
Edamame fresh meat stuffed dumplings: seasonal vegetables, fresh leeks, one bite at a mouth, don't miss it

author:Ahu's snack light

As the saying goes, everything can be dumplings! In summer, the ingredients that can be made dumplings are even more abundant, such as cucumbers, tomatoes, long beans, gourds, etc., can be used to adjust the filling and wrap dumplings, but there is one ingredient you must have missed, and it is estimated that many people have not thought of it.

Edamame fresh meat stuffed dumplings: seasonal vegetables, fresh leeks, one bite at a mouth, don't miss it

This ingredient is also a seasonal dish in summer, and it is edamame, which is known as the first bean and the freshest bean of summer. In fact, in some parts of the south, it is still very common to use edamame to make dumplings, and its taste is fresher than leeks and camellia, and it is more nutritious and more suitable for summer.

Edamame fresh meat stuffed dumplings: seasonal vegetables, fresh leeks, one bite at a mouth, don't miss it
Edamame fresh meat stuffed dumplings: seasonal vegetables, fresh leeks, one bite at a mouth, don't miss it

Edamame is a high-protein, high-calcium, high-vitamin vegetable, or a "king of fiber" known as the intestinal detoxification hand, it also contains 478 mg of potassium per 100 grams, which is many times that of fruit bananas, eat more in summer can supplement potassium and other nutrients lost due to sweating, and 70 mg of magnesium, which can maintain the balance of electrolytes in the body and relieve muscle fatigue. The most important thing is that edamame has its own fresh flavor, which is a must whether it is cooking or making dumplings.

Edamame fresh meat stuffed dumplings: seasonal vegetables, fresh leeks, one bite at a mouth, don't miss it

Not much to say, today I will share with you the preparation method of this edamame first meat dumpling filling, wrapping dumplings one by one full of fragrant mouth, to help you eat a nutritious and good appetite in summer, please see the detailed steps as follows:

——Edamame fresh meat stuffed dumplings——

Ingredients: Appropriate amount of fresh edamame, a piece of fresh pork, minced green onion and ginger, shredded green onion and ginger, dried Sichuan pepper, light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, chicken essence, salt, cooking oil, dumpling skin

Step 1: Edamame is a seasonal summer ingredient that can be bought everywhere. After buying it, peel off the husk and leave the edamame rice. Then pour the edamame rice into the meat grinder, turn on the low speed to break it into small particles, remember that the edamame rice here must not be too fine, it is best to maintain a certain graininess.

Edamame fresh meat stuffed dumplings: seasonal vegetables, fresh leeks, one bite at a mouth, don't miss it

Step 2: Prepare a piece of fresh pork, remove the pork skin, cut it into small pieces, put it in a meat grinder, add some green onions and ginger and stir it into a meat puree. Then add salt and chicken essence and stir well. Prepare some green onion ginger and dried peppercorns to soak in boiling water for more than ten minutes, knead it again after cooling, pour the water of green onion and ginger into the meat filling many times, and stir it in one direction until it is absorbed every time it is added, so that the meat filling is strong. Generally, a pound of meat filling can be added with 4 taels of green onion and ginger water.

Edamame fresh meat stuffed dumplings: seasonal vegetables, fresh leeks, one bite at a mouth, don't miss it
Edamame fresh meat stuffed dumplings: seasonal vegetables, fresh leeks, one bite at a mouth, don't miss it

Step 3: Add some light soy sauce and dark soy sauce to the minced meat in turn, stirring well. The final meat filling should be soft and bouncy, especially moist and elastic.

Edamame fresh meat stuffed dumplings: seasonal vegetables, fresh leeks, one bite at a mouth, don't miss it

Step 4: Then take out the minced edamame and pour it into the meat filling, then pour in an appropriate amount of cooking oil and stir well, so that a edamame fresh meat dumpling filling is ready.

Edamame fresh meat stuffed dumplings: seasonal vegetables, fresh leeks, one bite at a mouth, don't miss it

Step 5: Today's dumpling wrappers are bought, and you can also roll the dumpling wrappers by yourself. Take an appropriate amount of filling, wrap it, cook it, and then you can eat. To be honest, this stuffing is really unexpectedly delicious, it reminds me of the dish "Edamame Steamed Pork Patty", fresh edamame has a rich fresh fragrance after it is fully cooked, and the fresh meat is a perfect match, fresh and tender juicy, appetizing and delicious, a mouthful full of fragrance, interested in the need to remember the way to eat this dumpling filling, change the taste to eat a good appetite.

Edamame fresh meat stuffed dumplings: seasonal vegetables, fresh leeks, one bite at a mouth, don't miss it
Edamame fresh meat stuffed dumplings: seasonal vegetables, fresh leeks, one bite at a mouth, don't miss it

- Ahu's cooking tricks -

Even the simplest dishes have cooking tips: whether the edamame is chopped or chopped, don't handle it too finely, and it is best to maintain a certain graininess.

If you want the meat filling to be tender and juicy, adding water to it is the key! What is added here is green onion and ginger water, and the so-called green onion ginger water is to soak green onion ginger and dried peppercorns in boiling water for a period of time, and then knead it again to filter out the residue. Add the water from the green onion and ginger to the meat filling several times, stirring until absorbed each time until the meat filling is moist and elastic.

I'm Ahu's snack light, a gluttonous eater who likes to study different ways to eat food! Eat dumplings in summer, leeks and purses are all on the side, first use this "summer fresh" dumplings, nutritious and delicious, super juicy, one mouth full of fragrance. If you like today's edamame fresh meat stuffed dumplings, you can follow me, and leave a message, like, forward and "watch" this article, there will be more exciting content tomorrow, thank you for reading, see you tomorrow!

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