
Is regular walking good for the lungs? Reminder: The lungs like 4 things that they can do regularly

author:Lao Geng came to talk about things
Is regular walking good for the lungs? Reminder: The lungs like 4 things that they can do regularly

When the pace of life is getting faster and faster, we will be shackled by all kinds of trivial things in life, and gradually ignore our physical health. And our lungs are the most susceptible to damage, which affects the quality and length of life.

With the increasing severity of environmental pollution and the change of people's lifestyle, the incidence of lung diseases is increasing year by year, which has attracted widespread attention.

How can we protect our lungs in our daily lives? Is regular walking good for the lungs?

Is regular walking good for the lungs? Reminder: The lungs like 4 things that they can do regularly

1. Walking is good for lung health

Walking is loved by people as a simple and easy way to exercise, it does not require a basic exercise, as long as you want, you can walk anytime, anywhere. Not only does it help us exercise and strengthen our physique, but it also has many benefits for lung health.

Improves lung ventilation. When walking, our breathing naturally deepens and accelerates as we keep walking, which helps to increase the ventilation of the lungs, allowing them to inhale oxygen and excrete carbon dioxide more fully.

Long-term walking and exercise can effectively improve lung function and enhance the resistance of the respiratory system.

Walking is a kind of aerobic exercise, in the process of walking, the blood circulation naturally accelerates, promotes metabolism, smoothly excretes waste products from the lungs, and maintains the health of lung tissue.

Is regular walking good for the lungs? Reminder: The lungs like 4 things that they can do regularly

Walking exercises can strengthen the heart and lungs, improve the heart's pumping capacity and the efficiency of lung ventilation. Especially when you walk fast and take deep breaths, you will feel your heart beat slightly faster, which is exercising your heart and lungs.

When the heart and lungs are strong, the probability of heart disease and lung disease will be reduced, and the body's immunity will naturally be improved. People who have been walking and exercising for a long time usually have a stronger heart and lung function and are better able to cope with various challenges.

Is regular walking good for the lungs? Reminder: The lungs like 4 things that they can do regularly

Walking is not only a physical exercise, but also a kind of spiritual healing. When walking outdoors, you can choose a nearby park or wetland, take a look at the green lawn, and breathe in the smell of grass and trees, which can help relieve stress and relax.

You can also take a walk with your family and friends, chat during the walk, relieve the pressure in your heart, and exhale the turbidity in your chest, so as to produce a sense of pleasure.

2. Four little things that lungs like

In addition to walking, the lungs love the following four little things. As long as we pay more attention and put it into practice, we can keep our lungs healthy.

1. Take a deep breath

Deep breathing is one of the favorite exercises for the lungs. By breathing deeply, we can draw more oxygen deep into our lungs, which then displace carbon dioxide and other exhaust gases from our lungs.

Is regular walking good for the lungs? Reminder: The lungs like 4 things that they can do regularly

This type of breathing helps to increase lung capacity and improve lung function. It is recommended to set aside a few minutes each day for deep breathing exercises, which can be done in the morning after waking up, between work, or before going to bed at night.

To do this, sit up straight or stand upright, close your eyes, and take a deep breath slowly until your lungs are full of air. Then hold your breath for a few seconds; Slowly exhale the air out of your body until your lungs are completely empty. Do this a few times.

Is regular walking good for the lungs? Reminder: The lungs like 4 things that they can do regularly

2. Drink plenty of water

The lungs love a moist environment, and drinking plenty of water can help keep the lungs moist and prevent the airways from drying out. It is recommended to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day to meet the lungs' need for water.

In the dry autumn and winter, or in the northern regions, you can use an air humidifier to moisten the air or drink a little more water.

When drinking water, you can choose healthy drinks such as warm water or weak tea, and avoid excessive intake of sugary drinks or stimulant drinks such as coffee, which can cause adverse effects on the lungs.

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Is regular walking good for the lungs? Reminder: The lungs like 4 things that they can do regularly

3. Smile always

Smiling not only makes us feel happy, but it also has a positive impact on lung health. When we laugh, the lungs expand and contract dramatically, which helps to increase lung capacity and improve lung function.

Therefore, we must learn to maintain an optimistic attitude, smile more, and keep our lungs healthy in laughter. At the same time, you can share interesting things in your life with your family and friends, or watch comedy shows, etc., so that you can always keep yourself happy.

4. Rational food

The lungs like to consume foods rich in vitamins, minerals, and proteins, which help to strengthen lung function and improve the body's immunity.

Is regular walking good for the lungs? Reminder: The lungs like 4 things that they can do regularly

It is recommended to consume more of these foods in your daily diet and avoid excessive intake of greasy, spicy, irritating foods, as well as harmful substances such as tobacco and alcohol to avoid damage to the lungs.

In addition, you can eat some foods that have the effect of moisturizing the lungs, such as white fungus, lilies, pears, etc., which can help keep the lungs moist and relieve the symptoms of dry airways.

3. Don't have these behaviors that hurt the lungs

Those daily habits that can harm the health of our respiratory system, especially our lungs, happen quietly without us even knowing it, but their cumulative effect should not be underestimated.

Is regular walking good for the lungs? Reminder: The lungs like 4 things that they can do regularly

Smoking is the number one known lung-damaging behavior. Whether active smoking or passive inhalation of secondhand smoke, the harmful substances in tobacco can directly damage lung tissue, lead to a decline in lung function, and even trigger various respiratory diseases.

