
Suggestion: When decorating, these things should be bought in advance, save money and be practical, and collect well!

author:Mr. Shotaku
Suggestion: When decorating, these things should be bought in advance, save money and be practical, and collect well!

When decorating a house, because many people have no experience, they always habitually follow the trend to decorate.

At that time, I didn't know what was missing in the house, and I always found out the problems after moving in, such as some household appliances were not reserved for installation, or the quality of the plates was poor, containing a lot of formaldehyde.

Therefore, in order to avoid this problem, all we have to do is do our homework and prevent stepping on the pit.

Suggestion: When decorating, these things should be bought in advance, save money and be practical, and collect well!

And when decorating, don't use everything that the master brings, there are a lot of decoration materials that need to be purchased by yourself, so that you can save money and rest assured that you can use it yourself.

Suggestion: When decorating, these things should be bought in advance, save money and be practical, and collect well!

Minimalist baseboard

The baseboard is a material often used in decoration, and it stands to reason that it can only be used in the later stage of decoration.

And it is recommended that you buy in advance, just to avoid not being able to install it!

Suggestion: When decorating, these things should be bought in advance, save money and be practical, and collect well!

Because now many families like minimalist baseboards, this kind of minimalist can be purchased directly online, the price is very cheap, and a suite can save dozens of dollars.

Suggestion: When decorating, these things should be bought in advance, save money and be practical, and collect well!

Because the minimalist baseboard is relatively thin, and it has high requirements for the flatness of the wall,

If you buy a sample in advance, you can give it to the master and the oilman, and tell them the baseboard we have installed, so as to prevent the uneven wall surface from appearing when it is installed, and the minimalist baseboard will not be installed at that time.

Suggestion: When decorating, these things should be bought in advance, save money and be practical, and collect well!

Glass glue

Glass glue is a material used in closing and caulking in the home, and it can be used in many places in the home.

For example, toilet bases, countertop gaps, ceiling gaps, kitchen countertops, baseboard seams, and so on.

Suggestion: When decorating, these things should be bought in advance, save money and be practical, and collect well!

Usually when decorating, the master is with his own glass glue, if you don't know how to use the master directly, it is inevitable that there will be glue, cracking, yellowing, moldy in the later stage.

In the final analysis, the main reason is that the quality of the glass glue is relatively poor, and it cannot be seen from the surface at first, but there is a problem when it is used up.

Suggestion: When decorating, these things should be bought in advance, save money and be practical, and collect well!

Therefore, the glass glue in the home needs to be purchased by yourself,

Only by choosing good quality can you avoid the above problems and ensure your experience.

Suggestion: When decorating, these things should be bought in advance, save money and be practical, and collect well!


Hydropower is a very important part of decoration, these are hidden projects, once the installation is basically not renovated.

Therefore, the choice of water and electricity lines is very important, and the owners should not completely leave it to the decoration company!

Suggestion: When decorating, these things should be bought in advance, save money and be practical, and collect well!

If you encounter a bad decoration company, the water and electricity lines of household appliances may be shoddy, and the wires shown to you at that time are all brands, but they are not good brands when they are under construction.

My family encountered this problem at that time, but fortunately it was discovered in time, which avoided the loss, so everyone should pay attention.

Suggestion: When decorating, these things should be bought in advance, save money and be practical, and collect well!

In the face of this situation, you need to buy it in the market and choose a good quality wire, which can not only ensure the use, but also prolong the service life and avoid injury.

Suggestion: When decorating, these things should be bought in advance, save money and be practical, and collect well!

Ground protective film

After the hydropower is finished, we need to protect it in advance, which cannot be ignored.

Because various materials will always be used in decoration, and workers will work at home, if the ground in the home is not well protected, it will be hurt later.

Applying a protective film in advance can help you reduce wear and contamination in the later stage, and ensure that the tiles and floors are clean.

Suggestion: When decorating, these things should be bought in advance, save money and be practical, and collect well!

For the ground protective film, do not use the decoration company directly, it is recommended to buy it from the Internet,

Online shopping will be more cost-effective, it is recommended to choose a double-layer foam design, such a protective film will be thicker to prevent damage.

Suggestion: When decorating, these things should be bought in advance, save money and be practical, and collect well!


People are very concerned about the quality of life, and the problem of water cannot be ignored.

There are impurities in the tap water used in many places, such as sediment, rust, algae, etc., which will cause harm to our body if it is not filtered.

Suggestion: When decorating, these things should be bought in advance, save money and be practical, and collect well!

Therefore, when many people decorate, they will install a pre-filter at home, and use it to filter impurities.

It's just that about the pre-filter, we can buy it in advance, don't choose a particularly expensive one, five or six hundred is completely enough, and too expensive is the "IQ tax"!

Suggestion: When decorating, these things should be bought in advance, save money and be practical, and collect well!

Flue check valve

After moving in, when you want to cook, you can't smell the smell of the neighbor's stir-frying, and the check valve is indispensable.

When decorating, we have to buy it in advance, both the kitchen and the bathroom, and then ask the master to open the hole, and install the check valve to prevent odors.

Suggestion: When decorating, these things should be bought in advance, save money and be practical, and collect well!

If you ignore this problem, wait until the time of decoration with the master's, one may cost hundreds of yuan.

Write at the end:

When you are decorating, the above decoration materials need to be purchased in advance and can be used at critical moments.


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