
Escalation! To go to war with Israel, thousands of young people are going to join the army!

author:Tech Avril 6O6e

According to the reports of relevant reporters on the front line, the development of the situation in the Middle East can be described as "one after another", in response to the outdated description of "the apes on both sides of the strait can't stop crying", and if you think about the current situation in the Middle East, it is as wonderful as "The Legend of Zhen Huan".

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Escalation! To go to war with Israel, thousands of young people are going to join the army!

Nasrallah also publicly stated that Iran is also ready to "fight at any time" and fight a "high and low" with Israel, and in the face of such a low backer, the strength of Allah has also been greatly improved.

Escalation! To go to war with Israel, thousands of young people are going to join the army!

The following is a brief introduction to this "Allah Party", the full name of Allah is Lebanese Allah Party was founded in the 90s of the 20th century, the founder is Mousavi, at the beginning Allah Party did not have its own name, and then with the help of Syria and Iran had real real power, and in 1985 it really became an independent party.

Escalation! To go to war with Israel, thousands of young people are going to join the army!

The main component of its formation is the Shia Muslim political and military organization in Lebanon, which has been at war for days from 2006 to 2015. Allah has its own internal structure, the largest being the post of General Secretary, who succeeded the current General Secretary after the bombing of his predecessor.

Escalation! To go to war with Israel, thousands of young people are going to join the army!

Organizational structure: The Political Committee, the Planning Committee, the Executive Committee and other institutions, this Allah party is called a terrorist organization by the United States. It is conceivable that Allah is very arrogant. On the other hand, the current Syrian foreign minister has also directly made it clear that the current situation in the Middle East is to see who is the "last straw that crushes the camel", and I don't know who the current flowers can fall to!

Escalation! To go to war with Israel, thousands of young people are going to join the army!

The situation in the Middle East is now as calm as water on the surface, but behind the scenes, the waves are already turbulent, and the United States has once again stepped in and launched a surprise attack on Syria, followed by the "fighting" of five countries, and the number of shells fired at Israel has been "countless."

Escalation! To go to war with Israel, thousands of young people are going to join the army!

This kind of action has added fuel to the fire of the original situation in the Middle East, and the Houthis have directly "unilaterally declared war" on Israel, and claimed that they will "baptize" Israel.

Escalation! To go to war with Israel, thousands of young people are going to join the army!

In the TV series, I have seen many "famous scenes of misfire", so this battle between the two sides will definitely cause a lot of turmoil, and judging from past experience, it will definitely cause an increase in oil prices. Regardless of at any time to have a very stable "mood" will bring a lot of convenience to our lives, at the same time calm for a country is a good medicine, any period needs everyone to cooperate for a win-win situation, in the world's development process, China is the best example, we in any period of war has never taken the initiative to provoke, but after the end of the war, we can calmly face all the consequences.

Escalation! To go to war with Israel, thousands of young people are going to join the army!

During World War II, during the period of resisting US aggression and aiding Korea, our soldiers rushed to the front line to fight and kill the enemy, and the youngest soldiers were only twelve or thirteen years old at that time, but with their unswerving patriotic spirit, they ushered in the future of the motherland for us.

Escalation! To go to war with Israel, thousands of young people are going to join the army!

Although the war between the Middle East not only represents the face of the great powers, but also the comparison between the great powers, in the face of the two countries that have the greatest impact on the Middle East, their every step will determine the development of other countries, the most undesirable war in the world is the "people", they rely on agriculture to support their children, and even the people of the whole society, the war destroys their "lives", I hope that the countries in the Middle East can consider carefully. Peace at any time is the main proposition of development, and at the same time maintaining friendly relations between countries is a very important foundation.

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