party organizations in Suide, Mizhi, Luochuan, and other places were finally restored, and the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningbo border region also passed the most dangerous period. This journey shows Liu Lantao's tenacity and determination in the face of difficulties.

Fighting is on the front line, building is in the rear

Liu Lantao not only performed well in the revolutionary battles, but also played an important role in the post-war construction. He was transferred to work in the Jinchaji base area and became Commander Nie Rongzhen's right-hand man.

Despite his young age, Liu Lantao assisted Nie Rongzhen in commanding many battles and developing the Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Military Region. After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, he continued to hold important positions in North China and Northwest China, and made outstanding contributions to the liberation of cities and the promotion of local economic construction.

Stick to the original intention and make unremitting efforts for the cause of the party

Liu Lantao has strong political work ability, and has not only performed well in the military field, but has also made a name for himself in party building and the cause of the state. His tenacity and loyalty were manifested in many ways, especially when he was a member of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, he took the initiative to report the cases of Liu Qingshan and Zhang Zishan to his superiors, showing his adherence to party discipline and party rules and the maintenance of party style and party discipline.

Contribution to the period of reform and opening up

Although Liu Lantao suffered shocks during this special period and was imprisoned for 10 years, he has always been close to the country. After 1978, he made a comeback and served as deputy director of the United Front Work Department of the Central Committee. His political experience and wisdom were fully utilized during the period of reform and opening up, and he made outstanding contributions to China's reform and national development.

Perseverance and outstanding contribution to the development of the country

Liu Lantao's life is full of tenacity and unyielding spirit. From a young leader of the student movement, he gradually grew into an important leader of the Communist Party of China, held many important positions, and made tremendous efforts for the independence, liberation, and development of the country.

Whether on the battlefield or in the construction of the party and government, Liu Lantao has always adhered to his original intention, made unremitting efforts, and dedicated himself to the cause of the Chinese revolution and the prosperity of the country.

The glorious inheritance of his son Liu Jiyan

Liu Lantao's tenacity and loyalty are also inherited by his son Liu Jiyan. Liu Jiyan served as the deputy director of the logistics department of the Armed Police Headquarters in the new era, and was a colonel of the Armed Police in New China.

He has also made an outstanding contribution to the security and stability of the country. Both the father and son have demonstrated their selfless dedication to the cause of the party and the country with their own actions.

Liu Lantao's life is a microcosm in the history of the Communist Party of China, and he represents countless staunch revolutionaries and selfless party members. His tenacity and loyalty have provided us with valuable historical experience and precious spiritual wealth.

His story tells us that the original intention cannot be lost, the faith cannot be shaken, as long as we stick to the original intention, we can overcome all difficulties and make outstanding contributions to the cause of the party and the prosperity of the country.

Liu Lantao and his son Liu Jiyan are outstanding representatives of the Chinese revolutionary cause, and their firm original aspiration and unremitting spirit of struggle will forever inspire us and provide us with a valuable historical legacy.

We should learn from them, stick to our original aspirations, contribute our strength to the cause of the party and the country, make our country more prosperous, and seek happiness for the people. This is the best tribute and commemoration to Mr. Liu Lantao.

Second, he was the first secretary of the Northwest Bureau, and he was imprisoned for ten years before he came back

The Northwest Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, as the leading organ sent by the Central Committee to the Northwest during the Democratic Revolution, made outstanding contributions to the cause of the liberation of the Northwest. Among the previous secretaries of the Northwest Bureau, in addition to outstanding figures such as Peng Dehuai, Gao Gang, and Xi Zhongxun, there are also revolutionaries such as Liu Lantao, Hu Yaobang, and Yang Jingren. Today, we pay special attention to Comrade Liu Lantao, who served as the first secretary of the Northwest Bureau.

Before discussing Liu Lantao in depth, it is necessary to comprehensively sort out the development process of the Northwest Bureau. As an important institution of the Communist Party of China, the Northwest Bureau plays a pivotal role in the history of the revolution, and its establishment background, organizational structure and development process are of great significance for understanding Liu Lantao's leadership and contributions.

