
She is the first beauty in India, but she was spurned by the people of the country and forced to marry a banana tree

author:A small town girl, Ah Yue

Every once in a while, you can hear a series of unbelievable news in India, such as "Ah San raped a monitor lizard" and other strange things.

The probability of a "rape case" in India can be described in seconds.

Netizens used one sentence to describe that even if the female mosquito arrives in India, she has to cover her buttocks and walk, who knows how unlimited Ah San really is.

She is the first beauty in India, but she was spurned by the people of the country and forced to marry a banana tree

Today, I swiped a story about the first beauty in India who was forced to marry a banana tree, and the reason behind it is ridiculous!

God appreciates food and eats

The first beauty of India is named Aishwarya Rai. Audiences and friends who have watched Indian movies know that this is a very famous actor and model in India, who looks really energetic, has an angel face and a devil body, and is a must in India.

She is the first beauty in India, but she was spurned by the people of the country and forced to marry a banana tree

However, her upbringing is not very legendary, because Aishwarya was born in a middle-class family in India, and her parents originally paid attention to education and training, so Aishwarya is destined to not be an ordinary woman in the future.

Not only do she have good grades, but she also has a talent for dancing.

So when she was young, her parents sent her to learn Indian classical dance. By the time she was a teenager, Aishwarya was already slim and beautiful, and she was a dancer, so she had a special temperament.

She is the first beauty in India, but she was spurned by the people of the country and forced to marry a banana tree

It stands to reason that this is God's reward for eating, and the future development will definitely be good.

But don't forget that this is in India.

India's "caste system" and "patriarchal" concepts have been deeply ingrained, as a woman, her status is low, no matter how good she dances and how beautiful she looks, at best she is a dancer, and out of society is to please men.

She is the first beauty in India, but she was spurned by the people of the country and forced to marry a banana tree

After much consideration, Aishwarya applied for the architecture major.

Even if you become an architect in the future, it is better than being a dancer.

Accidentally became a model

When the teacher heard that Aishwarya applied for the architecture major, they thought that she had entered the wrong profession, who knew that she was talented, not only did she learn architecture well, but also learned five Chinese, and her cultural class results were far ahead of the class.

And after Aishwarya went to college, she began to earn her own money as a model.

She is the first beauty in India, but she was spurned by the people of the country and forced to marry a banana tree

Because of her good conditions, many advertisers have invited her to be a model, and in just one year, she has become famous in the industry, and she was signed by a company before she even graduated.

Seeing that Aishwarya was so beautiful, the company wanted to squeeze her value and make a lot of money from Aishwarya, but Aishwarya also captured the hearts of thousands of Indian men because she appeared on the cover of the magazine too many times.

Many Ah San looked at Aishwarya's poster at night, and in his dreams YY.

She is the first beauty in India, but she was spurned by the people of the country and forced to marry a banana tree

As soon as the company saw that the effect had been achieved, it sent Aishwarya to participate in the Miss India competition, Aishwarya finally won the second place with her good looks and figure, and I don't know how beautiful the champion looks, but in everyone's mind, Aishwarya is the most beautiful one.

Subsequently, Aishwarya participated in Miss World.

In the end, under various assessments, Aishwarya won the championship.

She is the first beauty in India, but she was spurned by the people of the country and forced to marry a banana tree

Since then, Aishwarya has become India's signboard, a proper "national treasure", and her status has risen all at once. Such a beauty, almost no Indian man does not like.

When Aishwarya became famous, it was time for her to make a choice.

"India's No. 1 Vase"

If modeling is a good way to go, why do you want to be an architect? As a result, Aishwarya gave up the idea of becoming an architect and became a full-time model.

Subsequently, Aishwarya was invited by major directors and began to participate in film and television works.

She is the first beauty in India, but she was spurned by the people of the country and forced to marry a banana tree

In 1997, Aishwarya participated in the movie "The Dancing Prince", and with her excellent appearance, she became "India's No. 1 Vase" in one fell swoop. The reason why she is called "vase" is because her acting skills are indeed relatively young, and she can be said to be a novice in acting.

