
Immigrated abroad when she was popular, and returned to China to collect money when she was lonely, "Shepherdess" Ding Lan finally came to this day

author:Kusunoki University Hall
Immigrated abroad when she was popular, and returned to China to collect money when she was lonely, "Shepherdess" Ding Lan finally came to this day
Please use your golden finger to make a fortune, like and walk, get rich forever, pay attention to it, and like it, it's hard to get rich if you don't want to
Immigrated abroad when she was popular, and returned to China to collect money when she was lonely, "Shepherdess" Ding Lan finally came to this day

In 1982, the Chinese film industry ushered in an unprecedented feast. "Shaolin Temple" with an astonishing 1. The box office of 600 million yuan set off a movie-watching frenzy in the era of a dime and a ticket at that time.

This film not only made Jet Li popular, but also pushed a young actress named Ding Lan into the spotlight. As the "shepherdess", she instantly became the dream lover in the hearts of thousands of teenagers.

However, fate tricked people. Just when people thought that Ding Lan would soar into the sky, she quietly disappeared from the film industry in just a few years. Where is the former "chivalrous girl" now? What ups and downs has she experienced in her life? Why do you have such a different experience from Jet Li, who became popular in the same period? Let's uncover this long-forgotten past and explore the legendary life of this former movie star.

Ding Lan's artistic journey began in an ordinary Henan family. Although the family was not wealthy, her parents did their best to nurture their daughter's artistic talent. In that era of scarcity, nine-year-old Ding Lan owned a violin, which was a precious gift from his father who had spent almost a year of savings.

Immigrated abroad when she was popular, and returned to China to collect money when she was lonely, "Shepherdess" Ding Lan finally came to this day

While many people were still worried about food and clothing, Ding Lan had already begun to receive a comprehensive artistic education, including piano, vocal music and dance.

At the age of 11, with her excellent dancing skills, Ding Lan was successfully admitted to the dance training class of Henan Provincial Song and Dance Troupe. Only a year later, she was admitted to the Henan Provincial Opera School, specializing in Hua Dan and Dao Ma Dan.

The talented Ding Lan only took three years to succeed in his studies, playing the leading role in many Henan operas, showing amazing acting talent.

In 1980, the god of opportunity favored this talented girl. When director Zhang Xinyan was preparing for the movie "Shaolin Temple", he fell in love with Ding Lan at a glance and thought that she was the best candidate for "Shepherdess Girl" Bai Wufang.

Immigrated abroad when she was popular, and returned to China to collect money when she was lonely, "Shepherdess" Ding Lan finally came to this day

Despite repeated setbacks while learning to ride a horse, with Jet Li's encouragement, Ding Lan overcame her fears and finally interpreted the role perfectly.

The huge success of "Shaolin Temple" made Ding Lan an overnight celebrity. After tasting the sweetness, she had the idea of entering the film and television industry, and resolutely joined the actors' troupe of Beijing Film Studio.

Since then, Ding Lan has emerged in many films such as "Shaolin Kid", "Thirteen Sisters of Chivalry", "Tanglin Thief", and even played Jia Xichun in the opera film "Dream of Red Mansions", which further consolidated her status in the film industry.

In just a few years, Ding Lan has transformed from an unknown Henan Opera actor to a hot screen actress. Her success is not only due to talent, but also to her own diligence and perseverance.

Immigrated abroad when she was popular, and returned to China to collect money when she was lonely, "Shepherdess" Ding Lan finally came to this day

However, just as her career was booming, a major decision changed the course of her life. What exactly is this decision? And why would it have such a profound impact on her future? Let's stay tuned to Ding Lan's story.

In 1987, Ding Lan, who was at the peak of his career, met a wealthy businessman engaged in film and television investment. This mature, steady and talented man quickly won Ding Lan's heart.

The two quickly fell in love and then tied the knot. After marriage, Ding Lan seems to have everything: a successful career, a considerate husband, and a worry-free life. While she continues to pursue her acting career, she also strives to play the role of a good wife.

In her spare time, she rides her bicycle to the market to buy groceries and waves cordially when she meets fans. Back home, she cooks for her husband and enjoys an ordinary and happy life.

