
Known as the "second China", it costs RMB to speak Chinese, and even the mobile phone number is China Mobile

author:Hawthorn is a joy to read
Known as the "second China", it costs RMB to speak Chinese, and even the mobile phone number is China Mobile
Please use your golden finger to make a fortune, like and walk, get rich forever, pay attention to it, and like it, it's hard to get rich if you don't want to
Known as the "second China", it costs RMB to speak Chinese, and even the mobile phone number is China Mobile

In northeastern Myanmar, on the border with China's Yunnan province, there is a mysterious land – Kokang. The sight here is astonishing: Chinese signs lining the streets, Mandarin voices wafting through the shops, and customers skillfully transacting in yuan.

What's even more incredible is that the mobile phone number of the local resident turned out to be that of China Mobile.

First-time visitors often have the illusion that they are still in China. However, the fact is that this has long since ceased to belong to China. What is the unknown history of this place, known as the "Second China", Kokang? What is its intricate relationship with China? Let's unveil this magical land and explore its past, present and future.

The story of Kokang dates back to the last years of the Ming Dynasty, a turbulent period of wars and dynasties. Yongli Emperor Zhu Youlang, pursued by the Qing army, led a group of loyal subjects to flee to Burma to seek refuge.

Known as the "second China", it costs RMB to speak Chinese, and even the mobile phone number is China Mobile

However, fate made people, and Zhu Youlang finally could not escape his doom and was tragically killed under the encirclement and suppression of Wu Sangui.

In this bloody storm, more than 1,000 Ming officers and soldiers miraculously survived. They are faced with a difficult choice: should they venture back to their homeland, which has changed hands, or should they start over in this strange land? In the end, they chose the latter and settled down in Kokang.

Imagine how these exiled soldiers built their new home brick by brick in the barren land of Kokang, with a longing for their homeland.

They sowed the seeds of Chinese culture here, intermarried with local residents, and multiplied, gradually forming the Kokang tribe with the Han nationality as the main body.

Known as the "second China", it costs RMB to speak Chinese, and even the mobile phone number is China Mobile

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, it is the Kangxi period of the Qing Dynasty. By this time, Kokang had developed into a sizable settlement. A group of resolute leaders, led by Yang Gaoxue, were keenly aware of the changes in the situation.

They realized that in order to have a long time in the land, they had to gain the approval of the Qing court.

As a result, Yang Gaoxue and others submitted a memo to the Qing court, imploring that Kokang be included in the territory of the Qing Dynasty, hoping to obtain a relatively independent governance authority.

This request coincided with the Kangxi Emperor's strategic need to stabilize the frontier. Kangxi gladly accepted the proposal and granted Yang Gaoxue and the others the status of Tusi, allowing them to continue to manage the Kokang region.

Known as the "second China", it costs RMB to speak Chinese, and even the mobile phone number is China Mobile

In this way, under the rule of the Qing Dynasty, Kokang not only maintained relative autonomy, but also provided a guarantee for the inheritance of Chinese culture in this land. This history has become an inseparable bond between Kokang and China, and it has also laid the groundwork for the unique cultural phenomenon of Kokang in Japan.

In the years that followed, the Kokang people always maintained their adherence to Chinese culture. Even in a foreign land, they still communicate in Chinese, follow Chinese traditional customs, and build this land into a "Little China" far from their homeland but full of Chinese elements.

At the end of the 19th century, the world landscape changed dramatically. The continuous eastward expansion of the power of the Western powers has brought unprecedented shocks to Asia. The once powerful Qing Dynasty was now poor and weak, and it was difficult to resist foreign aggression.

In this international game, Kokang, a land far away from the Central Plains, was not spared.

Known as the "second China", it costs RMB to speak Chinese, and even the mobile phone number is China Mobile

In 1894, a treaty called the Sino-British Redemption Renewal was signed. The treaty's recognition of Kokang as Chinese territory seemed to put an end to Kokang's ownership.

When the news reached Kokang, the local people rejoiced, thinking that they finally had a clear national belonging. Little did they know, however, that this joy would be so short-lived.

Just three years later, in 1897, under strong British pressure, the Qing government was forced to sign another treaty, the Sino-British Supplementary Treaty of Burma.

The contents of the treaty were a cave of ice for the Kokang people: the land they had lived on for generations was thus carved out of China's territory and ceded to British Burma.

Known as the "second China", it costs RMB to speak Chinese, and even the mobile phone number is China Mobile

Just imagine the feelings of the Kokang people when they learned the news: shock, anger, sadness, helplessness, all kinds of emotions are intertwined. Their lives are suddenly disrupted, and everything that was once familiar becomes strange.

The British colonizers began to pursue new policies in Kokang, trying to change the culture and way of life in the area.

However, in the face of such changes, the Kokang people did not give in. They insist on using Chinese, maintain Chinese living habits, and bury the seeds of Chinese culture deep in their hearts.

Even under alien rule, they have not forgotten their roots.

Known as the "second China", it costs RMB to speak Chinese, and even the mobile phone number is China Mobile

In the streets and alleys, people still talk in Chinese; In the family, parents still teach their children traditional Chinese etiquette; In the festival, the Kokang people still celebrate the Spring Festival, Dragon Boat Festival, and Mid-Autumn Festival.

This insistence allowed Kokang to maintain strong Chinese characteristics under foreign rule.

This history has left a deep imprint on Kokang. It not only changed the political affiliation of Kokang, but also made the Kokang people cherish their cultural traditions even more. They began to consciously pass on Chinese culture as a bond that holds their national identity together.

Despite being politically part of Myanmar, the hearts of the Kokang people have always been closely tied to China. This complex identity has become an important source of the unique cultural phenomenon of the Japanese and the bold.

