
The red carpet picture of the Magnolia Award is here! 40-year-old Tang Yan is too thin, Liu Yifei's pink skirt shows fat gums and steals the spotlight

author:Moe Kami Tree Tree

It's awards season in the entertainment industry again! The first to play was the Magnolia Award at the Shanghai TV Festival.

The red carpet picture of the Magnolia Award is here! 40-year-old Tang Yan is too thin, Liu Yifei's pink skirt shows fat gums and steals the spotlight
The red carpet picture of the Magnolia Award is here! 40-year-old Tang Yan is too thin, Liu Yifei's pink skirt shows fat gums and steals the spotlight

——There are a total of 20 nominees for the four major performance awards of the Magnolia Award at the 29th Shanghai TV Festival, Yang Zi, who was shortlisted for the Best Actress Award, sparked heated discussions due to her absence from work, not to mention the award ceremony, the red carpet alone is missing a big attraction, fortunately, actresses such as Tang Yan , Liu Yifei , Zhou Xun and other actresses appeared on the red carpet and faced the high-definition camera, let's enjoy their performance together.

The red carpet picture of the Magnolia Award is here! 40-year-old Tang Yan is too thin, Liu Yifei's pink skirt shows fat gums and steals the spotlight

40-year-old Tang Yan was nominated for the Best Actress Award for the drama "Flowers" directed by Wong Kar-wai, and it happened that the Magnolia Award was held in Shanghai.

The red carpet picture of the Magnolia Award is here! 40-year-old Tang Yan is too thin, Liu Yifei's pink skirt shows fat gums and steals the spotlight
The red carpet picture of the Magnolia Award is here! 40-year-old Tang Yan is too thin, Liu Yifei's pink skirt shows fat gums and steals the spotlight

It's a pity that Tang Yan couldn't hold up this starlight dress, just looking at her overly sharp chin, you can also feel that Tang Yan is really too thin now, no matter how beautiful the dress is, it will look a little strange in proportion, it looks like the head is big and the body is small, and if you look closely, you will find that thick eyeliner can't cover Tang Yan's eye lines, in addition to her age, it is also related to her being too thin.

The red carpet picture of the Magnolia Award is here! 40-year-old Tang Yan is too thin, Liu Yifei's pink skirt shows fat gums and steals the spotlight

Another popular after-the-view contestant, Zhou Xun, was more low-key than Tang Yan, he didn't even borrow a dress, he wore a small fragrance suit and went on the field, hiding in the crowd and almost didn't find her - thanks to Zhou Xun with a pair of super conspicuous black stockings.

The red carpet picture of the Magnolia Award is here! 40-year-old Tang Yan is too thin, Liu Yifei's pink skirt shows fat gums and steals the spotlight
The red carpet picture of the Magnolia Award is here! 40-year-old Tang Yan is too thin, Liu Yifei's pink skirt shows fat gums and steals the spotlight

Fairy sister Liu Yifei appeared on the red carpet! Maybe it's because the recent new drama has achieved good results, Liu Yifei, who attended the red carpet as an award presenter, was very lively, laughing out of her gums and stealing the spotlight directly, although she failed to get any Magnolia Award nominations, but you can see you next time.

The red carpet picture of the Magnolia Award is here! 40-year-old Tang Yan is too thin, Liu Yifei's pink skirt shows fat gums and steals the spotlight
The red carpet picture of the Magnolia Award is here! 40-year-old Tang Yan is too thin, Liu Yifei's pink skirt shows fat gums and steals the spotlight

Including the red carpet style, Liu Yifei also chose a very youthful pink skirt, but the skirt size seems to be a little wrong, and Liu Yifei's arm is strangled, could it be that the fairy sister has gained weight again recently? In fact, as Liu Yifei gets older, she is no longer suitable for the pink fairy skirt with a sense of expansion, and Liu Yifei may consider changing her style.