Immigrated abroad when she was popular, and returned to China to collect money when she was lonely, "Shepherdess" Ding Lan finally came to this day

However, this seemingly perfect marriage broke down due to a decision made by Ding Lan. In 1989, Ding Lan went to Singapore to shoot the TV series "Peach Blossom Fan Blood".

In this beautiful Lion City, she has received unprecedented attention and praise. The local media were full of praise for her, calling her "China's martial queen". Singapore Radio and Television has pledged to fully support her acting career.

Surrounded by flowers and applause, Ding Lan gradually lost herself and had the idea of immigration.

In 1991, in the face of her husband's wordless opposition and helpless eyes, Ding Lan resolutely chose to become a Singaporean. This decision undoubtedly pushed the originally happy marriage to the brink of shattering.

Immigrated abroad when she was popular, and returned to China to collect money when she was lonely, "Shepherdess" Ding Lan finally came to this day

Ding Lan is full of contradictions and reluctance, but she believes that this is the only way to develop her career.

However, the reality is far from being as beautiful as Ding Lan imagined. After filming her first film in Singapore, "Happy and Sorrowful Years", she was surprised to find herself reduced from a heroine to a second and third woman, and even played a negligible supporting role.

This huge gap made Ding Lan feel lost and frustrated.

At this difficult moment, fate favored Ding Lan again. She met her second husband, a civil servant from Hong Kong. The appearance of this outsider gave Ding Lan great comfort and support.

Immigrated abroad when she was popular, and returned to China to collect money when she was lonely, "Shepherdess" Ding Lan finally came to this day

Soon after marriage, Ding Lan welcomed her first child, a lovely son.

Despite her happy family life, Ding Lan has not given up her pursuit of acting. She is relentless in her commitment to Singapore's film and television scene, striving to connect with local audiences.

After years of hard work, Ding Lan has finally become one of the most influential Chinese actors in Singapore.

However, behind the success is the sacrifice of the family. has been busy with her career for a long time, and Ding Lan has less and less time to spend with her husband and son. Eventually, her second husband filed for divorce from her, and her son was not able to stay with her.

Immigrated abroad when she was popular, and returned to China to collect money when she was lonely, "Shepherdess" Ding Lan finally came to this day

For Ding Lan, who is nearly forty years old, this is undoubtedly a heavy blow.

The decision to immigrate to Singapore became an important turning point in Ding Lan's life. It not only changed the trajectory of her career, but also profoundly affected her personal life. However, the test of fate does not end there, and greater challenges await her.

After the divorce, Ding Lan lived alone in Singapore, full of loneliness and desolation. The once beautiful "shepherdess" is now unaccompanied in a foreign land, and her career has fallen into a trough.

However, the stubborn woman did not admit defeat. She continues to work her way up in the Singapore film and television industry, taking on the challenges of various roles.

Immigrated abroad when she was popular, and returned to China to collect money when she was lonely, "Shepherdess" Ding Lan finally came to this day

Ding Lan has starred in many works, such as "Guanyin" in "Journey to the East", "Mrs. Yin" in "Lotus Boy Nezha", etc. Although these characters are widely popular in Chinese mainland, few people know that they are played by Ding Lan, the once popular "shepherdess".

Faced with the change of roles and the decline in popularity, Ding Lan was tormented in his heart. In the dead of night, she would think of her glory days in China and burst into tears.

However, Ding Lan has always maintained a positive and optimistic attitude. She struggled to adapt to the new environment and constantly improve her acting skills. During the day, she devotes herself to her work; At night, she pondered the role alone and tried to break through.

Ding Lan knows that only by making continuous progress can he gain a firm foothold in this highly competitive industry.

Immigrated abroad when she was popular, and returned to China to collect money when she was lonely, "Shepherdess" Ding Lan finally came to this day

Ding Lan's persistence and hard work eventually paid off. After several years of hard work, she gradually gained a firm foothold in the Singapore film and television industry and became one of the most influential Chinese actors in the local area.

Many directors and producers began to take the initiative to invite her to participate in important roles, and her acting skills have also been recognized by industry insiders.

However, the success of her career did not completely make up for the emptiness in Ding Lan's heart. Whenever she sees the scene of other actors reuniting with their families, she feels an inexplicable sense of loss.