Known as the "second China", it costs RMB to speak Chinese, and even the mobile phone number is China Mobile

It explains why, to this day, we can still see Chinese signs everywhere on the streets of Kokang, hear the Mandarin one after another, and feel the strong Chinese atmosphere.

This history teaches us that cultural identities don't disappear because political boundaries change. On the contrary, this identification may become stronger under external pressure.

With their persistence, the Kokang people have composed a moving song of cultural protection.

In 1948, Burma finally broke free from the colonial yoke of Britain and declared independence. As part of Myanmar's territory, Kokang's fortunes have once again taken a turn. However, this does not mean that the Kokang people have given up their cultural identity.

Known as the "second China", it costs RMB to speak Chinese, and even the mobile phone number is China Mobile

On the contrary, they cherish their traditions more and strive to find space for survival and development in the new political environment.

In 1962, China and Myanmar redrew their borders and officially confirmed that Kokang belonged to Myanmar. While the decision drew a clear political line, it did not sever the cultural ties between Kokang and China.

The Kokang people still maintain the habit of using Chinese and celebrating Chinese festivals, and their way of life is almost indistinguishable from that of Chinese mainland.

However, undercurrents are surging beneath the calm surface. In 1968, a sudden crisis shattered the tranquility of Kokang. The Burmese army suddenly invaded in an attempt to seize full control of the land by force.

Known as the "second China", it costs RMB to speak Chinese, and even the mobile phone number is China Mobile

In the face of this grim situation, the Kokang people did not sit idly by. Under the leadership of Peng Jiasheng, they rose up to resist.

Imagine the scene: on the streets of Kokang, people took up arms to defend their homes to the death. Women sew uniforms for the soldiers, and the elders were responsible for the logistics.

The whole Kokang has become a united family. Tension and determination were in the air, and everyone knew that this was a pivotal moment for Kokang's future destiny.

After more than a year of bloody fighting, the Kokang people finally won the victory in this defensive battle. This victory not only defended Kokang's autonomy, but also made Peng Jiasheng a worthy leader of Kokang.

Known as the "second China", it costs RMB to speak Chinese, and even the mobile phone number is China Mobile

People cheered and celebrated their hard-won victories, but they were also deeply worried about the road ahead.

In 1989, thanks to Peng Jiasheng's unremitting efforts, Kokang and the Burmese government finally reached a rapprochement and began to implement the policy of autonomy. This was an important turning point in the history of Kokang.

The implementation of the policy of autonomy has given the Kokang people more space to protect and develop their own culture.

In the years that followed, the Kokang people made the most of this opportunity to develop the economy and improve the level of education. They continue to use Chinese and maintain Chinese habits, while also actively communicating with the rest of Myanmar.

Known as the "second China", it costs RMB to speak Chinese, and even the mobile phone number is China Mobile

Kokang has gradually become a unique place of cultural blending, maintaining strong Chinese characteristics while incorporating elements of Myanmar.

This history tells us that although Kokang belongs politically to Myanmar, its cultural roots have always been deeply rooted in the soil of Chinese culture. Through unremitting efforts, the Kokang people have survived in the cracks and developed in the midst of change, and finally won a certain degree of autonomy for themselves.

Their story is a hymn to cultural perseverance and political wisdom. In this special land, we have seen how a nation can not only maintain its own cultural traditions, but also seek political survival space in a complex international situation.

This art of balance has become an important part of Kokang's unique charm.

Known as the "second China", it costs RMB to speak Chinese, and even the mobile phone number is China Mobile

Stepping into the 21st century, Kokang has ushered in a new turning point. In 2011, this particular land was officially renamed the "Kokang Autonomous Region of Northern Shan State, Myanmar".

The new name not only confirms Kokang's autonomous status, but also clarifies its political affiliation as part of Myanmar. However, with it comes a new set of challenges.

Peng Jiasheng's death has brought huge variables to Kokang. The Burmese government began to tighten its grip on Kokang, and many Chinese companies investing in the city had to withdraw.

For a time, the resolute economic development faced a severe test. The streets are no longer as bustling as they used to be, and the shops are deserted.

Known as the "second China", it costs RMB to speak Chinese, and even the mobile phone number is China Mobile

But the Kokang people have not given up hope. They began to actively look for new directions for development. In this land full of Chinese elements, the promotion of Chinese education and the development of tourism have become the new development priorities.

Imagine a school in Kokang where children are learning Chinese seriously and preparing for future exchanges with China. On the streets, tourists from China curiously observe this unique "second China" and taste the cuisine that blends the characteristics of China and Myanmar.

At the same time, the cooperation between China and Myanmar has also brought new opportunities for Kokang's development. Despite the decline in large-scale investment, China continues to support Kokang's development in a variety of ways, including investment cooperation and talent training.

These efforts have breathed new life into Kokang.

Known as the "second China", it costs RMB to speak Chinese, and even the mobile phone number is China Mobile

These changes show us that, despite the challenges, Kokang is still trying to find its own path forward. Its unique cultural background and geographical location are becoming an important resource for future development.

In this special land, the spark of Chinese culture is still burning, waiting for the day when it will shine again.

Looking forward to the bold future, opportunities and challenges coexist.

There are no easy answers to these questions, but there are reasons to be optimistic about a bold future. With the wisdom and courage of the Kokang people, as well as their adherence to Chinese culture, Kokang will surely continue to write a new legend in this unique land.

Known as the "second China", it costs RMB to speak Chinese, and even the mobile phone number is China Mobile

It will continue to be an important bridge connecting China and Myanmar, contributing to regional development while maintaining its own characteristics. The story of Kokang is far from over, but is turning a new page.

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