
Time and space, please take a look at the dynamics of natural resources and industry and economy in a week (6.24~6.30)

author:iNatural omnimedia
Time and space, please take a look at the dynamics of natural resources and industry and economy in a week (6.24~6.30)

In order to support the economic development of the industry and create a good atmosphere of public opinion, the "i Nature" Sankei Group of China Natural Resources News has specially compiled and produced the "Sankei Dynamics" column, focusing on the trend of economic policies, hot spots of natural resources and industry, business conditions, industry exhibition forum information, etc., and welcomes readers to pay attention to and put forward more valuable opinions.


The report of the State Council has clearly defined the key tasks for further promoting the development and growth of the private economy

Entrusted by the State Council, Zheng Bei, deputy director of the National Development and Reform Commission, made a report on promoting the development of the private economy to the 10th meeting of the Standing Committee of the 14th National People's Congress on the 25th. The report clarifies six key tasks to further promote the development and growth of the private economy, including optimizing the environment for the development of the private economy, increasing the support for the elements of the development of the private economy, strengthening the legal guarantee for the development of the private economy, strengthening policy coordination and supervising the implementation, promoting the capacity building of private enterprises, and creating a social atmosphere that cares about and supports the development of the private economy. Click for details (source: Xinhua News Agency)

The Ministry of Natural Resources, in conjunction with relevant departments, has issued 18 measures for the disposal of idle land

On June 24, the Ministry of Natural Resources carried out video training to promote the effective disposal of idle and revitalized land in various localities. At the meeting, it was proposed that in view of the current difficulties in the utilization, transfer and recovery of real estate stock, the Ministry of Natural Resources, together with the National Development and Reform Commission and other departments, combined with the practice and exploration of various places, has studied and introduced 18 policies and measures to encourage development, promote transfer, transfer with mortgage, and standardize acquisition and recovery. The 18 policy measures are the "policy toolbox" of systematic policy implementation, which is limited in time limit, limited in scope, and closed operation, and provides policy support for enterprises to alleviate financial difficulties and reduce debt under the premise of controllable risks. Click here for details (Source: Ministry of Natural Resources)

The Guidelines for Handling Intellectual Property Government Service Matters (Second Edition) were revised and released

In order to implement the work deployment of the "Guiding Opinions of the State Council on Accelerating the Standardization, Standardization and Facilitation of Government Services" and the "Guiding Opinions of the State Council on Further Optimizing Government Services, Improving Administrative Efficiency, and Promoting "Efficient Completion of One Thing", facilitate the public's access to information on intellectual property business handling, and promote the non-discriminatory acceptance and standard handling of government services, according to the newly revised Detailed Rules for the Implementation of the Patent Law and the Guidelines for Patent Examination, the State Intellectual Property Office recently issued the Guidelines for Handling Intellectual Property Government Service Matters (Second Edition). The Guidelines for Handling Intellectual Property Government Service Matters promulgated on March 3, 2023 shall be repealed at the same time. Click for details (source: Chinese government website)


The Global Mining Development Report 2023 was released

On October 26, at the 2023 China International Mining Conference "Belt and Road" Geoscience Cooperation and Mining Investment Forum, the International Mining Research Center of the China Geological Survey of the Ministry of Natural Resources released the "Global Mining Development Report 2023". The report shows that in the post-epidemic era, there have been new changes in the supply and demand structure of global mineral resources, and international mining cooperation is facing new opportunities and challenges. Click for details (Source: "China Natural Resources News")

The investment in geological exploration of oil and gas and non-oil and gas minerals in mainland China has achieved double growth

Since October 26, at the 2023 China International Mining Conference, the Ministry of Natural Resources has released the "China Mineral Resources Report (2023)" (hereinafter referred to as the "Report"). According to the report, in 2022, the investment in geological exploration of oil and gas and non-oil and gas minerals in mainland China will achieve double growth, and 132 new mineral sites will be discovered. Click for details (Source: "China Natural Resources News")

(Source: Xinhua News Agency)

In the first three quarters, the retail sales of gold, silver and jewellery of units above designated size in mainland China increased by 12.2% year-on-year