The red carpet picture of the Magnolia Award is here! 40-year-old Tang Yan is too thin, Liu Yifei's pink skirt shows fat gums and steals the spotlight

Short hair, shorts are cool black, with stiletto heels and fine yarn flower design, and at the same time show slender legs, Zhang Xiaofei's red carpet styling ideas are no problem, but the raw picture is a big overturn.

The red carpet picture of the Magnolia Award is here! 40-year-old Tang Yan is too thin, Liu Yifei's pink skirt shows fat gums and steals the spotlight

First of all, Zhang Xiaofei's skin is not in good condition, she has put on a lot of foundation, floating powder and fake white, from eyeshadow to lipstick, it is too thick, and secondly, Zhang Xiaofei's wig is too heavy, which completely destroys the relaxation caused by the shorts shape, which is a typical makeup artist who does not play well.

The red carpet picture of the Magnolia Award is here! 40-year-old Tang Yan is too thin, Liu Yifei's pink skirt shows fat gums and steals the spotlight

Congratulations to Yan Ni, Jiang Yan, Ni Hongjie and Song Jia again! They have all been nominated for the Magnolia Award, among which Yan Ni wants to compete with Tang Yan for the queen, and the next three want to compete for the Best Supporting Actress Award.

The red carpet picture of the Magnolia Award is here! 40-year-old Tang Yan is too thin, Liu Yifei's pink skirt shows fat gums and steals the spotlight
The red carpet picture of the Magnolia Award is here! 40-year-old Tang Yan is too thin, Liu Yifei's pink skirt shows fat gums and steals the spotlight
The red carpet picture of the Magnolia Award is here! 40-year-old Tang Yan is too thin, Liu Yifei's pink skirt shows fat gums and steals the spotlight
The red carpet picture of the Magnolia Award is here! 40-year-old Tang Yan is too thin, Liu Yifei's pink skirt shows fat gums and steals the spotlight

However, Zhong Chuxi, who "came empty-handed", was in a good state, and she herself was also very sensible, so she chose a decent light-colored cake gauze dress to attend, and her makeup was also very light.

The red carpet picture of the Magnolia Award is here! 40-year-old Tang Yan is too thin, Liu Yifei's pink skirt shows fat gums and steals the spotlight

In comparison, the 41-year-old actress Wang Ou is slightly high-profile, and the contrasting color of red and blue can be described as eye-catching, but Wang Ou does not seem to have recovered well, and her bright makeup makes her a little stiff.

The red carpet picture of the Magnolia Award is here! 40-year-old Tang Yan is too thin, Liu Yifei's pink skirt shows fat gums and steals the spotlight
The red carpet picture of the Magnolia Award is here! 40-year-old Tang Yan is too thin, Liu Yifei's pink skirt shows fat gums and steals the spotlight

Recently, Wan Qian, who became the focus of attention because her husband was exposed to cheating, also rarely got a long hair style, and her tail was dyed a little green, and she played with the "green" stalk, which is also laughable.

The red carpet picture of the Magnolia Award is here! 40-year-old Tang Yan is too thin, Liu Yifei's pink skirt shows fat gums and steals the spotlight

Let's take a brief look at the red carpet performance of male stars!

The red carpet picture of the Magnolia Award is here! 40-year-old Tang Yan is too thin, Liu Yifei's pink skirt shows fat gums and steals the spotlight

——The male star style is easy to guess, basically all of them are black suits like copy and paste, Hu Ge, Wang Renjun, Ding Yongdai, Wang Yang and other nominated actors attended, the competition for awards is very fierce, can anyone see their winning side from the state of the red carpet students? Everyone looks quite powerful.

The red carpet picture of the Magnolia Award is here! 40-year-old Tang Yan is too thin, Liu Yifei's pink skirt shows fat gums and steals the spotlight

Finally, I attach the rare appearance of the actor Chen Xiao, there are a lot of topics on and off the field of this year's Magnolia Awards, and the awards season is to be lively and lively.

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