Ding Lan began to think about whether her life choices were worth sacrificing so much for her career.

Immigrated abroad when she was popular, and returned to China to collect money when she was lonely, "Shepherdess" Ding Lan finally came to this day

In 2000, after filming the TV series "Family Affairs", 36-year-old Ding Lan stood at another crossroads in his life. She made a big decision: to return to her homeland and pursue new development opportunities.

This decision was both full of anticipation and a little apprehensive. Ding Lan doesn't know if she can still gain a foothold in the Chinese film and television industry, but she believes that as long as she works hard, there will be new opportunities.

After returning to Chinese mainland, Ding Lan soon found that the film and television industry had undergone earth-shaking changes. The former young actress has now grown into a high-profile film and television superstar, but she has been forgotten by the audience and has lost her foothold in the film and television industry.

Faced with such a predicament, Ding Lan's heart was full of loss and confusion. The glory of the past seems to be just a distant dream, and the coldness of reality makes her have to re-examine the direction of her life.

Immigrated abroad when she was popular, and returned to China to collect money when she was lonely, "Shepherdess" Ding Lan finally came to this day

However, Ding Lan did not give up. Aware of the disadvantage of her age, she decided to take a different path. In 2002, Ding Lan resolutely plunged into the business battlefield and founded his own company with the wealth and connections accumulated over the years.

This decision came as a surprise to many, but Ding Lan was full of confidence, believing that her experience and abilities could be used in the mall.

The road to entrepreneurship is not all easy. In order to reach a cooperation agreement, Ding Lan waited patiently in the pouring rain; In order to raise money, she ran around with tears in her eyes.

During these difficult years, she was even deceived by others. Every time in the dead of night, Ding Lan would recall the days when she was full of scenery, and couldn't help but feel sad.

Immigrated abroad when she was popular, and returned to China to collect money when she was lonely, "Shepherdess" Ding Lan finally came to this day

But the next morning, she would pick herself up again and continue to fight for a new cause.

Ding Lan's persistence and hard work eventually paid off. After several years of hard work, her company is finally on the right track. Just a few years later, Ding Lan's business territory has covered all parts of the country, and even entered overseas markets.

She has successfully achieved a gorgeous transformation from an out-of-fashion actress to a billionaire, and has proved her business talent with practical actions.

However, behind the success is endless loneliness. Ding Lan is still alone and no longer desires to start a family. In the eyes of others, she is a model of a successful woman with a successful career and a good life.

Immigrated abroad when she was popular, and returned to China to collect money when she was lonely, "Shepherdess" Ding Lan finally came to this day

But only Ding Lan herself knew that in the silent night, she had also quietly wept.

Today's Ding Lan is no longer the young and beautiful "shepherd girl", but a mature and stable business woman. She uses her own experience to explain what perseverance is and what it means to never give up.

From showbiz to business, Ding Lan's life has undergone a huge change, but her pursuit of her dreams has always been the same.

Despite her great success, Ding often looks back on her life trajectory and wonders if those crucial choices were worth it. Her story is not only the ups and downs of an actor, but also the epitome of a woman seeking a balance between career and life.

Immigrated abroad when she was popular, and returned to China to collect money when she was lonely, "Shepherdess" Ding Lan finally came to this day

Today's Ding Lan has a successful career but a lonely personal life. Looking back, she couldn't help but fall into deep reflection. If she hadn't chosen to immigrate, would her life trajectory be different? Maybe she can continue to be brilliant in the Chinese film and television industry, maybe her marriage can be maintained, and she may even become a mother.

However, there are no assumptions in life. Ding Lan paid the price for her decision, but also gained valuable life lessons.

Ding Lan's story tells us that the road to success is not always easy. In the face of setbacks, it is important to maintain perseverance and have the courage to break new ground.

Although it was too late, Ding Lan's courage and perseverance deserve our admiration. Her experience reminds us that while pursuing career success, we should also cherish family and love and find a balance in life.

Immigrated abroad when she was popular, and returned to China to collect money when she was lonely, "Shepherdess" Ding Lan finally came to this day

After all, true success is not only the brilliance of the career, but also the wealth and happiness of the heart.

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