In the first three quarters of this year, the retail sales of gold, silver and jewelry of units above designated size in mainland China reached 247.2 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 12.2%, and the jewelry industry developed strongly. With the deep integration of the digital economy and the real economy, the mainland jewelry industry has accelerated its digital transformation and gradually promoted the industry to shift from factor-driven development to innovation-driven development. Click for details (Source: "China Natural Resources News")

The Ministry of Natural Resources solicits proposals for the 2024 work plan for the formulation and revision of natural resources standards

In the first three quarters, the domestic raw gold output was more than 271 tons

Statistics released by the China Gold Association on October 25 showed that in the first three quarters of 2023, domestic raw gold production was 271.248 tons, an increase of 1.261 tons compared with the same period in 2022, a year-on-year increase of 0.47%. Among them, 214.866 tons of gold were completed in gold minerals, and 56.382 tons of non-ferrous by-product gold were completed. Since the beginning of this year, the gold industry has made steady progress in geological prospecting, scientific and technological innovation, integration and mergers and acquisitions, and the gold output of large gold enterprises (groups) in mainland China in the first three quarters was 107.058 tons, accounting for 49.83% of the country. Click for details (source: Xinhua News Agency)

In the first three quarters, gold, silver and jewelry of units above designated size in mainland China

(Source: Xinhua News Agency)

In the first three quarters, the retail sales of gold, silver and jewellery of units above designated size in mainland China increased by 12.2% year-on-year

In the first three quarters of this year, the retail sales of gold, silver and jewelry of units above designated size in mainland China reached 247.2 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 12.2%, and the jewelry industry developed strongly. With the deep integration of the digital economy and the real economy, the mainland jewelry industry has accelerated its digital transformation and gradually promoted the industry to shift from factor-driven development to innovation-driven development. Click for details (Source: "China Natural Resources News")

The Ministry of Natural Resources solicits proposals for the 2024 work plan for the formulation and revision of natural resources standards

The Ministry of Natural Resources released the first batch of pilot cases of comprehensive land consolidation

On June 25, the Ministry of Natural Resources released the first batch of pilot typical cases of comprehensive land consolidation. The 15 typical cases announced this time have their own characteristics, all of which have explored a series of practices that can be used for reference in combination with the actual local needs and resource endowments, and have achieved significant comprehensive benefits, and formed a series of valuable experiences that can be promoted and replicated in terms of organizational model, planning convergence, implementation management, acceptance and post-management, and financial security. Click for details (Source: "China Natural Resources News")

The Ministry of Natural Resources released the fourth batch of recommended catalogues of land-saving technologies and land-saving models

On June 25, the Ministry of Natural Resources issued the "Recommended Catalogue of Land-saving Technologies and Land-saving Models (Fourth Batch)", focusing on "exchanging stock for increment", "underground for aboveground" and "capital, technology and data for space", guiding all localities to further improve the level of saving and intensive land use, and promote high-quality development of urban and rural areas. Among them, a total of 38 typical cases of land-saving technology and land-saving models from 26 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) are included, covering four major fields: 8 in the field of infrastructure, 10 in the field of public service facilities, 13 in the field of industrial parks and industrial projects, and 7 in the field of high-quality urban and rural development. Click for details (Source: "China Natural Resources News")

The elimination catalogue of 10 mine safety backward processes and equipment was released

The "Catalogue for the Promotion of Advanced and Applicable Technologies and Equipment for Mine Safety (2024)" and the "Catalogue for the Elimination of Backward Processes and Equipment for Mine Safety (2024)" were recently released. There are a total of 44 items in this promotion catalog, covering major disaster management, intelligent construction, emergency rescue and other directions; There are a total of 10 items in the elimination catalog, mainly including transportation, power supply, blasting, etc. Click for details (source: Xinhua News Agency)

Six mine geological environmental protection and land reclamation plans passed the review

The Ministry of Natural Resources recently issued an announcement that according to the "Land Reclamation Regulations", "Mine Geological Environmental Protection Regulations" and other relevant regulations, Luoyang Nonferrous Mining Group Songxian Mining Co., Ltd. Angou Molybdenum Polymetallic Mine in Songxian County, Henan Province and other six mine geological environmental protection and land reclamation plans passed the review. Click here for details (Source: Ministry of Natural Resources)


Zhenghe Ecology won the bid for the pollution traceability and water environment management project in Wuhan key lake basins