In the glorious course of the Party, the Northwest Bureau went through three important formations: the first establishment in July 1936, the second formation in April 1941, and the third formation in November 1960. Due to the difference in the timing of its formation, the responsibilities of the Northwest Bureau in different periods are also different.

The Northwest Central Bureau came into being at the critical juncture of the Long March of the Red Second and Fourth Front Armies. In order to strengthen the guidance of the two armies, the Central Committee solemnly approved the establishment of this organ in July 1936, appointing Zhang Guotao as secretary and Ren Bishi as deputy secretary, and Xu Xiangqian, Chen Changhao, He Long, Zhu De, Guan Xiangying and others as members to shoulder the heavy responsibility together.

At the beginning of its establishment, the Northwest Bureau shouldered the heavy task of mass mobilization and material support for the Red Second and Fourth Front Armies. Through the unremitting efforts of Zhu De, Liu Bocheng, He Long and other leaders, the Red Second and Fourth Front Armies successfully broke through the enemy blockade and arrived in Huining in October to join forces with the Red First Army.

After the victory of the Long March, the Red Army successfully arrived in northern Shaanxi, and the Northwest Central Bureau successfully completed its historical mission. In view of this, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China decided in May 1937 to establish the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningbo Special Zone Committee of the Communist Party of China to replace the original Northwest Central Bureau, so as to ensure the effective implementation of the party's leadership and decision-making in the new historical stage.

During the Anti-Japanese War, with the abolition of the Northwest Central Bureau, the Central Committee successively established the Northwest Working Committee of the Communist Party of China and the Central Bureau of the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningbo Border Region. In April 1941, in order to strengthen unified leadership, the two were merged to form the Northwest Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, marking the second establishment of the Northwest Bureau and undertaking a new historical mission.

During this period, the Northwest Bureau shouldered the heavy task of military defense of the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningbo Border Region, and successfully realized the liberation task of the northwestern provinces, laying a solid foundation for the victory of the revolution.

In April 1954, in accordance with the instructions of the central government, in order to optimize the administrative structure, the decision to abolish the administrative organs at the regional level was implemented, and the Northwest Bureau was also abolished again under this historical background, marking a new round of reform and development of the mainland's administrative system.

In November 1960, the Central Committee decided to re-establish the Northwest Bureau to comprehensively coordinate the economic work in the Northwest Region. With the approval of the Central Committee, Liu Lantao was once again appointed as the first secretary of the Northwest Bureau, Zhang Desheng was appointed as the second secretary, and Wang Enmao, Zhang Zhongliang and others served as committee members, jointly shouldering leadership responsibilities.

In 1966, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China made the decision to abolish the Northwest Bureau, marking the official end of the mission of the Northwest Bureau in this historical period. This change is not only the end of the historical status of the Northwest Bureau, but also a profound reflection of the political situation at that time, which is of great historical significance.

On the occasion of the third establishment of the Northwest Bureau, Comrade Liu Lantao sat firmly in the position of the first secretary of the Northwest Bureau and was responsible for leading for a long time. During this period, he not only coordinated the overall economic situation of the five northwestern provinces, but also concurrently held the post of first secretary of the party committee of the Lanzhou Military Region.

Liu Lantao, formerly known as Liu Huafu, was born in Mizhi, Shaanxi Province in 1910 and was born in an ordinary family. He was diligent and studious and ambitious since childhood, and with his unremitting efforts and firm conviction, he gradually grew into an outstanding leader and made important contributions to China's revolutionary cause.

Before Liu Lantao joined the revolution, he was a leading student in Mizhi County, and his leadership of the student movement was quite prestigious. At that time, the warlords in Shaanxi were divided, and the people suffered a lot. In order to resist the tyranny of the warlords, Liu Lantao actively participated in the ranks of supporting the May Day Movement in Shanghai, and since then he has become a high-profile revolutionary pioneer in Mizhi County.

