
Is hawthorn a heart disease "depressant"? Doctor: If you want to have a good heart, you can eat more of these 4 foods

author:Dr. Zhang's health talks

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In the fast-paced life of today, many people will have some mild health conditions due to work pressure or lifestyle problems. Heart problems, in particular, are no small matter. Sometimes, some natural remedies circulating on the Internet seem quite tempting, such as hawthorn.

Is hawthorn a heart disease "depressant"? Doctor: If you want to have a good heart, you can eat more of these 4 foods

Everyone knows that hawthorn is not only sweet and sour, but also refreshing to eat, and it is often said to be good for the heart. But, you know what? Eating too much of any good thing can also cause a lot of problems.

As a dual-use material widely used in traditional Chinese medicine, hawthorn's positive effects on heart health have been supported by several studies.

Is hawthorn a heart disease "depressant"? Doctor: If you want to have a good heart, you can eat more of these 4 foods

But for heart patients, the consumption of hawthorn requires more scientific exploration and understanding, as the physiological condition of heart patients is more complex and may interact differently with some components in hawthorn.

Hawthorn is considered an excellent natural "depressant" that promotes heart function and helps relieve the symptoms of angina by improving blood flow to the coronary arteries.

Is hawthorn a heart disease "depressant"? Doctor: If you want to have a good heart, you can eat more of these 4 foods

The flavonoids and catechols in hawthorn dilate blood vessels, lower blood pressure, and improve the heart's ability to fight hypoxia. In addition, these ingredients also have a slight diuretic effect, which helps to reduce excess fluid accumulation in the body and reduce the burden on the heart.

Is hawthorn a heart disease "depressant"? Doctor: If you want to have a good heart, you can eat more of these 4 foods

While these effects of hawthorn are theoretically beneficial to the heart, excessive consumption of hawthorn may cause drug interactions for those with heart disease who take certain types of medications, such as those with β-blockers or ACE inhibitors. This is because hawthorn may enhance the effectiveness of these medications, which can lead to low blood pressure or other associated risks.

In addition, the anticoagulant effect of hawthorn itself, while it may be a positive effect in healthy people, may increase the risk of bleeding in heart disease patients who need to adjust their blood thinning.

Is hawthorn a heart disease "depressant"? Doctor: If you want to have a good heart, you can eat more of these 4 foods

Let's talk about hawthorn, the organic acids it contains are really a double-edged sword. For most people, hawthorn can promote gastric acid secretion, help digestion, and eat the good taste in the heart. But if you already have gastroesophageal reflux problems, you have to be careful. These organic acids can make your stomach acid problem worse, causing chest tightness or stomach pain.

Sometimes, it feels like a heart attack, and it's hard to tell. Therefore, in this case, it is best to think twice before eating hawthorn, or consult a doctor for advice.

Is hawthorn a heart disease "depressant"? Doctor: If you want to have a good heart, you can eat more of these 4 foods

Hawthorn's antioxidant properties are also an important aspect of its heart health benefits. Antioxidants can help defend against cell damage caused by free radicals, which is essential for preventing heart disease and other chronic diseases.

However, excessive intake of antioxidants, especially through supplementation, may interfere with other important physiological processes in the body, such as those involving signaling pathways involved in reactive oxygen species (ROS), which play a role in controlling cell growth and death.

Is hawthorn a heart disease "depressant"? Doctor: If you want to have a good heart, you can eat more of these 4 foods

It is very important for heart disease patients to take care of their diet and lifestyle, although hawthorn is a little good for the heart and can be used as an adjunct to treatment, but don't forget that it is not a substitute for professional advice from doctors or other medical measures.

Before considering hawthorn or any other supplement, it is important to talk to your doctor or health advisor to make sure that these things do not conflict with your current treatment regimen before you can use them with confidence.

Is hawthorn a heart disease "depressant"? Doctor: If you want to have a good heart, you can eat more of these 4 foods

For those who want to improve their heart health, there are other fruits and vegetables that are highly recommended besides hawthorn. Not only are these foods nutritious, but they also contain specific compounds that are effective in helping to maintain and promote heart function. Let's take a closer look at four fruits and vegetables that are especially good for the heart: blueberries, tomatoes, spinach and kiwifruit.

Blueberries are a superfood that is often recommended to promote overall health, especially heart health. In addition, blueberries are rich in antioxidants, which can not only improve the elasticity of our own blood vessels.

Is hawthorn a heart disease "depressant"? Doctor: If you want to have a good heart, you can eat more of these 4 foods

It also helps reduce the oxidation of harmful LDL in the arteries. In addition, blueberries are rich in fiber and vitamin C, which are important nutrients for reducing the risk of heart disease.

Moving on to tomatoes, which are a very common ingredient in the daily diet, and the red color of tomatoes comes from a powerful antioxidant called lycopene. Studies have shown that lycopene can help lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart attack.

Is hawthorn a heart disease "depressant"? Doctor: If you want to have a good heart, you can eat more of these 4 foods

Spinach is another extremely heart-friendly food, rich in folate, potassium, and fiber, all key nutrients that support heart health.

In addition, the antioxidants in spinach, such as vitamin C and β-carotene, protect against our own arteriosclerosis, which is a major factor in the development of heart disease.

Is hawthorn a heart disease "depressant"? Doctor: If you want to have a good heart, you can eat more of these 4 foods

Kiwifruit is also a fruit that is good for our own heart, as it is not only high in vitamins C and E, but also rich in potassium, which are essential nutrients for maintaining heart health.

Kiwifruit also contains a unique antioxidant called phytonutrients, which can effectively help manage blood pressure and reduce the formation of blood clots without increasing the risk of bleeding as some medications do.

Is hawthorn a heart disease "depressant"? Doctor: If you want to have a good heart, you can eat more of these 4 foods

Adding fruits and vegetables like blueberries, tomatoes, spinach and kiwi to your daily diet will not only make people with heart disease happy, but they can also bring a whole host of benefits to the heart.

These natural foods are safe and effective for those who want to change their lifestyle to improve their health. It's a great way to eat healthy and live longer!

Is hawthorn a heart disease "depressant"? Doctor: If you want to have a good heart, you can eat more of these 4 foods

Despite the many heart benefits of hawthorn, we should consider these heart-healthy fruits and vegetables more often in our diet and eat a varied diet to achieve optimal health results.

Is hawthorn a heart disease "depressant"? Doctor: If you want to have a good heart, you can eat more of these 4 foods

Such a diet can not only help people with heart disease maintain their heart health, but also provide an effective way for ordinary people to prevent heart disease. In this fast-paced world, each of us can add points to our heart health with simple dietary adjustments.

(The above names are pseudonyms) #头条首发大赛#

What do you think about hawthorn as a "depressant" of heart disease? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

Is hawthorn a heart disease "depressant"? Doctor: If you want to have a good heart, you can eat more of these 4 foods


[1] Ai Luoyan. Advances in the diagnosis and treatment of adverse cardiac reactions associated with immune checkpoint inhibitors and management strategies, Chinese Journal of Clinical Medicine, 2020-12-24

Is hawthorn a heart disease "depressant"? Doctor: If you want to have a good heart, you can eat more of these 4 foods

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