
Just released! It's about driver's license, important reminder from the police!

author:Xiangyang Radio and Television Station

Every summer, there will be a peak of learning to drive, and students gather to learn to drive, seek verification, and hope to get a driver's license within a month or two. The vehicle management department reminds that learning to drive should not be fast, and according to the actual situation of the individual, it is the most important thing to practice driving skills well.


Xiao Zhang just graduated from high school this year, and after the test on June 11, he went to the driving school to sign up for driving lessons.

Just released! It's about driver's license, important reminder from the police!

Xiao Zhang, a trainee who practiced driving: I just finished the college entrance examination and made an appointment for the subject 1 exam, and the subject 2 has been practicing for more than a week, I feel that the practice is okay, and I am ready to make an appointment for the subject 2 exam next Wednesday, I think I should be able to get the driver's license within a month and a half.

The reporter visited the urban driving school and found that the college entrance examination candidates of the major driving schools have become the "main force" of signing up to learn to drive, and the number of people who come to practice driving every day accounts for eighty percent.

According to the statistical analysis of the city's vehicle management department, since late June, the number of applicants for the city's driving test has begun to increase, mainly for the current college entrance examination candidates, compared with May, the number of driving test applicants in June has increased by three percent, and the number of applicants for the examination has reached more than 1,000 people in a week. With the holidays of major colleges and universities in July, there will be a real peak of learning to drive, which will last until August.

Just released! It's about driver's license, important reminder from the police!

Liu Xuekui, coach of Xiangyang Zonghua Driving School: At present, the number of students learning to drive has increased by about 50% compared with usual. This year, we have also added an AI intelligent robot training vehicle and a vehicle sunscreen awning, which is also for students to practice better.

Just released! It's about driver's license, important reminder from the police!

Hu Bo, deputy director of the Vehicle Management Office of the Traffic Police Detachment of the Municipal Public Security Bureau: In comparison, it has increased by 30%. In view of the current situation of the increase in student candidates after the college entrance examination, our vehicle management office has adopted ways and means such as staggered peak public holidays and increasing the number of examinations to further release the number of examinations.

Just released! It's about driver's license, important reminder from the police!

Whether it is a college student or a fresh college entrance examination candidate, everyone hopes to use the summer vacation time to successfully obtain a driver's license. During the reporter's visit, while feeling the "learning to drive fever", he also learned that many students are eager to verify every summer.

Xiao Liang, a trainee who practiced driving: I came to study on June 14th, and I wanted to get my driver's license within a month, and the rest of the time was used for travel, so as soon as it was time to register, I immediately signed up and then took the test.

Just released! It's about driver's license, important reminder from the police!

Xiao Cai, a driving practitioner: I just finished the college entrance examination this year, and I have plenty of time in the summer, I want to get a driver's license as soon as possible, and I want to travel in the next month, and I feel that I should be able to get a driver's license in 35 days.

Just released! It's about driver's license, important reminder from the police!

According to the relevant person in charge of the Municipal Vehicle Management Office, theoretically speaking, the 2-3 month long vacation in the summer can indeed complete all the processes of the driving test. However, everyone's receptivity and practical ability are different, and in the process of learning, some candidates are eager to verify and rush to sign up for the exam in the case of obvious lack of technical level, and the result fails to pass, which happens every year. I still hope that everyone can do what they can according to the actual situation, and don't seek speed for the sake of getting a certificate.

Just released! It's about driver's license, important reminder from the police!

The driving test is related to the safety of all traffic participants, and the police remind the majority of candidates not to pursue speed excessively, but to use all our energy to improve driving skills.

Reporter: Zhang Qiang Correspondent: Xun Qin, Xie Yan

Editor: Gao Xiaohua Review: Peng Lei

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