In 1926, Jing Yuexiu was the new town guard of northern Shaanxi, and when the Zhensong army fought fiercely, Liu Lantao stepped forward to lead the student movement in Mizhi County. Because of his outstanding performance, he was honored to join the party in 1928 and shouldered important positions such as the Propaganda Minister of Mizhi County, the Secretary of the Youth League Committee of Jingbian County, and the Secretary-General of the Special Committee of Northern Shaanxi.

Liu Lantao, a new party member, devoted himself to revolutionary propaganda work, but the defeat of the Great Revolution led to his repeated arrests and eventual imprisonment in Caolanzi Prison. In the face of difficulties, Liu Lantao always adhered to his beliefs, did not flinch, and interpreted the loyalty and responsibility of Communist Party members with practical actions.

In the harsh environment of Caolanzi Prison, Liu Lantao was able to come into close contact with many revolutionaries. Also arrested during the same period were veteran revolutionaries such as Yin Jian, Bo Yibo, and Dong Tianzhi. Despite his young age, Liu Lantao cherished firm revolutionary conviction and persisted in the struggle while in prison, showing a tenacious revolutionary spirit.

The conditions in Caolanzi Prison are difficult, but Liu Lantao's faith is as firm as iron. While in prison, he led his fellow inmates on a hunger strike and fought against the enemy with a strong will. At the same time, he also served as a member of the party branch in prison, actively promoting the activities of the party organization, showing the bravery and courage of the Communist Party members.

In September 1936, Liu Lantao was freed under the active rescue of the party organization. Subsequently, he went to Tianjin to take up an important position, shouldered the heavy responsibility of leading Tianjin, and successfully assumed the post of secretary of the municipal party committee, contributing his own strength to the construction of the party organization and the revolutionary cause in Tianjin.

Liu Lantao's years in the Red Army laid a solid foundation for his subsequent revolutionary struggle. When the Anti-Japanese War broke out, he was ordered to carry out propaganda work in the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningbo border area. During the difficult period when the Kuomintang imposed a blockade on the border areas, Liu Lantao not only actively organized the masses to save themselves through production, but also went to Suide and other places to bravely defeat the enemy's encirclement.

As a result of his unremitting efforts, the party organizations in Suide, Mizhi, Luochuan, and other places were effectively rebuilt, and the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningbo Border Region also successfully passed through the most difficult period. This major achievement demonstrated his loyalty to the party and his firm belief in the revolutionary cause.

In 1938, Liu Lantao was appointed by the Central Committee to serve in the Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Base Area. Subsequently, he served as secretary of the Suide Special Committee of the Communist Party of China, secretary of the Jin-Cha-Ji District Party Committee and deputy secretary of the sub-bureau, playing an important role in General Nie Rongzhen's military leadership team and providing solid support for the cause of the Anti-Japanese War.

Although Liu Lantao was ten years younger than Nie Rongzhen, Commander Nie Rongzhen often consulted him on many matters. In the face of the frequent "sweeps" of the Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei border region by the Japanese puppets, Liu Lantao assisted Commander Nie Rongzhen in commanding the Zhangjiakou and other battles, successfully smashing the enemy's encirclement and suppression, making the Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Military Region grow stronger and stronger, and the number of our troops increased to more than 100,000.

After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, Liu Lantao returned to North China and shouldered heavy responsibilities. He successively served as deputy secretary of the Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Central Bureau, deputy political commissar of the Military Region, deputy secretary of the North China Bureau, and deputy political commissar of the Military Region. Under his leadership, our army successfully liberated Zhangjiakou, Baoding, Taiyuan and other cities, and made outstanding contributions to the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Liu Lantao successively held important positions in North China and Northwest China because of his outstanding political work ability. In North China, he successively served as the president of the Party School, the third secretary, the director of the Financial and Economic Work Committee and the chairman of the Executive Committee. In the northwest, he served as the first secretary and director of the third-line construction committee, and presided over the establishment of the North China People's Revolutionary University and other institutions.

