
Accident saved the planet! Scientists synthesize super enzymes that can quickly break down plastics, which is invaluable


How this chemical enzyme was developed.

Nowadays, with the continuous development of science and technology, human beings are constantly making new breakthroughs in environmental protection, and a series of environmental protection products have also appeared.

Therefore, there are many scientific research teams that are constantly committed to the research and development of environmental protection technologies, hoping to benefit mankind and make more contributions to the earth's environment.

Accident saved the planet! Scientists synthesize super enzymes that can quickly break down plastics, which is invaluable

No, an environmental protection product has also appeared in the mainland recently, and this environmental protection product is not actually a physical item, but a chemical enzyme.

The role of this chemical enzyme is to break down plastic quickly.

This super enzyme is called PET enzyme and was developed by a scientific research team in mainland China.

The team was mainly led by a professor named Yang Jicai.

Accident saved the planet! Scientists synthesize super enzymes that can quickly break down plastics, which is invaluable

It is understood that the molecular structure of this chemical enzyme is very small, and this is the first time that this super enzyme has been synthesized by human beings.

This chemical enzyme can quickly break down plastic into another, more environmentally friendly chemical, and it only takes a few days to break down a plastic bottle.

The molecular structure of this chemical enzyme is very small, consisting of only one carbon atom and two oxygen atoms.

Accident saved the planet! Scientists synthesize super enzymes that can quickly break down plastics, which is invaluable

This is also the reason why its decomposition effect is so great, and the use of this chemical enzyme will not cause any secondary pollution to the environment, will not bring any side effects, and the chemical substances produced by its decomposition will be recycled by nature.

In the process of synthesizing this chemical enzyme, scientists made some precise modifications to a gene analyzed from bacterial proteins, and after a period of modification, this super enzyme was finally developed.

What is the value of this super enzyme?

When human beings use plastics, they also produce a lot of plastic waste, which will cause great pollution to the natural environment if they are not cleaned up, and will also cause some inconvenience to human life.

Moreover, if these plastic wastes are directly incinerated, they will cause secondary pollution to the environment, so scientists have been looking for a way to efficiently process plastics.

Accident saved the planet! Scientists synthesize super enzymes that can quickly break down plastics, which is invaluable

No, now a professor has finally developed this super enzyme, a chemical enzyme that can quickly break down plastics.

With the continuous development of science and technology, the plastic produced by human beings has accounted for most of the items manufactured by human beings, and the most used type of plastic in the world today is PET.

Therefore, this chemical enzyme can be said to be very important for human beings and for the protection of the earth's environment.

This super enzyme can quickly break down plastics, and the decomposed chemicals can be reused for use.

Accident saved the planet! Scientists synthesize super enzymes that can quickly break down plastics, which is invaluable

This undoubtedly brings new hope to the cause of human environmental protection, and also greatly reduces the pressure on human beings to develop new plastics or dispose of old plastics.

Professor Yang Jicai said in an interview: "The problem of plastic pollution is a very thorny problem, and this chemical enzyme has undoubtedly brought new hope to mankind to solve plastic pollution, and greatly shortened the time for human beings to solve this problem."

In order to prepare this chemical enzyme as soon as possible and put it into use as soon as possible, Professor Yang Jicai's team has also carried out research and confidentiality work on this chemical enzyme for several years.

Accident saved the planet! Scientists synthesize super enzymes that can quickly break down plastics, which is invaluable

After this period of research and confidential work, this chemical enzyme was finally successfully synthesized recently, and their efforts have been highly recognized by other scientists and experts, who evaluated the importance of this research result as: "It has opened up a new world and is invaluable."

Regarding the involvement of this research result, Yang Jicai agreed to hand it over to the state without much thought.

Unexpected phenomena occur.

However, just when the research results attracted global attention and heated discussions, an unexpected thing happened.

When Professor Yang Jicai's research team was about to hand over this super enzyme to the state, an unwitting colleague helped it pack it into a batch of the same bottle and put several bottles, because the color of this super enzyme is very similar to the color of ordinary chemical solvents, and this colleague packed this super enzyme and ordinary chemical solvents together.

Accident saved the planet! Scientists synthesize super enzymes that can quickly break down plastics, which is invaluable

Before the release of this super enzyme, this colleague gave a bottle containing the super enzyme to a friend and asked him to help see how the super enzyme differed from ordinary chemical solvents.

After the friend got the bottle, he opened the cap of one of the bottles, but because the cap was not removed, he did not notice until the next morning, when he opened the bottle again to observe, and found that the bottle containing the super enzyme had completely melted overnight.

Accident saved the planet! Scientists synthesize super enzymes that can quickly break down plastics, which is invaluable

The friend was very scared and flustered, thinking that he had done something inappropriate with the experimental bottle, and quickly took it to the laboratory of the scientific research team and apologized to the scientific research team.

When other researchers found out the truth, they found that this friend's negligence caused this super enzyme to be accidentally spilled outside by the outside world, but in fact, when Professor Yang Jicai was doing this research, he asked others to pour out some of this super enzyme and spill it outside, and found that the bottle outside was fine.

Accident saved the planet! Scientists synthesize super enzymes that can quickly break down plastics, which is invaluable

This friend's approach unexpectedly found a very meaningful thing: "If people can dilute this super enzyme and splash it directly on the plastic waste, can it also have the effect of decomposing the plastic waste?"

So Professor Yang Jicai put this friend's idea into practice and found that the decomposition effect of super enzymes is very good, but in order to mix super enzymes and plastic waste together, it can have a decomposition effect, and it also needs to artificially pollute the water in the process of enzyme decomposition.

Accident saved the planet! Scientists synthesize super enzymes that can quickly break down plastics, which is invaluable

In this way, it will cause greater pollution to the human environment, and Professor Yang Jicai also said: "This super enzyme can only decompose some small plastic debris, and it is still useless for large plastic products."


Therefore, this super enzyme can only be used as a reference, and human beings need other means to solve the problem of plastic pollution.

Accident saved the planet! Scientists synthesize super enzymes that can quickly break down plastics, which is invaluable

Since aliens are able to break down the plastic on Earth one by one, it is impossible for us humans to do without such technology.

Human beings will be able to make continuous progress on the road of science and technology and make better contributions to the protection of the earth's environment.

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