
A lightning strike occurred near the "Internet celebrity check-in point", killing 1 and injuring 1! Urgent reminders

author:Look at Suzhou

On June 29, a number of outdoor enthusiasts posted online that a lightning strike occurred in Matianling, located in Wei County, Hebei Province, causing deaths and injuries.

On June 30, the reporter learned from the local medical department that on the afternoon of the 29th of the lightning strike, a female traveler in Beijing died tragically, and another traveler was transferred to the hospital without life.

A lightning strike occurred near the "Internet celebrity check-in point", killing 1 and injuring 1! Urgent reminders

Scene of the incident (network diagram)

It is reported that recently, because of the beautiful scenery of alpine meadows, Matianling has been called "Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei's own Altay" by netizens and has become an Internet celebrity check-in point.

Before the incident, a thunder and lightning warning had been issued in the local area

Mr. Meng, a traveler, said that there was hail at the time of the incident, and his face was smashed, and he was trapped in the woods at the time and did not see the situation at the time of the incident. On the way, he saw the bodies of the victims, and an aunt was always guarding them. It was still raining at the time, and I was worried about my aunt's hypothermia, so I left two dry clothes, "The place where the incident occurred is at a high altitude, and the surrounding area is open, without any shelter." According to the rescuers, it may be caused by a mobile phone or an umbrella (lightning strike). ”

A lightning strike occurred near the "Internet celebrity check-in point", killing 1 and injuring 1! Urgent reminders

Ambulance arrived at the scene to save people (network diagram)

Regarding the weather conditions of the day, Mr. Meng, a traveler, said that the weather forecast only showed showers at noon, thinking that it would be fine in the afternoon, and did not pay attention to the changes in the weather in real time, but did not expect the weather on the top of the mountain to become so fast.

The reporter inquired at the National Early Warning Information Release Center that the Wei County Meteorological Observatory issued a yellow warning signal for thunder and lightning at 9:15 on June 29: It is expected that in the next 6 hours, all towns and towns in our county will be affected by scattered thunder and lightning weather, and individual towns may be accompanied by strong convective weather such as thunderstorms and strong winds, hail, and short-term heavy precipitation, please take precautions. The Wei County Meteorological Observatory continued to issue a yellow warning signal for thunder and lightning at 14:47 and 20:43, and the relevant warning was not lifted until 23:52.

On the morning of June 30, a staff member of the Caogoubao Central Health Center in Wei County, who participated in the rescue, said that in the lightning incident, a 53-year-old Beijing traveler unfortunately died, and the other injured person was not in danger of life. Staff said there had been similar lightning strikes in earlier years.

There are a number of Matianling hiking groups recruited on the Internet, including the Matianling Small Loop, the whole journey is about 10 kilometers, the cumulative climb is 400 meters, and it takes about 5 hours, which is suitable for people aged 18-55 who have certain outdoor experience. These recruits also emphasize that the route is an outdoor hiking trail (not leisure), and those with no experience should be cautious to sign up.

What should I do if I encounter thunder and lightning?

In recent years, there have been a number of lightning injuries

its severity

Burns from the lighter skin

to severe cardiac arrest

It can happen

On May 18, 2024, in Xizhazi Village, Yanqi Town, Huairou District, Beijing, three college students camped overnight after climbing the unopened Jiankouye Great Wall at night. In the early morning of the 19th, 3 people were struck by lightning, 2 people were slightly contusioned after being hit, and another person fainted after being hit and was seriously injured. Later, the fire rescue personnel and 120 emergency personnel worked together to transfer them to the bottom of the mountain and sent them to the hospital for treatment.

On May 28, 2023, more than 60 travelers in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province were struck by lightning while climbing the Blacksmith Mountain in Anhui Province. According to tourists, more than 10 people were injured by lightning strikes, including 3 women who were seriously injured and rushed to the hospital.

On August 24, 2022, a couple was taking wedding photos in the Yulong Snow Mountain Scenic Area in Lijiang, Yunnan, when the groom was struck by lightning and unfortunately passed away.

At about 19 o'clock on August 26, 2022, a lightning strike and injury accident occurred in a square in Nanling, Anhui Province, resulting in 4 square dancers being struck by lightning, and 2 of them unfortunately passed away.

A lightning strike occurred near the "Internet celebrity check-in point", killing 1 and injuring 1! Urgent reminders

Recently, heavy rain warnings have been issued in many places

Locally accompanied by short-term heavy precipitation, thunderstorms and strong winds

Severe convective weather

Always pay attention to the weather conditions before traveling

Be alert to the occurrence of secondary disasters

Forward Reminders!

Source: China Youth Daily

Editor: blog post

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