
Will Chen Meng and Sun Yingsha have long hair after the Paris Olympics? It's a goddess!

author:A great player in the sports world

On June 29th, many fans were asking: Sun Yingsha and Chen Meng are so good-looking, will they have long hair?

In fact, if they win the gold medal in the Paris Olympics, Sun Yingsha and Chen Meng absolutely wish to land, but they can grow long hair and be goddesses.

The men's playing style and appearance of the national team are Wang Yidi and Wang Manyu, and the appearance of both of them is not as good as Chen Meng and Sun Yingsha!

Fans have said:

Will Chen Meng and Sun Yingsha have long hair after the Paris Olympics? It's a goddess!
Will Chen Meng and Sun Yingsha have long hair after the Paris Olympics? It's a goddess!

My cousin is very handsome, he is a handsome guy Huang Xiaoming, what he said is really good, Chen Mengqiu plays well, looks good, has excellent character, and has the best temperament. Always support Chen Meng.

Chen Meng is 30 years old, young and under the age of 35 on the "May Fourth" Youth Day, with good ball skills, strong ability to protect the table, strong left and right attack power, rich experience in competitions, always removing obstacles for national table tennis, people are beautiful and kind, but the heart of national table tennis is too soft.

Born in 1994, she is old, Chen Meng really should take care of herself, she looks far beyond her actual age of 30 years old, her facial skin is seriously sagging, her nasolabial folds are serious, and the corners of her eyes are drooping, looking like she is 40-50 years old.

The family has money, and Chen Meng's family conditions are the best, so he is better in terms of clothing and temperament.

By the way, don't like eel to dye your hair, isn't it bad to have black hair? Dislikes all athletes who dye their hair (except black).

Jin Meng's family background is good, beautiful, good ball skills, and he is very likable when he comes, so he is very competitive, and Manyu has no advantage except for good ball skills.

Will Chen Meng and Sun Yingsha have long hair after the Paris Olympics? It's a goddess!
Will Chen Meng and Sun Yingsha have long hair after the Paris Olympics? It's a goddess!

Chen Meng is old, she can wear everything better than her little sister, and her appearance is mediocre. Three points, seven points dress!

Most of the people who like Sun Yingsha and Wang Manyu are fans who wear masks, but all men like Chen Meng, Qian Tianyi, Wang Tianyi...

The editor thinks:

On June 29, Wang Manyu's appearance must be inferior to Sun Yingsha and Chen Meng.

Will Chen Meng and Sun Yingsha have long hair after the Paris Olympics? It's a goddess!
Will Chen Meng and Sun Yingsha have long hair after the Paris Olympics? It's a goddess!
If Chen Meng and Sun Yingsha have long hair, they must be extremely beautiful goddesses!

Do you mean that?

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