
Can cancer patients eat green peppers? The doctor said bluntly: If you want to have normal physical indicators, eat less of these 3 vegetables

author:Colorful cattle to nourish themselves

Lao Zhang is distressed, since he had a benign tumor in his lungs, he has never eaten any spicy food, and there is no taste in his mouth, which is very bland.

Lao Zhang told his son that he wanted to eat green peppers, but his son refused to let him eat them, saying that green peppers were hair and eating them was not conducive to recovery.

So Lao Zhang went to the hospital to ask the doctor, wanting to get an accurate answer.

Can cancer patients eat green peppers? The doctor said bluntly: If you want to have normal physical indicators, eat less of these 3 vegetables

The doctor listened to Lao Zhang's complaints, understood very well, and decided to explain them well, and instructed the following matters by the way.

Can cancer patients eat green peppers?

The doctor explained: "Judging from your recovery, you have recovered, and you can eat green peppers properly. ”

"Green peppers have the effect of dissipating cold in warmth, appetizing and digesting, and are rich in vitamin C and mineral potassium."

"You don't have a good appetite right now, and your mouth is flat, just in time for eating. However, you should not eat too much, because you are afraid that eating too much will cause you to get angry, resulting in dry mouth, irritability and other symptoms. ”

Can cancer patients eat green peppers? The doctor said bluntly: If you want to have normal physical indicators, eat less of these 3 vegetables

Lao Zhang said: "I'm relieved, my son told me that he can't eat it, green peppers are hair, which affects the recovery of the disease, and now it seems that he thinks too much." ”

The doctor replied: "In "Diet and Nutrition of Traditional Chinese Medicine", green peppers are indeed hair products, which are somewhat irritating, but don't think of hair products as so terrible. ”

"Like onions, ginger, garlic, mutton, dog meat, etc., are all hair products in the traditional sense, almost all of them are ordinary ingredients in daily life, and under the premise of ensuring food safety, cancer patients can eat in moderation, except for those specially ordered by doctors."

Can cancer patients eat green peppers? The doctor said bluntly: If you want to have normal physical indicators, eat less of these 3 vegetables

The doctor added: "Actually, your current state looks a little hot, and your blood pressure is still a little high, which should be the reason why the weather is too hot, or it is recommended that you eat less than 3 kinds of vegetables, which is conducive to reducing the fire." ”

The doctor said bluntly: If you want to have normal physical indicators, eat less of these 3 vegetables

The doctor said: "You see that your lips are chapped, your face is very red, and you have recently had a loss of appetite, which means that you are on fire, and your blood pressure has also risen. ”

1. Spicy and warm food

Frequent fire, usually diet should avoid spicy and warm food, this kind of food makes the symptoms of fire aggravated, such as chili, ginger, pepper, garlic and other foods should be eaten less.

Can cancer patients eat green peppers? The doctor said bluntly: If you want to have normal physical indicators, eat less of these 3 vegetables

2. Food with a strong taste

Foods with heavy flavors are generally more salty, and those with high blood pressure should not eat them, as it is too easy to increase blood pressure and is not conducive to vascular health.

It is a hot summer day, and blood pressure is also prone to changes, so it is recommended to eat less foods with strong flavors to avoid blood pressure fluctuations.

3. Deep-fried food

The nutritional value of fried food is relatively low, and the oil content is very large, the food is fried, the vitamins are lost, it belongs to the hot and dry food, and it is easy to get hot if you eat too much.

Can cancer patients eat green peppers? The doctor said bluntly: If you want to have normal physical indicators, eat less of these 3 vegetables

Lao Zhang complained: "After a long time, I still can't eat green peppers, I really want to eat something spicy." ”

The doctor added: "I didn't say that you can't eat it, but I just said that you should eat less, which is good for your health." ”

"It is still recommended that you choose foods that nourish yin and moisten the lungs, relieve cough and reduce phlegm, such as lotus root, winter melon, loofah, white fungus, lily, etc., many of which are seasonal foods and are conducive to lung health."

brief summary

In view of Lao Zhang's good recovery, it is possible to consume green peppers appropriately, but it is also necessary to pay attention to the appropriate amount, so as not to cause fire, dry mouth, irritability and other symptoms.

Can cancer patients eat green peppers? The doctor said bluntly: If you want to have normal physical indicators, eat less of these 3 vegetables

The doctor also specifically pointed out that in hot weather and hot conditions, you should eat less spicy and warm food, strong food and fried food to maintain stable blood pressure and good health.

At the same time, it is also recommended that Lao Zhang choose lotus root, winter melon, loofah, white fungus, lily and other foods that nourish yin and moisten the lungs, relieve cough and phlegm to nourish the lungs.


[1] "Don't Be Scared by "Hair Things". Beijing Daily.2017-06-02.

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