
After July, these vegetables and crops will not be planted again, and there will be no yield in vain

author:Rural dialect nostalgia

After entering July, it is almost Futian, at this time, there are many vegetables that can be prepared for planting, such as: autumn cucumbers, autumn beans, carrots, cabbage, cauliflower and so on. Due to the different varieties and growing seasons of vegetables, although some vegetables and crops are suitable for planting in July and August, some can no longer be planted. The first growth period is not enough, and the second is not good for growth when the temperature drops in autumn, and some are difficult to mature. Therefore, after entering July, the following vegetables and crops should not be planted.

After July, these vegetables and crops will not be planted again, and there will be no yield in vain

1. Ginger

Ginger is grown in many places on the mainland, but it is generally planted in spring from April to June, and it cannot be planted again in July. Because ginger not only likes a warm environment, the growth period is also very long, the whole growth period is generally about 4-5 months, if planted in July, the first growth period is not enough, and the second late temperature is low to affect the growth and yield. As a result, ginger can no longer be cultivated.

After July, these vegetables and crops will not be planted again, and there will be no yield in vain

2. Eggplant and tomato

Although there are many people on the Internet who say that eggplant and tomato can be planted in July, and if it is a warm area in the south, it is a bit less suitable for most areas in the north, because it takes more than a month for eggplant and tomato to be seedlings, and it takes two and a half months from sowing to harvesting, or even longer. If it is planted in July, it can be harvested from late September to October, when the temperature gradually decreases, and the eggplant and tomato will not grow well by then, and even if they can bear fruit, they will not grow well, and they will no longer grow if they are picked a few times, and they can be planted in warm areas in the south, but they can not be planted with seeds in the north, and it is okay if they are transplanted with seedlings.

After July, these vegetables and crops will not be planted again, and there will be no yield in vain

3. Sweet potatoes

Recently, I saw someone on the Internet saying that you can still grow sweet potatoes in July, which I don't recommend. If it is said that in the warmer places in the south, seedlings can be transplanted in early July. But not in the north, because the sweet potato growth period is very long, transplanting in July to October, only 3 months left, and when the potato vines and leaves grow up and begin to produce sweet potatoes, the temperature begins to drop again, although it can also produce potatoes, but it has not grown much, and the yield and quality are not good, therefore, sweet potatoes are planted as early as possible.

After July, these vegetables and crops will not be planted again, and there will be no yield in vain

4. Taro

The growth period of taro is particularly long, can only be suitable for spring planting, after July, whether in the north or south, can not plant taro, taro in the most suitable planting time of the year, is 2-4 months. Another is that taro is a very warm crop, if planted in July, when the taro develops, the temperature begins to drop, even in the warm areas of the south in July, it is not suitable for planting.

After July, these vegetables and crops will not be planted again, and there will be no yield in vain

5. Green onions and spinach

Green onions are generally planted in spring and autumn, transplanted in May and June, and are not suitable for planting in July. If it's for it to grow shallots, this is okay, but if it's for the sake of growing shallots, don't plant it.

Recently, a friend asked, can you plant spinach in July, you can't plant spinach in July, spinach is a kind of cold and heat-sensitive vegetables, generally planted in spring and autumn, July is the hottest time, not only difficult to germinate, but also not good at all, if you want to plant, you can wait until about October according to the local climate and then plant.

After July, these vegetables and crops will not be planted again, and there will be no yield in vain

In fact, to plant vegetables, not only to master the planting and management methods, but also to understand the planting time of each crop, because the growth period of different crops and the adaptability to the environment are different, what should be planted is planted, and what should not be planted should not be reluctant, otherwise, when the time comes, not to mention the busy work, there will not be much yield.

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