In 1952, Liu Lantao was transferred to Beijing by the Central Committee to take up his new post, and he successively served as a member of the State Planning Commission and deputy secretary general of the Central Committee. Since then, he has also served as the Director of the Fourth Office of the Secretariat of the CPC Central Committee and Deputy Secretary of the Central Supervision Commission, making outstanding contributions to the country's development and stability.

During his tenure as a member of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, Liu Lantao solemnly submitted a detailed report to his superiors on Liu Qingshan's and Zhang Zishan's violations of law and discipline. The report revealed the misconduct of the two men in detail, provided important clues for the relevant authorities, and laid a solid foundation for the fair handling of the case.

At that time, Liu Qingshan and Zhang Zishan were dismissed from office by the central government for embezzlement of public funds without permission. In the process, he took the initiative to submit a detailed crime report to his superiors, exposing the crimes of Liu and Zhang in detail, so that they were duly punished, and the seriousness and fairness of the state's finances were maintained.

Due to his outstanding leadership and outstanding work ability, Liu Lantao was mainly responsible for the economic work in the northwest region after the 60s of the last century. However, in 1967, he was imprisoned for ten years due to the impact of the political turmoil of the special period. It was not until 1978 that he was able to return to politics and take up the post of deputy head of the United Front Work Department of the Central Committee.

Despite being imprisoned for a long time, Liu Lantao always cherished the country. Since 1978, he has successively served as Vice Chairman of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) and Honorary President of the China Yellow River Cultural and Economic Development Research Association, and has made outstanding contributions to the reform and opening up of the mainland with his profound wisdom and unremitting efforts.

On December 31, 1997, Liu Lantao died of illness in Beijing at the age of 87. His death is undoubtedly a great loss to the party and the country. Throughout his life, he made great contributions to the country and the people, and his deeds will forever be recorded in the annals of history and become a model for us to learn and commemorate.

Third, Liu Lantao's story is two

  During the Anti-Japanese War, Liu Lantao worked in Hecai Village, Shaqiao District for a period of time, and he was very concerned about the lives of the people, and there were many stories of his love for the people in the local area.

Coats are given on cold days

  The weather was still very cold at the beginning of the second lunar month. One morning, Liu Lantao was carefully flipping through the documents, and because his clothes were very thin, he could not withstand the wind and cold, so he had to put on a tweed coat. This coat was captured by him from the enemy, and it has accompanied him through winter after winter for many years. The coat became his treasure.

  Suddenly, a boy's voice came from outside the gate: "I want to see Uncle Liu." ”

  The guard said, "The chief is very busy, don't trouble him, go play elsewhere." ”

  The boy said, "I have something important to do, and I must see him." ”

  "No, no, the chief is busy."

  "If you don't let me see him, I'll cry." As he spoke, the child really began to cry.

  Liu Lantao came to the gate when he heard the sound, and saw that it was a teenager, his clothes were in tatters, and his face was purple from the cold. He bent down and said, "Little comrade, do you have something to do with me?" ”

  The child listened to this kind voice, wiped his tears with the back of his hand and said, "Are you Uncle Liu?" ”

  "Yes, let's go inside and talk." Liu Lantao said and took off his coat and wrapped the child.

  "No, I don't wear it." The child took off his coat as he spoke.

  Liu Lantao wrapped the child tightly in his coat and said, "Put it on quickly, it's going to freeze." ”

  "You don't wear thick clothes, how can you work if you freeze?" The child stubbornly took off his coat.

  "Be obedient, put on it well, Uncle is not cold." As he spoke, he carried the child back to the house and placed it beside the brazier.

  "Tell me anything."

  "I'm here to sue."


  "Announcement Village Dry Section."

  "What do you accuse them of?"

  "They wouldn't let me join the army. Is there anything wrong with fighting Japanese devils? ”

  "Why didn't they let you join the army?"