We should quit smoking and urge those around us not to smoke and take responsibility for their own health.

Prolonged exposure to polluted environments can also cause damage to the lungs. Whether it's outdoor air pollution or indoor air pollution, it puts a huge strain on our lungs.

Especially in industrial areas and high-traffic areas, the concentration of particulate matter and harmful gases in the air is high, and long-term inhalation of these harmful substances can seriously damage lung health.

Is regular walking good for the lungs? Reminder: The lungs like 4 things that they can do regularly

We should try to avoid prolonged exposure to these environments, and if we must be in such environments, we can wear masks that block particulate matter to avoid inhaling too many harmful gases.

Lack of exercise is also a behavior that hurts the lungs. If you lack exercise for a long time, your heart and lung function will be relatively poor, you will have to pant for breath when you run two steps, and if your lung function decreases, it may also cause respiratory diseases.

We should develop a good habit of exercising regularly to keep our lungs alive.

Is regular walking good for the lungs? Reminder: The lungs like 4 things that they can do regularly

4. In addition to walking, these exercises are helpful for lung health

In addition to walking, we can consider incorporating a range of cardio and breathing exercises into our daily routine.

Early in the morning in the park, you start jogging, each step accompanied by a deep breath that allows the fresh air to penetrate deep into your lungs.

Jogging not only exercises your whole body muscles, but also quietly boosts your lung capacity, allowing your lungs to get a full workout with every breath.

Is regular walking good for the lungs? Reminder: The lungs like 4 things that they can do regularly

In addition to jogging, swimming is also an excellent option. Each stroke of the swim is accompanied by a deep breath that allows the lungs to be exercised under the pressure of the water. Swimming not only boosts your heart and lungs, but also helps you relax and enjoy the tranquility of the water.

If you like the outdoors, mountain climbing is also a good option. As you climb, you will breathe in the fresh mountain air and feel your lungs expand and contract.

This natural way of exercising will allow your lungs to work out while enjoying the beautiful natural scenery.

Is regular walking good for the lungs? Reminder: The lungs like 4 things that they can do regularly

In addition to aerobic exercise, breathing exercises are also an important means of protecting lung health. Try deep breathing exercises, inhale as much as you can to fill your lungs with air, and then exhale slowly to expel exhaust gases from your body.

Each deep breath gives your lungs more oxygen and boosts their health.

The abdominal breathing exercise is a deeper way of breathing. When you inhale, your abdomen lifts up, giving your lungs more space to hold air; When you exhale, your abdomen contracts to help you expel waste air from your body.

Is regular walking good for the lungs? Reminder: The lungs like 4 things that they can do regularly

This breathing strengthens the respiratory muscles and allows the lungs to be more fully trained.

You can also try pursed lip breathing, narrowing your lips into a whistling shape as you exhale, and slowly exhaling the breath. This type of breathing prolongs the exhalation time, giving the lungs more time to expel exhaust gases.

Fifth, eat lung-nourishing food

In addition to exercise, there are many unique ingredients and drinks that nourish and protect the lungs.

Many people are familiar with the pear can moisten the lungs well, pear is known as the "Hundred Fruits", with its lungs and cough, clear heat and generate Jin, has become a good product for nourishing the lungs.

You can steam pears and rock sugar together to moisten your lungs and quench your thirst, which is very delicious.

Is regular walking good for the lungs? Reminder: The lungs like 4 things that they can do regularly

In addition to pears, there are many other ingredients, such as those brightly colored persimmons and loquats, which are not only delicious, but also rich in nutrients that are good for the lungs, which can help us dissolve phlegm and cough, and nourish yin and rejuvenation.

Vegetables such as spinach, lotus root, and yam are designed to protect our lung health with their properties of moisturizing and detoxifying, clearing blood and intestines, and benefiting the stomach.

Among nuts and legumes, walnuts, pine nuts, sesame seeds, etc. are rich in high-quality protein and unsaturated fatty acids, which can improve our lung function and strengthen the body's resistance.

Legumes such as soybeans, green beans, and soybeans also provide us with rich nutrients to help us keep our lungs healthy.

In terms of drinks, monk fruit tea has become a favorite lung-nourishing drink for many people because of its characteristics of clearing the lungs and moistening the intestines, clearing heat and dissolving phlegm, and quenching thirst.

Is regular walking good for the lungs? Reminder: The lungs like 4 things that they can do regularly

Loquat leaf tea helps us relieve symptoms such as sore throat and cough with its effect of clearing the lungs and stomach, lowering gas and dissolving phlegm.

The white fungus lotus seed soup has its effect of nourishing yin and moisturizing dryness, clearing the heart and soothing the nerves, so that we can enjoy the delicious taste while also feeling its care for the health of the lungs.

With a reasonable diet and choices, we can easily provide adequate nutrition and protection for the lungs. Let us enjoy the happiness brought by health while tasting the food.

Is regular walking good for the lungs? Reminder: The lungs like 4 things that they can do regularly


Lung health is an important guarantee for our well-being, and with simple and practical methods, we can easily take care of lung health.

From now on, focus on lung health and make walking a habit in our lives; Make deep breathing a part of our daily routine; Let smiles become the norm in our lives; Let sensible eating be our way of life.

Did you go for a walk today?

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