
A man can't let go of the first love he once loved, and a really smart woman will deal with it like this

author:Nanzhi chatted heart-to-heart

Text by Kusushiba

A man can't let go of the first love he once loved, and a really smart woman will deal with it like this

There is a saying that what you can't get is always in turmoil, and it's always the best.

Some men are like this, they are obviously by your side but their hearts are not in you, and they still have the first love they loved in their hearts.

Many times I always compare you with his past first love in my heart, and I always ask you to develop in a certain direction, such as gentleness, such as empathy, such as generosity and intellectuality.

If you think that this is a man's request, don't think too much, observe, and blindly change it, then you have fallen into the trap of men.

If a man really loves you, he won't ask you to make any changes, he won't think you don't know how to dress up, and he won't think you can't cook well, because men care about your feelings.

A man can't let go of the first love he once loved, and a really smart woman will deal with it like this.

A man can't let go of the first love he once loved, and a really smart woman will deal with it like this

1. Don't mess around.

If you find that your man can't let go of the first love he once loved, you choose to mess around, don't break the casserole and ask to the end, and vow not to give up.

Don't be stupid, stupid woman, this will only make the other party sit down with that sentence, you are really not as good as his first love.

This man will feel that you are not worthy of his love and dedication, and he will even end the relationship quickly, and in the end all the pots will be thrown at you.

In the eyes of outsiders, it's your nonsense, it's your fault.

A really smart woman knows that a man can't forget his first love in his heart, and he won't choose to mess around.

One is to be able to keep a cool head and control everything without moving.

Another is to seize this opportunity and take the time to investigate and observe men.

If a man wakes up and chooses to let go of his past first love, then it doesn't hurt to give the man a chance to mend his ways.

But if this man is obsessed and has been fantasizing about changing you into his first love, whether it is your dress or even your living habits, then don't be stupid and wrong.

Women should have self-esteem and self-love, don't let the scumbag trample your dignity under your feet, stay away from the scumbag, and reap your own true happiness.

It is the wisest choice to be decisive and not indecisive.

A man can't let go of the first love he once loved, and a really smart woman will deal with it like this

2. Keep a cold distance.

If a man can't let go of the first love he once loved, a really smart woman will keep a cold distance.

If this is not the time to leave, then keep a cold distance.

You live yours, I live mine, you do your business, I do my business, I don't depend on you, I don't depend on you.

If you have something to do with me, then I will only talk to you sensibly, and I will not sit very close to you and have too much intimate contact.

Because you have to make this man understand that what he has done has touched your principles and bottom line.

You have to make this man understand that he should reflect on what he has done wrong and should be punished.

Don't forgive men easily, let men develop bad habits and they will eat you, and finally pinch you to death.

It's okay for a man to abandon you if he wants to, it's okay for a man to leave if he wants to, the initiative is in the hands of a man, isn't it very sad to be like this?

As a really smart woman, when a man can't forget the first love he loved, he chooses to keep a cold distance.

Hang him out, don't let him get scared again, cold him, let him understand his situation and position.

If you want to tie a man, you don't hold on to it, but like flying a kite, the string is always in your hands, you can fly as high as you want, and you can come back if you want him to come back.

A man can't let go of the first love he once loved, and a really smart woman will deal with it like this

3. Enhance your charm.

When you know that a man can't forget the first love he loved, a really smart woman will enhance her charm.

Every day you have your own things to do, your own interests and hobbies, and you can live a comfortable life.

You're not going to be around this man all day, you're not going to be centered around this man.

You have your own life, your own world, your own circle.

When he sees that you know that he has the first love he loves in his heart and can't forget it, you are indifferent, the man will be curious, and the man will want to find out.

When he sees the sparkle in you, let him see your difference, uniqueness, and slowly become attracted to you.

Gradually, the first love will become blurred in his heart, and gradually fade out, fade out of his life, fade out of his emotional world.

So, instead of thinking about how to capture a man's heart, it is better to start with yourself.

You may say it's a routine, but what if it's a routine?

If you haven't done anything hurtful, why can't you?

A man is actually like a wild horse, arrogant and uninhibited, sometimes he needs routines, sometimes he just needs to cover up and indulge.

Therefore, a man can't let go of the first love he once loved, and a really smart woman will deal with it like this.

A man can't let go of the first love he once loved, and a really smart woman will deal with it like this


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