  "They said I was young. I'm twelve, am I still young? Uncle Liu, you give me a comment on this theory. ”

  Looking at this childish and stubborn child, Liu Lantao felt a sense of love in his heart, and said: "Yes, what the village cadres said is right, fighting is not a joke, you can only do it when you grow up." ”

  "What? You also don't agree with me joining the army? ”

  "How could I agree? Good boy, go back quickly, when you grow up, will your uncle come and pick you up? ”

  "Then my revenge will not be avenged?"

  "What do you have against you?"

  "My house was burned down by Japanese devils, and my brother was killed by Japanese devils, I must avenge this revenge!"

  When Liu Lantao heard this, he hugged the child tightly in his arms and said: "You are really a good boy, your revolutionary spirit is precious, but you should understand that the Japanese devils owe a blood debt, so why not your family?" If we all go to war, and there is no one to farm the land and no one to support the front, will the army still be able to win the war? The revolution is a whole, just like we have arms, legs, eyes, and ears on our bodies, can you say that that is not important? Good boy, you have to study hard and do what you can, it's just as important as fighting devils on the front line. ”

  The kid nodded. Liu Lantao put on the tweed coat for the child and said, "Little comrade, this coat will be given to you." The boy said that he didn't want anything, Liu Lantao forced him to put it on, and ordered the guards to send him home.

  The cold wind was still wielding obscenity on Taihang Mountain, and Liu Lantao was wearing thin clothes, still working day and night for the revolution. He gave warmth to the martyr's brother and to the people.

  The child's name was Feng Yibang, and he often told people about it.


Don't talk to a family

  At that time, the Japanese devils lived in Shentangbao (in present-day Fansi County, Shanxi Province), only more than 30 miles away from Hecai Village, and often swept here. For safety, Liu Lantao lived in a cave on Yanyuqing Mountain behind Hecai Village, and Sun Shuangfu, a village cadre, was responsible for contacting him.

  One day, Sun Shuangfu went to Yanyuqing again, came to the cave where Liu Lantao lived, and saw Liu Lantao pacing around in front of the cave, locking his eyebrows. Sun Shuangfu said: "What is the chief worried about? ”

  Liu Lantao said: "Alas, my wife gave birth to a son last night. ”

  Sun Shuangfu said: "It's a good thing to give birth to a son, what are you worried about? ”

  Liu Lantao said: "My wife has no milk at all due to lack of nutrition, and my son is not starving to death. At this time, the cry of a baby came from the cave, and Liu Lantao stomped his feet in pain.

  Sun Shuangfu said: "Please rest assured that this is a descendant of the revolution, and he must not be allowed to suffer." With that, he hurried down the mountain.

  Not long after, Sun Shuangfu led a middle-aged woman up the mountain with a hen in her arms. Liu Lantao said: "Shuangfu, what are you doing here?" ”

  Sun Shuangfu said: "This woman's child is only a few months old, and her milk is good, she listened to me and insisted on coming with me to breastfeed the child. This chicken belongs to my family, so use it to make up for your wife. ”

  Liu Lantao said: "Sister-in-law, how can this work? Let my son breastfeed, what will happen to your child? ”

  The woman said, "Look at what the chief said, you have paid such a great price for fighting devils, what is our point of paying?" ”

  Liu Lantao said: "Sister-in-law, your child will suffer in this way, how can I bear it?" ”

  The woman said, "Don't talk about the chief, we are one family, and the family does not speak two words." So saying, he went into the cave.

  Liu Lantao took out the money, stuffed it into Sun Shuangfu's hand and said, "Thank you, I will keep the chicken, and you have to keep the money." ”

  Sun Shuangfu said: "Chief, this is my little heart, compared to your fight devils, it is too small, I am giving it to the anti-Japanese fighters." ”

  Liu Lantao said: "This is the discipline of our revolutionary soldiers, if you don't accept the money, I won't accept this chicken." ”

  Sun Shuangfu had no choice but to accept the money.

  With milk and chickens, Liu Lantao's son was saved. In order to commemorate this place, Liu Lantao named his son Liu Yanqing.

  Sun Shuangfu was a native of Beizi Village, Wuwangkou Township, and has passed away. He used to tell people about it during his lifetime.