Recently, Zhenghe Hengkuan (Wuhan) Ecological Environment Technology Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Zhenghe Ecological Holdings, and a consortium of China Academy of Environmental Sciences, successfully won the bid for the pollution traceability and water environment management plan preparation project of key lake basins in Jiangxia District, Wuhan City. The project aims to trace the source of pollutants, analyze the temporal and spatial changes of water quality, evaluate the regional pollution load and water environment capacity, and provide a scientific basis for the improvement of water environment quality, self-purification capacity and water environment protection and management in the Liangzi Lake, Axe Lake and Luhu Lake basins in Jiangxia District, Wuhan City. (Source: Zhenghe Henderson)

won the index of 150MW wind and solar project in Altay, Xinjiang

Recently, China Power Hunan Energy Investment Co., Ltd. won the construction index of the low-carbon transformation wind-solar-storage integration project of Fuyun Industrial Park in Altay Region, with a total project of 150 MW, including 100 MW of wind power and 50 MW of photovoltaic power. The project, located in Fuyun County, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, is the first centralized new energy project of CPID Hunan Energy Investment in Xinjiang. After the full capacity of the project is put into operation, the annual power generation capacity will be 310 million kWh, relying on the new lithium mine in Fuyun County Industrial Park for load consumption, and supporting the construction of 15 MW/30 MWh electrochemical energy storage to realize the integration of source, grid, load and storage. (Source:)

Fengtu Technology won the 2023 National Intelligent Standardization Committee "Standard Contribution" Excellent Application Practice Award

Recently, the Fifth Working Conference of the Third Session of the National Intelligent Standardization Committee and the Digital Engineering and Digital Home Construction Exchange Conference was held in Zhangjiagang City, Jiangsu Province. Fengtu Technology was invited to attend the meeting as a participating unit of the international standard "Smart City Infrastructure - City Information Model (CIM) Data Framework and Functional Requirements" (ISO 37187). At the meeting, Fengtu Technology-Shenzhen North Railway Station Area Digital Twin City Platform Project won the 2023 National Intelligent Standardization Committee "Standard Contribution" Excellent Application Practice Award. (Source: Fengtu Technology)

SuperMap GIS 2024 Released

At the theme conference of the 2024 Spatial Intelligence Software Technology Conference held on June 25, SuperMap officially released a new product, SuperMap GIS 2024. The software further innovates the GIS basic software technology system (BRT-IDC), namely big data GIS, a new generation of remote sensing software, a new generation of 3D GIS, geospatial AI, distributed GIS and cross-platform GIS technology systems. The newly released remote sensing image processing server software product enhances the capabilities of cloud-edge GIS series products, enriches and innovates GIS theory and technology, and empowers the informatization of various industries. (Source: SuperMap Software Group)


The Frontier Symposium on "Ecogeochemistry and Carbon Neutrality" will be held in late July

In order to promote the interdisciplinary development of ecology, environment, geology and energy resources in the new era, and actively serve the national strategic goal of "dual carbon", it is planned to hold a cutting-edge academic seminar on "ecological geochemistry and carbon neutrality" in Tianjin from July 20 to 22, 2024. The conference was co-sponsored by the Resource Recycling Committee of the Chinese Society of Natural Resources and other units, focusing on the frontiers of environmental science and engineering, new energy and resource recycling, ecological geochemistry, carbon neutral biology and ecological carbon sinks, water conservancy and environment, ecological civilization and the construction of a beautiful China, and the national "double carbon" strategy on the development of environmental science and engineering, ecology, resource recycling science and engineering, new energy, water conservancy, geoscience and geochemistry, as well as the frontiers of the disciplines to discuss and exchange. (Source: Chinese Society of Natural Resources)

Producer: "i Natural" Sankei Group

Co-organizer: Guoqi Daspatio-temporal Technology (Anqing) Co., Ltd. Collation: Xue Liang, Qu Bingjie New Media Editor: Qu Bingjie Preliminary Review: Xue Liang Review: Cheng Xiujuan Review: Zhao Xiaotao

Time and space, please take a look at the dynamics of natural resources and industry and economy in a week (6.24~6.30)
Time and space, please take a look at the dynamics of natural resources and industry and economy in a week (6.24~6.30)
Time and space, please take a look at the dynamics of natural resources and industry and economy in a week (6.24~6.30)

iNatural omnimedia

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