However, Aishwarya still worked hard to improve her acting skills and tried to get rid of the title "vase".

She is the first beauty in India, but she was spurned by the people of the country and forced to marry a banana tree

In just a few years, Aishwarya's acting strength has greatly increased, and she has become a well-known actress with both appearance and acting skills, and has also won many awards.

Forced to marry a banana tree

In 2005, after Aishwarya and another actor, Abshek Bakqiang, finished acting in "Bandy and Babri", there were scandals.

The romance soon spread throughout India.

She is the first beauty in India, but she was spurned by the people of the country and forced to marry a banana tree

At that time, Aishwarya was 32 years old, and she also hoped that at the age of talking about marriage, she would meet someone she loved and open the door to love.

As a result, Abushek's family felt that Aishwarya was not worthy of their son, and they were not happy to see anything, and secretly ran to "fortune telling".

This calculation turned out to be Aishvayakov!

She is the first beauty in India, but she was spurned by the people of the country and forced to marry a banana tree

Abshek's parents began a fancy marriage, but they were in love, anyway, Abshek was going to marry Aishwarya, if the family did not agree, he announced his withdrawal from the circle, and forced him with his life. In desperation, the family had no choice but to agree.

Abshek's parents asked the master to find a solution, and in the end the master said that if he wanted the two young men to marry, he had to marry Aishwarya to a banana tree, so that the banana tree would be Aishwarya's husband, and Abushek would not be afraid.

She is the first beauty in India, but she was spurned by the people of the country and forced to marry a banana tree

As soon as the family heard that it made sense, they immediately began to make arrangements.

Of course, Aishwarya was reluctant at first, and if she had to say it, her reputation would not be good. However, this is a hurdle that lies before the love between the two and has to be passed.

She is the first beauty in India, but she was spurned by the people of the country and forced to marry a banana tree

In the end, Aishwarya made a sacrifice for the sake of love.

The family chose an auspicious day, and under their arrangement, Aishwarya wore a bridal dress and performed a wedding ceremony with a banana tree.

Finally "second marriage" to marry a lover

Subsequently, finally in 2007, Aishwarya married Abshek in her "second marriage".

She is the first beauty in India, but she was spurned by the people of the country and forced to marry a banana tree

Abhishek was also guilty and grateful for his wife's sacrifice, so the wedding was a big one, and he wanted to make amends for her.

In 2011, Aishwarya gave birth to a daughter.

She is the first beauty in India, but she was spurned by the people of the country and forced to marry a banana tree

When she gave birth, the first photo was published, and countless Indians pointed at Aishwarya's nose and scolded, because Aishwarya, who had just given birth, had a bad complexion, looked very haggard, and did not wear makeup.

Indians think that you are also representing the image of India, how can you do this? Isn't that a shame that everyone has been thrown internationally?

She is the first beauty in India, but she was spurned by the people of the country and forced to marry a banana tree

Aishwarya also ignored everyone's abuse, and slowly focused on her family, ignoring the management of her body and appearance. With the passage of time and the increase in age, the once glamorous Miss World has turned into a yellow-faced woman, who has no former charm at all.

As a result, Aishwarya began to be spurned by the Indians.

She is the first beauty in India, but she was spurned by the people of the country and forced to marry a banana tree

The first beauty in India after marriage

Fortunately, her husband Abshek loved her, and no matter what happened, he always stood in front of Aishwarya and took the pressure for her.

With Abshek's love, Aishwarya gradually regained her brilliance.

She is the first beauty in India, but she was spurned by the people of the country and forced to marry a banana tree

But she doesn't care about all this, because as long as the loved one is by her side and watches the child grow up day by day, everything is content.

It is really touching to be born in such a magical country as India, to have such a loyal love, and to be able to confront the world.

She is the first beauty in India, but she was spurned by the people of the country and forced to marry a banana tree

Today's Aishwarya is still active on the screen, and she can still be seen in Indian film and television works in the past two years.

In fact, compared to many middle-aged women in India, she is already a hundred times stronger.

As for whether she is the first beauty in India, it depends on your personal aesthetics.

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