
Few people know the version of Baduanjin: Nanpai Baduanjin, interpretation of the recommended version of Chinese medicine atmospheric gong 2

author:Weichang Chinese Studies

Continuing from the previous issue, we will interpret the fifth to eighth forms.

5. The large version of traditional Chinese medicine: "Shaking the head and swinging the tail to go to the heart fire" exercises

This movement is more simplified than the version of the General Administration of Sports, which is equivalent to one-third of the head and tail of the General Administration of Sports, without first left and then right, but directly turning left and right with both hands on the knees.

The specific actions are interpreted as follows:

1: Prepative: Same as above.

2. Horse step back palm

Shift from shoulder-width width to horse-step, then press your hands back to the top of your knees, fingers inward, and elbows outward.

Exhale, with the intention to lead the breath from the lower dantian to the spring of the heart;

Few people know the version of Baduanjin: Nanpai Baduanjin, interpretation of the recommended version of Chinese medicine atmospheric gong 2

3. Inhale and shake your head and tail to the left

This movement involves a slight forward bend of the torso and then an overall swing to the left;

Inhale, while using the waist as the axis, swing the upper body to the left front, the head is perpendicular to the left knee, the hips are bracing down to the right, the waist is extended, and the right toe is eyed. Pause for a moment.

Few people know the version of Baduanjin: Nanpai Baduanjin, interpretation of the recommended version of Chinese medicine atmospheric gong 2

4. Exhale back to normal

Then exhale back to the right and return to the horse step and press the palm on the knee.

5. Inhale and shake your head and tail right: reverse from 3 directions.

6. Exhale back to normal.

Left and right for one time.

Repeat 6-8 times.

This style is consistent with some of the movements of the General Administration of Sports, and it is quite different from Deng Tietao's version of shaking his head and tail, and Deng Tietao's version is to support his knees with both hands and drive the left and right backwards. But both have a clean nature.

6. Interpretation of the large version of traditional Chinese medicine "two hands to climb the feet and strengthen the kidney and waist".

The overall action of this style in the large version of traditional Chinese medicine is: two hands on the waist, leaning back, leaning forward and climbing the feet.

The specific actions are as follows:

1. Preliminary: Same as above;

2. Stand cross-legged

Stand shoulder width apart, then cross your waist with your thumbs in front and your four fingers behind your waist to press the kidney acupoints on both sides of your waist (you can naturally fork your waist).

Few people know the version of Baduanjin: Nanpai Baduanjin, interpretation of the recommended version of Chinese medicine atmospheric gong 2

3. Inhale and lean back

Inhale while leaning back. This action is reverse abdominal breathing, inhale the body with a slight upward intention, keep the legs and hands still, the head drives the upper body to bend backwards as a whole, try not to protrude the abdomen and push forward, the head and back waist form a semi-circular shape, and the waist and shoulders feel a clear sense of stretching.

4. Exhale and climb your feet

Exhale, lean forward, and slowly slide your hands down the bladder from your waist to your heels, and then climb forward. Pause.

Few people know the version of Baduanjin: Nanpai Baduanjin, interpretation of the recommended version of Chinese medicine atmospheric gong 2

Note: This action is similar to the General Administration of Sports version of the motorcycle.

Few people know the version of Baduanjin: Nanpai Baduanjin, interpretation of the recommended version of Chinese medicine atmospheric gong 2

5. Inhale and return to the center

As you inhale, slowly straighten your waist, stand with your hands back to your waist, and pay attention to the back waist life point.

Repeat 6-8 times.

Note: This style is more concise than the version of the General Administration of Sports, which is equivalent to directly pressing the waist and climbing the feet, without having to raise and press down with both hands. Compared with Deng Tietao's version, the Deng version is raised with both hands raised over the head and unfolded, and then leaned forward to climb the feet.

7. Interpretation of the large version of traditional Chinese medicine "accumulating fists and increasing qi strength".

The overall action of the Baduanjin of the large version of traditional Chinese medicine is: the horse steps to make a fist, exhale and punch left and right. Take abdominal breathing.

Stand quietly as before, inhale the left foot and turn into a horse step, lift both hands to the waist and half-clench the fist, the heart of the fist is upward, the two fists are about three fists apart, bend the elbows, and keep the dantian or the life gate acupoint; With the exhalation, strike the left fist forward to the left, turn slightly to the left with the momentum, open the left fist with angry eyes and look into the distance, and pull the right fist back at the same time, so that the left and right arms are competitive. After a short pause, the two fists retract at the same time, release the virtual fist, draw an upward arc and slowly fall through the sides, retract the left foot and return to the standing position. Alternate left and right 6~8 times.

1: Prepative: Same as above.

2. Horse step fist

Shoulder width change to stand with a horse step, inhale, raise your hands to your waist and half-clench your fist, bend your elbows, fist center up, thumb out. Intention to keep the door.

Few people know the version of Baduanjin: Nanpai Baduanjin, interpretation of the recommended version of Chinese medicine atmospheric gong 2

3. Horse Rush Punch

With the exhalation, the left fist rushes forward, the left fist looks into the distance angrily, and the right fist pulls back at the same time, fighting back and forth.

Few people know the version of Baduanjin: Nanpai Baduanjin, interpretation of the recommended version of Chinese medicine atmospheric gong 2

4. Collect your fists and return to the right

Stop for a moment, keep your two fists around your waist, release your fists, draw both sides of the arc with both hands, and retract your left foot for a standing position.

6. Horse step right punch

Stand with a change of step, inhale and clench your fist, and exhale with your right fist and rush forward.

7. Gather your fists and get back to the right.

Repeat 6-8 times.

Note: This style is quite different from the version of the General Administration of Sports, which is a solid punch. Deng Tietao's version of the fist punch punch is similar to this, but the punch direction is left front, right front, left side, right side.

8. Interpretation of the exercise method of the large version of traditional Chinese medicine "behind the seven ups and downs and a hundred diseases".

Overall movement: Stand shoulder-width apart, inhale and press your toes on your toes, relax and exhale, and drop your heels. Take abdominal breathing.

The action is broken down as follows:

1. Preliminary: Same as above.

Naturally relax and stand with your shoulders wide apart, paying attention to the dantian if you don't pay attention to it.

Few people know the version of Baduanjin: Nanpai Baduanjin, interpretation of the recommended version of Chinese medicine atmospheric gong 2

2: Inhale and lift your feet

Inhale and press the palm, then lift the heel, stand on the toes, grasp the ground with ten fingers, press down on the palm and the top of the head to form an up and down pull, and at the same time, the mind head is up and down, and the air is attached to the back.

Few people know the version of Baduanjin: Nanpai Baduanjin, interpretation of the recommended version of Chinese medicine atmospheric gong 2

3: Exhale downward

As you exhale, your heels fall, and you exhale relaxed, let your heels down, hang your hands, and relax your whole body.

Repeat 6-8 times.

Note: This style is different from Deng Tietao's version, which is a backhand tiptoe. It is also different from the version of the General Administration of Sports, which adopts the action of inhaling and pressing the palm, which is more conducive to pulling up and down. Compared with Zhang Zhishun's "upside down".

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Weichang Chinese Studies

June 2024

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