
A handful of hawthorn to take down the child is short, I want to say: there are many easy and good ways to help the child grow taller

author:Dr. Jin Popular Science Talk

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Yuxin Chen is a medical doctor whose life and work revolve closely around medical knowledge and health consultation.

Friends often ask her about various health issues. On this day, Chen Yuxin's good friend Liu Wei brought her child Xiao Ming to her, wanting to know how to help the child grow taller.

Liu Wei said anxiously to Chen Yuxin: "I heard that eating hawthorn can help children grow taller, but I'm afraid that this is unreliable, Yuxin, can you help me see if this is true?" Is there any easy way to make Xiao Ming grow taller? ”

A handful of hawthorn to take down the child is short, I want to say: there are many easy and good ways to help the child grow taller

Chen Yuxin smiled and asked Liu Wei to sit down, and then began to explain: "Liu Wei, in fact, hawthorn does not directly help children grow taller.

The main effects of hawthorn are stomach digestion, blood circulation and blood stasis, and blood lipid reduction. Although hawthorn is rich in vitamin C and some minerals, it does not directly promote bone growth. ”

She went on to explain that the main role of hawthorn is to help with symptoms such as indigestion and stomach fullness by promoting digestion, in addition, it also has certain hypolipidemic and antioxidant effects.

A handful of hawthorn to take down the child is short, I want to say: there are many easy and good ways to help the child grow taller

For a child like Xiao Ming, hawthorn can be used as an occasional snack to regulate appetite, but it cannot be relied on to increase height.

Liu Wei was a little disappointed when she heard this, but she quickly cheered up again and asked, "Is there any scientific method that can help Xiao Ming grow taller?" ”

Chen Yuxin nodded and explained in detail some common and effective ways to increase height. Make sure your child's diet is rich in protein, calcium, vitamin D, and other nutrients.

A handful of hawthorn to take down the child is short, I want to say: there are many easy and good ways to help the child grow taller

These are all necessary for bone health and growth. Adequate daily intake of milk, eggs, fish, lean meats, and green leafy vegetables can promote healthy bone development.

Growth hormone is mainly secreted during your child's deep sleep, so it's important to make sure your child gets enough and regular sleep each day. It is generally recommended that school-age children get at least 10 hours of sleep per night.

Sports such as skipping rope, basketball, and swimming can stimulate the growth plates of bones and promote height growth. Maintaining a certain amount of exercise every day not only helps to increase height, but also strengthens your child's physique.

A handful of hawthorn to take down the child is short, I want to say: there are many easy and good ways to help the child grow taller

Smoking, drinking, excessive sugar intake, and fatty foods can all affect your child's normal growth and development. Parents should help their children develop healthy habits.

Taking your child for regular health check-ups, especially with a focus on bone age testing, can help keep an eye on your child's growth and development.

If you find that your child's growth rate is significantly lower than that of their peers, they should seek medical attention and seek professional help.

A handful of hawthorn to take down the child is short, I want to say: there are many easy and good ways to help the child grow taller

Chen Yuxin suggested that Liu Wei take Xiao Ming to the hospital for a comprehensive health check-up. A few days later, Liu Wei took Xiao Ming to the central hospital and hung up the number of the pediatric endocrinology clinic.

After learning more about Xiao Ming's growth records and lifestyle habits, the doctor recommended a bone age test and some basic blood tests.

After the test results came out, the doctor told Liu Wei that Xiao Ming's bone age was slightly lower than his actual age, which may have caused him to be short.

A handful of hawthorn to take down the child is short, I want to say: there are many easy and good ways to help the child grow taller

The doctor further explained: "This condition is not uncommon in clinical practice, mainly due to insufficient secretion of growth hormone in the child or unbalanced nutrient intake.

We can help him by adjusting his diet, increasing the amount of exercise, and using growth hormone therapy if necessary. ”

After Liu Wei heard this, the stone in her heart finally fell to the ground. Under the advice of her doctor, she developed a detailed height growth plan for Xiao Ming, including a daily diet schedule, an exercise plan, and a regular work and rest time.

A handful of hawthorn to take down the child is short, I want to say: there are many easy and good ways to help the child grow taller

A few months later, Liu Wei was pleasantly surprised to find that Xiao Ming's appetite not only improved, but his height also began to increase. Once again, she was grateful to find Chen Yuxin and thanked her for her professional advice and help.

Chen Yuxin said with a smile: "In fact, as long as you master the scientific method, the healthy growth of children can be expected."

Don't believe in some so-called 'home remedies' or 'special medicines', health and growth are a process that takes time and patience. ”

A handful of hawthorn to take down the child is short, I want to say: there are many easy and good ways to help the child grow taller

Through this experience, Liu Wei not only learned a lot about children's growth, but also understood the importance of scientific parenting.

Chen Yuxin, on the other hand, continues to help more friends and readers understand the correct health knowledge in her medical field and in her novel writing.

When it comes to helping children grow taller, scientific methods and good living habits are crucial.

A handful of hawthorn to take down the child is short, I want to say: there are many easy and good ways to help the child grow taller

With a balanced diet, adequate sleep, moderate exercise and regular health check-ups, parents can support their children's healthy development.

Do not blindly believe in some unscientific home remedies, professional medical advice is the most reliable guarantee.

[This content is a fictional short story, and any name, place name, or other aspects involved in the text have nothing to do with reality (without any implications). If there is any similarity, it is purely a coincidence, please read it rationally. 】

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