
An old man's 70-year-old testimonial, so well written! It's worth collecting

author:Wind Pavilion

As the saying goes, at the age of 50, you begin to know the destiny of heaven, and when many people reach the age of 50, they understand many things, so at the age of 70, the feelings in all aspects are deeper.

This is an old man's 70-year-old testimonial, which is really well written!

An old man's 70-year-old testimonial, so well written! It's worth collecting

Don't feel that you are unhappy when you are old, in fact, people of every age have benefits for every age.

Generally speaking, when you are old, your health has become poor, especially the kind of elderly people who are often sick, sometimes you think about it, and sometimes you have to cause a lot of trouble to your children. In addition, as they get older, they are getting closer and closer to the day they leave, so some people may be depressed.

But in fact, the elderly also have the happiness of the elderly, think about it carefully, there is no work pressure in the old age, usually more is to eat, drink and have fun, as long as you adjust your mentality, such a day is actually enjoyable.

More importantly, if there is a pension every month, it would be great, after all, if there is a pension, basically the pension does not need to rely on children, even if the pension is relatively small, but we save a little money, so we will not go hungry. Therefore, we should usually be positive, optimistic about life, and the old age stage also has the happiness of the old age stage.

An old man's 70-year-old testimonial, so well written! It's worth collecting

Even if you don't have much to do when you're older, don't stay at home all day, you can go out for a walk, or find something lighter to do.

It is undeniable that there is nothing special to do after retirement, basically except for helping children and children, and doing housework. Even if we have pressure, but, because we are too old, we can't do many things, so we have to leave these pressures to our children.

But I sincerely advise all the elderly friends to go out as much as possible and not to be bored at home all day. If you stay at home alone for a long time, sometimes there will be some problems that are not very good. For example, family problems, after all, distance produces beauty, and if you face your family face to face at home all day long, there may be more conflicts.

Therefore, you can cultivate your hobbies, go out to play table tennis with elderly friends, play chess and cards, or go for a walk in the park, and so on.

An old man's 70-year-old testimonial, so well written! It's worth collecting

When you are old, as long as your pension is enough to spend, don't toss too much.

Everyone has their own life tasks, and when we raise our children and they are married and have a family, then our tasks are basically completed. As for whether the children are doing well, it depends more on the children's own ability. Not to mention how much property we have to earn for our children, I think as long as we don't leave any debts for our children, it's actually quite good.

Therefore, as long as our own pension is enough to spend and we are old, we should not toss too much. So how much does it cost to spend it? In fact, it can also be calculated.

To support an old man, three meals a day, the food cost is about 40 yuan a day, 1,200 yuan a month, occasionally a few hundred yuan for medical treatment, and several hundred yuan for other living expenses, so it is two or three thousand yuan a month, and twenty or thirty thousand yuan a year. The average life expectancy is more than 70 years old, let's calculate it from 60 to 80 years old, which is 20 years. Therefore, there are hundreds of thousands, which is basically enough for the elderly.

An old man's 70-year-old testimonial, so well written! It's worth collecting

Cherish the wife around you more, if the wife is gone or divorced, then it is best not to look for it again.

People who have experienced remarriage will obviously realize that the original partner and the remarried partner are completely different. There are still some differences with the kind of couples who both give their hearts.

If our wife is still around, we usually cherish the people in front of us more, understand more, tolerate more, and quarrel and contradict less. Of course, when you are old, you will have to face death one day. So if one day your wife is gone, or you are divorced for some reason, and you are left alone, it is best not to look for it again.

Marriage is such a thing, you can go through it once in a lifetime. After all, a person's life can also be enjoyable, although there are some benefits to finding another person to come back, but on the whole, it will also be accompanied by many disadvantages, so it is better not to find it.

An old man's 70-year-old testimonial, so well written! It's worth collecting

Usually, there is really no need to care too much about the so-called exercise, health or something.

No one knows which will come first, tomorrow or the accident, and when it comes to old age, it feels like the day of leaving is getting closer and closer, so the usual life should be more about doing what you want, let yourself live happily, and don't have too many constraints.

Eat when you want, sleep when you want, do whatever you want, as long as you have money, you can buy whatever you want, and the most important thing is to be happy. Of course, don't do those things that violate the law and commit crimes, and don't do those things that violate morality.

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