
Na Ying's "Singer" ranked at the bottom of the interview, and netizens hotly discussed the selection of songs and the real level

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Na Ying's "Singer" ranked at the bottom of the interview, and netizens hotly discussed the selection of songs and the real level

Text丨Editor丨Little C

Figure丨Editor丨Little C

Na Ying's "Singer" ranked at the bottom of the interview, and netizens hotly discussed the selection of songs and the real level

On the stage of the latest issue of "Singer 2024", the eldest sister in the music world, Da Naying, unexpectedly encountered Waterloo. She has always been known for her superb singing skills and deep emotions, but she actually ranked at the bottom of last week's show, only finishing seventh.

Na Ying's "Singer" ranked at the bottom of the interview, and netizens hotly discussed the selection of songs and the real level

Faced with such a result, Na Ying couldn't help but burst into tears when she was interviewed by the program staff, which made people feel sorry for what happened to the veteran singer.

Na Ying's "Singer" ranked at the bottom of the interview, and netizens hotly discussed the selection of songs and the real level

Looking back on the history of "Singer", Na Ying, as an evergreen tree in the music scene, has attracted much attention every time she takes the stage. But this time, her performance was surprisingly unsatisfactory.

Na Ying's "Singer" ranked at the bottom of the interview, and netizens hotly discussed the selection of songs and the real level

In the interview, she confessed that she was confused and puzzled by such a ranking, "how did I mix and mix myself up to seventh", revealing her disappointment with her performance.

Na Ying's "Singer" ranked at the bottom of the interview, and netizens hotly discussed the selection of songs and the real level

When it comes to the issue of choosing songs, Na Ying seems a little confused, "I just wonder if there is a problem with my song selection." She said that the choice of songs is not decided by the director team, but by her own choice.

Na Ying's "Singer" ranked at the bottom of the interview, and netizens hotly discussed the selection of songs and the real level

In the process, she tried to regain her self-confidence and insisted on choosing her favorite songs, hoping to show her true feelings on stage, because she firmly believed that "music can't deceive people".

Na Ying's "Singer" ranked at the bottom of the interview, and netizens hotly discussed the selection of songs and the real level
Na Ying's "Singer" ranked at the bottom of the interview, and netizens hotly discussed the selection of songs and the real level

However, reality dealt her a heavy blow. Facing the bottom ranking, Na Ying couldn't help but tears, "Am I not able to sing?" This self-questioning of hers reveals a deep doubt about her own abilities. But as an experienced singer, she did not become decadent because of this, but began to reflect deeply.

Na Ying's "Singer" ranked at the bottom of the interview, and netizens hotly discussed the selection of songs and the real level
Na Ying's "Singer" ranked at the bottom of the interview, and netizens hotly discussed the selection of songs and the real level

After this episode was broadcast, it sparked a heated discussion on the Internet. Many netizens expressed sympathy for Na Ying's experience, believing that such a ranking does not fully represent her singing strength.

Na Ying's "Singer" ranked at the bottom of the interview, and netizens hotly discussed the selection of songs and the real level

Some netizens left a message: "Na Ying's singing voice has grown up with me, there is no need to question her strength, this time it is just a matter of choosing songs." Some netizens also said: "The stage of "Singer" is highly competitive, and a ranking can't say anything, looking forward to Na Ying's counterattack!" ”

Na Ying's "Singer" ranked at the bottom of the interview, and netizens hotly discussed the selection of songs and the real level

Of course, there are different voices. Some netizens pointed out: "Although Na Ying is a powerful faction, on this stage, song selection and live performance are equally important." Hopefully, she will learn her lesson and adjust her strategy. ”

This controversy not only made people start to re-examine the judging criteria of the stage of "Singer", but also made everyone look forward to Na Ying's future performance. As a veteran singer, whether Na Ying can counterattack in the next competition and return to the top has become a hot topic among netizens.

Na Ying's "Singer" ranked at the bottom of the interview, and netizens hotly discussed the selection of songs and the real level

Na Ying, who has been in the music industry for many years, undoubtedly has rich experience and profound strength. But the stage of "Singer" not only tests the singers' singing skills, but also their song selection vision and on-site expression. This ranking at the bottom may allow her to be more cautious and attentive in future competitions and bring more surprises to the audience.

Na Ying's "Singer" ranked at the bottom of the interview, and netizens hotly discussed the selection of songs and the real level

In general, Na Ying's experience in "Singer", although it made her tearful interview, also let us see her love for music and dedication to the stage. Whatever the outcome, she deserves our respect and encouragement. I look forward to her being able to find her form in future competitions and show her demeanor as a big sister in the music world again!

Na Ying's "Singer" ranked at the bottom of the interview, and netizens hotly discussed the selection of songs and the real level

This controversy over Na Ying's performance in "Singer" has undoubtedly added more highlights to the show. And the heated discussion among netizens also let us see the power of music and the charm of the stage. Let's look forward to Na Ying's more exciting performances in the future competitions!

Na Ying's "Singer" ranked at the bottom of the interview, and netizens hotly discussed the selection of songs and the real level

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Na Ying's "Singer" ranked at the bottom of the interview, and netizens hotly discussed the selection of songs and the real level

I'm Little C, pay attention to us and see you next time

(Image source: Internet, invasion and deletion)

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