
Scientists discover a hellish planet? The surface temperature can evaporate iron, which is only 2.7 days a year



The planet is so close to the star that scientists call it the "Hell Galaxy", the planet has a blue star, but there is no possibility of any vegetation, and its temperature can melt lava.

With only 2.7 sunny days a year, the planet is incredibly close to its parent star, with a day of only 1.7 hours and a year of only 2.7 days.

Scientists discover a hellish planet? The surface temperature can evaporate iron, which is only 2.7 days a year

This planet is not an unknown planet, it is the hottest planet that mankind has ever detected, this planet is also a supernova planet, and its surface temperature is capable of melting even iron.

Name the planets.

The planet was discovered in 2006 by NASA's Survey Satellite team, who discovered the planet's existence with the help of the Survey Satellite.

Scientists discover a hellish planet? The surface temperature can evaporate iron, which is only 2.7 days a year

However, a new planet appeared in front of humans, and as explorers, they were even more excited, and they continued to observe this planet for more than a month.

The orbit of the planet was finally determined, and it was confirmed that the planet was a hot and fierce new planet, so they made a announcement of the planet in November 2006, and the world's attention was focused on the planet.

Moreover, the scientific definition of the planet is still a vacancy, so the survey satellite team decided to use a solicitation to allow the global public to participate in this scientific investigation and name the planet together.

Scientists discover a hellish planet? The surface temperature can evaporate iron, which is only 2.7 days a year

So, the "temporary" name of the planet becomes "HD149026b", HD represents that the parent star of this planet is made up of a star from the Mott Nebula, and the 149026 represents that the planet is the closest star to the Earth, and the b in the back represents that the planet is an observed, and in the star system of this planet, there are many other numbered stars, so not all stars have their corresponding planets, The following letters illustrate their ranking.

Scientists discover a hellish planet? The surface temperature can evaporate iron, which is only 2.7 days a year

However, when the collection lasted for more than a month, there were more than one million naming proposals around the world, and these were all global public participation, so much data volume, it was naturally impossible for them to completely cover it, so they screened and finally screened out the name "Stellar HD149026b".

Scientists discover a hellish planet? The surface temperature can evaporate iron, which is only 2.7 days a year

This planet was finally analyzed and explored by Reeve Ottoye and his team at the Carnegie Endowment for Science in the United States, and they found that this planet is similar to other planets with similar orbits, they are close to each other, and the temperature is relatively high, they think that if these planets are named, then these planets are very common planets, and there is no real help for people, so they decided to say the name HD149026b to stay, As a representative of this galaxy, this planet is also known as the "Hell Galaxy".

Hell Galaxy.

The mass of this parent star is also relatively large, 1.3 times the mass of the Sun, and the distance between this planet and this parent star is also very close, only 0.042 AU, which is 1.6% of the distance between the Earth and the Sun.

The planet was detected by researchers at the University of California in 2005 through the Keck Telescope, but later investigations also found that the temperature of the planet was also very high.

Scientists discover a hellish planet? The surface temperature can evaporate iron, which is only 2.7 days a year

The planet eventually became known as a "hot Jupiter", and scientists further analyzed and explored the planet, and found that this planet is different from other hot Jupiters in that it has a large number of gaseous elements, such as hydrogen and helium.

and the discovery that the planet was a supernova formation.

This element is very common in the formation of stars, and can be found to be found by looking at other planets around them, and this element is usually formed by massive aggregates.

Scientists discover a hellish planet? The surface temperature can evaporate iron, which is only 2.7 days a year

The existence of such a large number of gas elements on this planet can be fully reflected, this star system is very sudden and rapid in the process of production, and the gas produced by the massive stars and aggregates produced by this supernova will also adapt very quickly.

The reason why this planet absorbs a large number of gas elements is mainly because their own temperature is very high and the internal energy is very sufficient, so it is also easy to absorb the gas elements existing in the surrounding environment, so as to make themselves more stable.

Scientists discover a hellish planet? The surface temperature can evaporate iron, which is only 2.7 days a year

The huge volume of this gas on this planet also causes the density of this planet itself to be very large compared to other planets, so that the planet can directly absorb various gases and particles in outer space.

In this way, this raw material on this planet is also very abundant, and there are good conditions for the formation of many other new substances.

And because the planet is very close to the parent star, it is very sensitive to some activities that occur on the parent star.

Scientists discover a hellish planet? The surface temperature can evaporate iron, which is only 2.7 days a year

The density of this planet allows it to absorb some unstable elements very well, so its climate is also very unstable, the temperature is very high for a while, and it cools down again for a while.

Although the planet has a blue star, it is impossible for any plants to survive on it, because the places illuminated by this star will have very high temperatures, and they found that the temperature on this planet is also very high.

However, even humans cannot survive in this hot environment, and only have the ability to melt, and the temperature of this planet can even reach the level of melting iron.

Scientists discover a hellish planet? The surface temperature can evaporate iron, which is only 2.7 days a year

This temperature only melts and evaporates the outer layer of iron, which not only evaporates the iron, but also evaporates a part of the iron into space, and these iron particles are adsorbed by the atmosphere in the air, forming a very magical particle cloud.

The hottest planet.

However, the age of the parent star where this planet is located is also very large, with a history of 12.3 billion years, and the reason why this star has a blue light is not really as some people say that it has a very high temperature, but because hot Jupiter, like other hot Jupiters, does look blue in the distance, but if you look closely, you will find that this star is just like a red star, and their own color is actually very light, but due to the interference of the atmosphere, Make people on the outside look red.

Scientists discover a hellish planet? The surface temperature can evaporate iron, which is only 2.7 days a year

Like Jupiter, which looks blue at a distance, but in fact its own color is also very dark, scientists have explored the special situation of this planet more deeply, and found that the temperature on this planet is also very high, but only a brown dwarf can match it.

The brown dwarf is thought to be a star that orbits between stars and planets, and the brown dwarf is so hot that it melts air, water, and iron, but it becomes a large fireball due to its high temperature.

Scientists discover a hellish planet? The surface temperature can evaporate iron, which is only 2.7 days a year

This brown dwarf is very close to its parent star, and the reason why this brown dwarf star has such a high temperature is also related to the star of its parent star, but the star of its parent star is a red flare star, and the temperature of the red flare star is much lower than that of the blue star, so after the brown dwarf decomposes from its parent star, it runs to a very far place by itself, forming a planet, and the temperature of this planet is relatively low, only about 500 degrees Celsius.

This situation is very puzzling, and these discoveries are very surprising, but in this "hell galaxy", there are two hot Jupiters that have similar orbits to this planet.

Scientists discover a hellish planet? The surface temperature can evaporate iron, which is only 2.7 days a year

These two hot Jupiters are not very far apart, and the reason why these two hot Jupiters can maintain harmony is because the stars on their parent planet are very small, and the distance between them is also very far, the temperature of these two hot Jupiters is also very high, there are only these three hot Jupiters on this parent star, and there are two hot Jupiters on the other parent star, and the temperature on this mother star is also very high, it can be considered that this planet is the hottest planet we have found so far.


The discovery of this planet has allowed mankind to see the face of another planet, and people have become more persistent in the exploration of outer space, but outer space is not only this planet, and many scientists are also playing an important role in the exploration of outer space, bringing people more surprises.

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