
Wucheng Town, Tongbai County: Precise governance strengthens prevention and builds a "national anti-fraud" pattern

author:Times Report Network

In order to further improve the public's awareness of preventing telecommunication network fraud and extend the tentacles of preventing telecommunication network fraud, the Wucheng Police Station of Tongbai County innovated anti-fraud propaganda methods and set up an "anti-fraud hut". Recently, the anti-fraud hut has become the focus of attention.

The leaders of the party committee attached great importance to it, and the anti-fraud hut became a propaganda front. The leadership of the party committee and government attaches great importance to the anti-fraud work, which has laid a solid foundation for the popularization and use of the anti-fraud hut. Yang Xiangbin, secretary of the town party committee, and Guo Tianxu, mayor of the town, visited the site in depth, reflecting the importance attached to cracking down on telecommunications network fraud. They have stressed on many occasions that it is necessary to make full use of the platform of the anti-fraud hut to strengthen propaganda and education on anti-fraud knowledge and enhance the masses' awareness of anti-fraud and their ability to prevent fraud. With the attention of the leaders of the party committee and government, the anti-fraud hut has become an important position in the local anti-fraud work.

Wucheng Town, Tongbai County: Precise governance strengthens prevention and builds a "national anti-fraud" pattern
Wucheng Town, Tongbai County: Precise governance strengthens prevention and builds a "national anti-fraud" pattern

The grid staff walked into the anti-fraud hut to explore the new anti-fraud position. As an important force in anti-fraud work, the professional ability and service level of the grid staff security officer directly affect the key effect of anti-fraud work. The joint police station of the Wucheng Township Safety Office organized a centralized learning activity for grid members and security officers. During the event, He You, the director of the police station, explained in detail the common methods of telecommunication network fraud, prevention skills and the use of anti-fraud huts. Through this study, the grid staff and security officers have a deeper understanding and understanding of anti-fraud work, and also master more practical working methods and skills. They have expressed that they will apply the knowledge they have learned to practical work and provide the masses with more high-quality and professional anti-fraud services.

Wucheng Town, Tongbai County: Precise governance strengthens prevention and builds a "national anti-fraud" pattern

The owners of supermarkets gathered in the anti-fraud hut to build an honest consumption environment. As a place with dense flow of people and rapid information transmission, supermarkets in the jurisdiction are important positions for anti-fraud propaganda. The Wucheng Township Safety Office Joint Police Station organized an anti-fraud knowledge learning activity for supermarket owners in the jurisdiction. During the event, the chairman of the National People's Congress introduced the harmfulness, identification methods and preventive measures of telecommunication network fraud to the owners of supermarkets. At the same time, they also made the supermarket bosses deeply aware of the importance of anti-fraud work through case explanations and interactive exchanges. This study not only improved the anti-fraud awareness and prevention ability of the supermarket bosses, but also made them an important force in anti-fraud propaganda.

Wucheng Town, Tongbai County: Precise governance strengthens prevention and builds a "national anti-fraud" pattern

In the next step, the Wucheng Town Party Committee and Government will continue to intensify the anti-fraud work, promote the anti-fraud huts to play a greater role in the jurisdiction, and create a safer and more harmonious living environment for the people. (Wu Yang)


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