
In summer, this dish is eaten hard, clearing heat and eyes, moistening the intestines and laxative, teaching you a fairy how to eat, really satisfying your cravings

author:Goose delicacies

There is a folk proverb, "Although spinach and tofu are cheap, the delicacies of the mountains and seas are not changed." In summer, you sweat a lot, have a poor appetite, and have heavy humidity, so you should eat it at the right time, eat more light, nutritious, and digestive seasonal ingredients, spinach is available all year round, and you can eat it often in summer, which has many benefits.

In summer, this dish is eaten hard, clearing heat and eyes, moistening the intestines and laxative, teaching you a fairy how to eat, really satisfying your cravings

Why are there so many benefits to eating spinach in summer? Because spinach is extremely nutritious, known as the "nutrition model student", it is rich in carotene, vitamins, dietary fiber, iron, calcium and other nutrients, with clear heat and eyes, moisturizing the intestines and detoxification and other health effects.

Spinach is usually cold salad, boiled soup or pancakes, today to share a fairy way to eat, nutrition and hunger is particularly fragrant, I highly recommend everyone to try, to ensure that you eat and want to eat, eat once and never forget.

In summer, this dish is eaten hard, clearing heat and eyes, moistening the intestines and laxative, teaching you a fairy how to eat, really satisfying your cravings

Recommended recipe: Spinach nest head

Ingredients: spinach, carrots, flour, salt, edible alkali, yeast

Here's how:

In summer, this dish is eaten hard, clearing heat and eyes, moistening the intestines and laxative, teaching you a fairy how to eat, really satisfying your cravings

In the first step, blanch the spinach

Put water in the pot to boil, add a small spoon of salt, drop a little cooking oil, put in the washed spinach to blanch softly, spinach contains a lot of oxalic acid, direct consumption is very bad for the body, blanching can remove most of the oxalic acid. When blanching, add salt and oil to the boiling water, so that the blanched dish is more colorful. After blanching, remove and quickly put it in cold water, which can make the spinach cool down quickly, green and not black.

In summer, this dish is eaten hard, clearing heat and eyes, moistening the intestines and laxative, teaching you a fairy how to eat, really satisfying your cravings

The second step is to season the road

Squeeze out the spinach, chop it, and add a little carrot to make it more beautiful in color and more nutritious. Put an appropriate amount of salt, edible alkali and yeast powder and stir well. Adding edible alkali can keep spinach green and not yellow, and adding yeast makes the taste softer and easier to digest.

In summer, this dish is eaten hard, clearing heat and eyes, moistening the intestines and laxative, teaching you a fairy how to eat, really satisfying your cravings

The third step is to pinch the nest head with the face

After stirring well, add a small amount of ordinary flour in batches, knead it into a dough with moderate softness and hardness, cover the dough and let it rest for about 20 minutes, the dough will not be completely fermented at this time, but there will be a little fermentation, the taste is softer and easier to digest, and it retains the tendon and chewiness! If you want to be softer, you can wake up a little longer.

After the dough wakes up, make a small dough, knead it firmly, and then knead it into a nest! If the head of the nest is pinched higher, the finished product will be more stylish. For those who don't know how to pinch the nest, you can also make small round cakes directly.

In summer, this dish is eaten hard, clearing heat and eyes, moistening the intestines and laxative, teaching you a fairy how to eat, really satisfying your cravings

Step 4: Steam in a pot

Put the pinched nest head on the steaming drawer, leave a gap between the two, boil the pot on water, cover the lid and steam over high heat for 15 minutes, do not simmer after steaming, just turn off the heat and get out of the pot.

In summer, this dish is eaten hard, clearing heat and eyes, moistening the intestines and laxative, teaching you a fairy how to eat, really satisfying your cravings

The green spinach nest is out of the pot! It smells so good! It's really gluttonous, and my saliva is about to run down. The softness is strong, the tendons are soft, delicious and easy to digest, just eat it directly! Dip it in garlic and serve it with pickles, and it's even better!

In summer, this dish is eaten hard, clearing heat and eyes, moistening the intestines and laxative, teaching you a fairy how to eat, really satisfying your cravings

If you like spinach wotou, you can follow, like, forward, and try it at home if you have time, and there will be more exciting content to share tomorrow, thank you for reading, we'll see you tomorrow, bye-bye!

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