
Japanese media said that China's sending Zhang Ziyu to play the U18 Women's Basketball Asian Cup is too unreasonable, and she is another dimension

author:Silent entertainment

In the recent U18 Women's Basketball Asian Cup, the Chinese women's basketball team ushered in a fierce battle with Japan.

What was the result? 97 to 81, a big lead! But what made the fans even more enthusiastic was undoubtedly Zhang Ziyu's 44-point performance like a divine help.

Japanese media said that China's sending Zhang Ziyu to play the U18 Women's Basketball Asian Cup is too unreasonable, and she is another dimension

The 2.20-meter-tall women's basketball giant is like an insurmountable mountain on the court, making opponents daunting.

Every time she attacked and defended, she showed extraordinary strength and skills, which made the fans fascinated.

Some netizens said after watching the game: "Zhang Ziyu is simply a goddess on the basketball court!" Not only is she tall, but she is also skilled. Every time I see her dunk and block, I can't help but want to scream! ”

Japanese media said that China's sending Zhang Ziyu to play the U18 Women's Basketball Asian Cup is too unreasonable, and she is another dimension

Some netizens joked: "It seems that you have to prepare an exclusive 'basket' for Zhang Ziyu in the future, otherwise other players will have no chance to score!" ”

Zhang Ziyu: The transformation from an ordinary girl to a basketball superstar

Zhang Ziyu was not so dazzling at the beginning. She was an ordinary girl, and her love for basketball led her to this challenging path.

After years of hard work and training, she gradually emerged and became a bright star of the Chinese women's basketball team.

Japanese media said that China's sending Zhang Ziyu to play the U18 Women's Basketball Asian Cup is too unreasonable, and she is another dimension

Now, on the stage of the Asian Cup, she has become the focus of the audience with her outstanding performance.

It is understood that Zhang Ziyu worked very hard in training. She spends a lot of time every day training basic skills such as shooting, dribbling, and defense.

At the same time, she will also conduct special training for her own shortcomings, and strive to do her best in the competition.

Japanese media said that China's sending Zhang Ziyu to play the U18 Women's Basketball Asian Cup is too unreasonable, and she is another dimension

It's this kind of hard work and persistence that makes her so good on the field.

Chinese women's basketball U18: The power of the team to create brilliance

Of course, a player's performance is inseparable from the support of the whole team. In this team of the Chinese women's basketball team of U18, every player plays an important role.

They worked well together in the game, defended solidly, and contributed to the team's victory.

Japanese media said that China's sending Zhang Ziyu to play the U18 Women's Basketball Asian Cup is too unreasonable, and she is another dimension

The clever tactical arrangement of the coaching team and the excellent execution of the players make every game full of highlights.

In the match with the Japanese team, the Chinese women's basketball team U18 showed indomitable fighting spirit and the power of teamwork.

They fought the pitch and worked closely together to achieve the victory.

Japanese media said that China's sending Zhang Ziyu to play the U18 Women's Basketball Asian Cup is too unreasonable, and she is another dimension

Such team spirit and fighting spirit are undoubtedly one of the important factors for them to achieve good results.

Japanese women's basketball team: Although defeated, the future is promising

Although the Japanese women's basketball team lost in this game, their performance was just as respectable.

They don't have an advantage in height and strength, but they pose a challenge to the Chinese team with their fast movement and accurate shooting.

Japanese media said that China's sending Zhang Ziyu to play the U18 Women's Basketball Asian Cup is too unreasonable, and she is another dimension

This kind of performance also allows fans to see their quality and potential.

For the Japanese women's basketball team, this loss may be a lesson, but it is also an opportunity.

They can learn from the experience, learn from the lessons, and prepare for the future.

After all, in the world of basketball, it's not terrible to lose, it's terrible to lose confidence and fighting spirit.

Japanese media said that China's sending Zhang Ziyu to play the U18 Women's Basketball Asian Cup is too unreasonable, and she is another dimension

Netizens are hotly discussed: Where is Zhang Ziyu's future?

Zhang Ziyu's outstanding performance in the Asian Cup has aroused heated discussions among netizens.

Some people think that she should enter the national team as soon as possible and compete at a higher level; Others believe that she should stay in the youth team and hone her skills.

But in any case, everyone is full of expectations and confidence in Zhang Ziyu's future.

Japanese media said that China's sending Zhang Ziyu to play the U18 Women's Basketball Asian Cup is too unreasonable, and she is another dimension

Some netizens said: "Zhang Ziyu's talent and strength are very outstanding, she should enter the national team as soon as possible and win glory for the country!" Some netizens believed: "Zhang Ziyu still has a lot of room for development in the youth team, and she should continue to hone her skills and improve her strength." ”

No matter which path he chooses, I believe Zhang Ziyu will continue to work hard and keep moving forward.

Japanese media said that China's sending Zhang Ziyu to play the U18 Women's Basketball Asian Cup is too unreasonable, and she is another dimension

The story behind the game: a battle between tactics and mentality

In addition to the wonderful performances of the players on the field, behind each game is the well-thought-out tactical planning and psychological strategy of the coaching team.

According to the coaching team, they deeply analyzed the characteristics of the opponent before the game, and carefully designed the tactics of quick transfer and combination of inside and outside, aiming to disrupt the opponent's defensive rhythm and create more scoring opportunities.

Japanese media said that China's sending Zhang Ziyu to play the U18 Women's Basketball Asian Cup is too unreasonable, and she is another dimension

In the game, the tenacious fighting spirit and team spirit shown by the players were even more amazing.

They trust each other, cooperate tacitly, and constantly transmit positive energy on the field to face every challenge together.

In addition, the coaching team also pays great attention to the psychological state of the players, they always pay attention to the emotional fluctuations of the players, and ensure that the players can be in the best shape for the game through effective psychological adjustment.

Japanese media said that China's sending Zhang Ziyu to play the U18 Women's Basketball Asian Cup is too unreasonable, and she is another dimension


The outstanding performance of the Chinese women's U18 basketball team in the Asian Cup has made people look forward to their future.

This young team has shown great strength and potential, and I believe that they will achieve even more in the near future.

And for a player like Zhang Ziyu, her future is full of infinite possibilities.

Japanese media said that China's sending Zhang Ziyu to play the U18 Women's Basketball Asian Cup is too unreasonable, and she is another dimension

No matter which path she chooses to develop her basketball career, she will continue to contribute to the glory of the Chinese women's basketball team.

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